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OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (0 <= roi.x && 0 <= roi.width && roi.x + roi.width <= m.cols && 0 <= roi.y && 0 <= roi.height && roi.y + roi.height <= m.rows) in cv::Mat::Mat, file ..\..\..\..\opencv\modules\core\src\matrix.cpp, line 323

I have the following error i don't have any idea how to fix it. can you please help me to fix this error? The full code is below.

include "opencv2/core/core.hpp"

include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp"

include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"

include "math.h"

include <fstream>

include <iostream>

include <ctime>

include <vector>

using namespace cv; using namespace std; // Gradient Checking

define G_CHECKING 0

// Conv2 parameter

define CONV_FULL 0

define CONV_SAME 1

define CONV_VALID 2

// Pooling methods

define POOL_MAX 0

define POOL_MEAN 1

define POOL_MAX 2


define ATD at<double>

define elif else if

int NumHiddenNeurons = 50; //200 int NumHiddenLayers = 2; int nclasses = 4; //10 int KernelSize = 3; //13 int KernelAmount = 8; int PoolingDim = 2; //4 int batch; int Pooling_Methed = POOL_STOCHASTIC;

typedef struct ConvKernel{ Mat W; double b; Mat Wgrad; double bgrad; }ConvK;

typedef struct ConvLayer{ vector<convk> layer; int kernelAmount; }Cvl;

typedef struct Network{ Mat W; Mat b; Mat Wgrad; Mat bgrad; }Ntw;

typedef struct SoftmaxRegession{ Mat Weight; Mat Wgrad; Mat b; Mat bgrad; double cost; }SMR;

Mat concatenateMat(vector<vector<mat> > &vec){

int subFeatures = vec[0][0].rows * vec[0][0].cols;
int height = vec[0].size() * subFeatures;
int width = vec.size();
Mat res = Mat::zeros(height, width, CV_64FC1);

for(int i=0; i<vec.size(); i++){
    for(int j=0; j<vec[i].size(); j++){
        Rect roi = Rect(i, j * subFeatures, 1, subFeatures);
        Mat subView = res(roi);
        Mat ptmat = vec[i][j].reshape(0, subFeatures);
return res;


Mat concatenateMat(vector<mat> &vec){

int height = vec[0].rows;
int width = vec[0].cols;
Mat res = Mat::zeros(height * width, vec.size(), CV_64FC1);
for(int i=0; i<vec.size(); i++){
    Mat img(vec[i]);
   //  reshape(int cn, int rows=0),// cn is num of channels.
    Mat ptmat = img.reshape(0, height * width);
    Rect roi = cv::Rect(i, 0, ptmat.cols, ptmat.rows);
    Mat subView = res(roi);
return res;


void unconcatenateMat(Mat &M, vector<vector<mat> > &vec, int vsize){

int sqDim = M.rows / vsize;
int Dim =  sqrt ((double) sqDim);
for(int i=0; i<M.cols; i++){
    vector<Mat> oneColumn;
    for(int j=0; j<vsize; j++){
        Rect roi = Rect(i, j * sqDim, 1, sqDim);
        Mat temp;
        Mat img = temp.reshape(0, Dim);


int ReverseInt (int i){ unsigned char ch1, ch2, ch3, ch4; ch1 = i & 255; ch2 = (i >> 8) & 255; ch3 = (i >> 16) & 255; ch4 = (i >> 24) & 255; return((int) ch1 << 24) + ((int)ch2 << 16) + ((int)ch3 << 8) + ch4; }

void read_Mnist(string filename, vector<mat> &vec){ ifstream file(filename, ios::binary); if (file.is_open()){ int magic_number = 0; int number_of_images = 0; int n_rows = 0; int n_cols = 0; &magic_number, sizeof(magic_number)); magic_number = ReverseInt(magic_number); &number_of_images,sizeof(number_of_images)); number_of_images = ReverseInt(number_of_images); &n_rows, sizeof(n_rows)); n_rows = ReverseInt(n_rows); &n_cols, sizeof(n_cols)); n_cols = ReverseInt(n_cols); for(int i = 0; i < number_of_images; ++i){ Mat tpmat = Mat::zeros(n_rows, n_cols, CV_8UC1); for(int r = 0; r < n_rows; ++r){ for(int c = 0; c < n_cols; ++c){ unsigned char temp = 0;*) &temp, sizeof(temp));<uchar>(r, c) = (int) temp; } } vec.push_back(tpmat); } } }

void read_Mnist_Label(string filename, Mat &mat) { ifstream file(filename, ios::binary); if (file.is_open()){ int magic_number = 0; int number_of_images = 0; int n_rows = 0; int n_cols = 0; &magic_number, sizeof(magic_number)); magic_number = ReverseInt(magic_number); &number_of_images,sizeof(number_of_images)); number_of_images = ReverseInt(number_of_images); for(int i = 0; i < number_of_images; ++i){ unsigned char temp = 0;*) &temp, sizeof(temp)); mat.ATD(0, i) = (double)temp; } } }

