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what is the change of dnn module in opencv4.1?

the changlog of opencv 4.1 : New networks from TensorFlow Object Detection API: Faster-RCNNs, SSDs and Mask-RCNN with dilated convolutions, FPN SSD but I remember opencv 4.0.0 can use these models since I have tried faster-RCNNs and Mask-RCNN so what is the difference?

The second question is that is any other way to read the model is not from tensorflow-object detection api now? like this custom MaskRCNN(

what is the change of dnn module in opencv4.1?

the changlog of opencv 4.1 : New networks from TensorFlow Object Detection API: Faster-RCNNs, SSDs and Mask-RCNN with dilated convolutions, FPN SSD but I remember opencv 4.0.0 can use these models since I have tried faster-RCNNs and Mask-RCNN so what is the difference?

The second question is that is any other way to read the model is not from tensorflow-object detection api now? like this custom MaskRCNN(