Mat sigmoid(Mat &M){ Mat temp; exp(-M, temp); return 1.0 / (temp + 1.0); }

Mat dsigmoid(Mat &a){ Mat res = 1.0 - a; res = res.mul(a); return res; }

Mat ReLU(Mat& M){ Mat res(M); for(int i=0; i<m.rows; i++){="" for(int="" j="0;" j<m.cols;="" j++){="" if(m.atd(i,="" j)="" &lt;="" 0.0)="" res.atd(i,="" j)="0.0;" }="" }="" return="" res;="" }<="" p="">

Mat dReLU(Mat& M){ Mat res = Mat::zeros(M.rows, M.cols, CV_64FC1); for(int i=0; i<m.rows; i++){="" for(int="" j="0;" j<m.cols;="" j++){="" if(m.atd(i,="" j)="" &gt;="" 0.0)="" res.atd(i,="" j)="1.0;" }="" }="" return="" res;="" }<="" p="">

// Mimic rot90() in Matlab/GNU Octave. Mat rot90(Mat &M, int k){ Mat res; if(k == 0) return M; elif(k == 1){ flip(M.t(), res, 0); }else{ flip(rot90(M, k - 1).t(), res, 0); } return res; }

// A Matlab/Octave style 2-d convolution function. // from Mat conv2(Mat &img, Mat &kernel, int convtype) { Mat dest; Mat source = img; if(CONV_FULL == convtype) { source = Mat(); int additionalRows = kernel.rows-1, additionalCols = kernel.cols-1; copyMakeBorder(img, source, (additionalRows+1)/2, additionalRows/2, (additionalCols+1)/2, additionalCols/2, BORDER_CONSTANT, Scalar(0)); } Point anchor(kernel.cols - kernel.cols/2 - 1, kernel.rows - kernel.rows/2 - 1); int borderMode = BORDER_CONSTANT; Mat fkernal; flip(kernel, fkernal, -1); filter2D(source, dest, img.depth(), fkernal, anchor, 0, borderMode);

if(CONV_VALID == convtype) {
    dest = dest.colRange((kernel.cols-1)/2, dest.cols - kernel.cols/2)
               .rowRange((kernel.rows-1)/2, dest.rows - kernel.rows/2);
return dest;


// get KroneckerProduct // for upsample // see function kron() in Matlab/Octave Mat kron(Mat &a, Mat &b){

Mat res = Mat::zeros(a.rows * b.rows, a.cols * b.cols, CV_64FC1);
for(int i=0; i<a.rows; i++){
    for(int j=0; j<a.cols; j++){
        Rect roi = Rect(j * b.cols, i * b.rows, b.cols, b.rows);
        Mat temp = res(roi);
        Mat c = b.mul(a.ATD(i, j));
return res;


Point findLoc(double val, Mat &M){ Point res = Point(0, 0); double minDiff = 1e8; for(int i=0; i<m.rows; i++){="" for(int="" j="0;" j<m.cols;="" j++){="" if(val="" &gt;="M.ATD(i," j)="" &amp;&amp;="" (val="" -="" m.atd(i,="" j)="" &lt;="" mindiff)){="" mindiff="val" -="" m.atd(i,="" j);="" res.x="j;" res.y="i;" }="" }="" }="" return="" res;="" }<="" p="">

Mat Pooling(Mat &M, int pVert, int pHori, int poolingMethod, vector<point> &locat, bool isTest){ int remX = M.cols % pHori; int remY = M.rows % pVert; Mat newM; if(remX == 0 && remY == 0) M.copyTo(newM); else{ Rect roi = Rect(remX, remY, M.cols - remX, M.rows - remY); M(roi).copyTo(newM); } Mat res = Mat::zeros(newM.rows / pVert, newM.cols / pHori, CV_64FC1); for(int i=0; i<res.rows; i++){="" for(int="" j="0;" j<res.cols;="" j++){="" mat="" temp;="" rect="" roi="Rect(j" *="" phori,="" i="" *="" pvert,="" phori,="" pvert);="" newm(roi).copyto(temp);="" double="" val;="" for="" max="" pooling="" if(pool_max="=" poolingmethod){="" double="" minval;="" double="" maxval;="" point="" minloc;="" point="" maxloc;="" minmaxloc(="" temp,="" &amp;minval,="" &amp;maxval,="" &amp;minloc,="" &amp;maxloc="" );="" val="maxVal;" locat.push_back(point(maxloc.x="" +="" j="" *="" phori,="" maxloc.y="" +="" i="" *="" pvert));="" }elif(pool_mean="=" poolingmethod){="" mean="" pooling="" val="sum(temp)[0]" (pvert="" *="" phori);="" }elif(pool_stochastic="=" poolingmethod){="" stochastic="" pooling="" double="" sumval="sum(temp)[0];" mat="" prob="temp" sumval;="" if(istest){="" val="sum(prob.mul(temp))[0];" }else{="" rng="" rng;="" double="" ran="rng.uniform((double)0," (double)1);="" double="" minval;="" double="" maxval;="" point="" minloc;="" point="" maxloc;="" minmaxloc(="" prob,="" &amp;minval,="" &amp;maxval,="" &amp;minloc,="" &amp;maxloc="" );="" ran="" *="maxVal;" point="" loc="findLoc(ran," prob);="" val="temp.ATD(loc.y," loc.x);="" locat.push_back(point(loc.x="" +="" j="" *="" phori,="" loc.y="" +="" i="" *="" pvert));="" }<="" p="">

        res.ATD(i, j) = val;
return res;


Mat UnPooling(Mat &M, int pVert, int pHori, int poolingMethod, vector<point> &locat){ Mat res; if(POOL_MEAN == poolingMethod){ Mat one = Mat::ones(pVert, pHori, CV_64FC1); res = kron(M, one) / (pVert * pHori); }elif(POOL_MAX == poolingMethod || POOL_STOCHASTIC == poolingMethod){ res = Mat::zeros(M.rows * pVert, M.cols * pHori, CV_64FC1); for(int i=0; i<m.rows; i++){="" for(int="" j="0;" j<m.cols;="" j++){="" res.atd(locat[i="" *="" m.cols="" +="" j].y,="" locat[i="" *="" m.cols="" +="" j].x)="M.ATD(i," j);="" }="" }="" }="" return="" res;="" }<="" p="">

double getLearningRate(Mat &data){ // see Yann LeCun's Efficient BackProp, 5.1 A Little Theory int nfeatures = data.rows; int nsamples = data.cols; //covariance matrix = x * x' ./ nfeatures; Mat Sigma = data * data.t() / nsamples; SVD uwvT = SVD(Sigma); return 0.9 / uwvT.w.ATD(0, 0); }

void weightRandomInit(ConvK &convk, int width){

double epsilon = 0.1;
convk.W = Mat::ones(width, width, CV_64FC1);
double *pData; 
for(int i = 0; i<convk.W.rows; i++){
    pData = convk.W.ptr<double>(i);
    for(int j=0; j<convk.W.cols; j++){
        pData[j] = randu<double>();        
convk.W = convk.W * (2 * epsilon) - epsilon;
convk.b = 0;
convk.Wgrad = Mat::zeros(width, width, CV_64FC1);
convk.bgrad = 0;


void weightRandomInit(Ntw &ntw, int inputsize, int hiddensize, int nsamples){

double epsilon = sqrt((double)6) / sqrt((double)(hiddensize + inputsize + 1));
double *pData;
ntw.W = Mat::ones(hiddensize, inputsize, CV_64FC1);
for(int i=0; i<hiddensize; i++){
    pData = ntw.W.ptr<double>(i);
    for(int j=0; j<inputsize; j++){
        pData[j] = randu<double>();
ntw.W = ntw.W * (2 * epsilon) - epsilon;
ntw.b = Mat::zeros(hiddensize, 1, CV_64FC1);
ntw.Wgrad = Mat::zeros(hiddensize, inputsize, CV_64FC1);
ntw.bgrad = Mat::zeros(hiddensize, 1, CV_64FC1);


void weightRandomInit(SMR &smr, int nclasses, int nfeatures){ double epsilon = 0.01; smr.Weight = Mat::ones(nclasses, nfeatures, CV_64FC1); double *pData; for(int i = 0; i<smr.weight.rows; i++){="" pdata="smr.Weight.ptr&lt;double">(i); for(int j=0; j<smr.weight.cols; j++){="" pdata[j]="randu&lt;double">();
} } smr.Weight = smr.Weight * (2 * epsilon) - epsilon; smr.b = Mat::zeros(nclasses, 1, CV_64FC1); smr.cost = 0.0; smr.Wgrad = Mat::zeros(nclasses, nfeatures, CV_64FC1); smr.bgrad = Mat::zeros(nclasses, 1, CV_64FC1); }

void ConvNetInitPrarms(Cvl &cvl, vector<ntw> &HiddenLayers, SMR &smr, int imgDim, int nsamples){

// Init Conv layers
for(int j=0; j<KernelAmount; j++){
    ConvK tmpConvK;
    weightRandomInit(tmpConvK, KernelSize);
cvl.kernelAmount = KernelAmount;
// Init Hidden layers
int outDim = imgDim - KernelSize + 1; 
outDim = outDim / PoolingDim;

int hiddenfeatures = pow((double) outDim, 2) * KernelAmount;
Ntw tpntw;
weightRandomInit(tpntw, hiddenfeatures, NumHiddenNeurons, nsamples);
for(int i=1; i<NumHiddenLayers; i++){
    Ntw tpntw2;
    weightRandomInit(tpntw2, NumHiddenNeurons, NumHiddenNeurons, nsamples);
// Init Softmax layer
weightRandomInit(smr, nclasses, NumHiddenNeurons);


Mat getNetworkActivation(Ntw &ntw, Mat &data){ Mat acti; acti = ntw.W * data + repeat(ntw.b, 1, data.cols); acti = sigmoid(acti); return acti; }

void getNetworkCost(vector<mat> &x, Mat &y, Cvl &cvl, vector<ntw> &hLayers, SMR &smr, double lambda){

int nsamples = x.size();
// Conv & Pooling
vector<vector<Mat> > Conv1st;
vector<vector<Mat> > Pool1st;
vector<vector<vector<Point> > > PoolLoc;
for(int k=0; k<nsamples; k++){
    vector<Mat> tpConv1st;
    vector<Mat> tpPool1st;
    vector<vector<Point> > PLperSample;
    for(int i=0; i<cvl.kernelAmount; i++){
        vector<Point> PLperKernel;
        Mat temp = rot90(cvl.layer[i].W, 2);
        Mat tmpconv = conv2(x[k], temp, CONV_VALID);
        tmpconv += cvl.layer[i].b;
        //tmpconv = sigmoid(tmpconv);
        tmpconv = ReLU(tmpconv);
        tmpconv = Pooling(tmpconv, PoolingDim, PoolingDim, Pooling_Methed, PLperKernel, false);
Mat convolvedX = concatenateMat(Pool1st);

// full connected layers
vector<Mat> acti;
for(int i=1; i<=NumHiddenLayers; i++){
    Mat tmpacti = hLayers[i - 1].W * acti[i - 1] + repeat(hLayers[i - 1].b, 1, convolvedX.cols);

Mat M = smr.Weight * acti[acti.size() - 1] + repeat(smr.b, 1, nsamples);
Mat tmp;
reduce(M, tmp, 0, CV_REDUCE_MAX);
M -= repeat(tmp, M.rows, 1);
Mat p;
exp(M, p);
reduce(p, tmp, 0, CV_REDUCE_SUM);
divide(p, repeat(tmp, p.rows, 1), p);

// softmax regression
Mat groundTruth = Mat::zeros(nclasses, nsamples, CV_64FC1);
for(int i=0; i<nsamples; i++){
    groundTruth.ATD(y.ATD(0, i), i) = 1.0;
Mat logP;
log(p, logP);
logP = logP.mul(groundTruth);
smr.cost = - sum(logP)[0] / nsamples;
pow(smr.Weight, 2.0, tmp);
smr.cost += sum(tmp)[0] * lambda / 2;
for(int i=0; i<cvl.kernelAmount; i++){
    pow(cvl.layer[i].W, 2.0, tmp);
    smr.cost += sum(tmp)[0] * lambda / 2;

// bp - softmax
tmp = (groundTruth - p) * acti[acti.size() - 1].t();
tmp /= -nsamples;
smr.Wgrad = tmp + lambda * smr.Weight;
reduce((groundTruth - p), tmp, 1, CV_REDUCE_SUM);
smr.bgrad = tmp / -nsamples;

// bp - full connected
vector<Mat> delta(acti.size());
delta[delta.size() -1] = -smr.Weight.t() * (groundTruth - p);
delta[delta.size() -1] = delta[delta.size() -1].mul(dsigmoid(acti[acti.size() - 1]));
for(int i = delta.size() - 2; i >= 0; i--){
    delta[i] = hLayers[i].W.t() * delta[i + 1];
    if(i > 0) delta[i] = delta[i].mul(dsigmoid(acti[i]));
for(int i=NumHiddenLayers - 1; i >=0; i--){
    hLayers[i].Wgrad = delta[i + 1] * acti[i].t();
    hLayers[i].Wgrad /= nsamples;
    reduce(delta[i + 1], tmp, 1, CV_REDUCE_SUM);
    hLayers[i].bgrad = tmp / nsamples;
//bp - Conv layer
Mat one = Mat::ones(PoolingDim, PoolingDim, CV_64FC1);
vector<vector<Mat> > Delta;
vector<vector<Mat> > convDelta;
unconcatenateMat(delta[0], Delta, cvl.kernelAmount);
for(int k=0; k<Delta.size(); k++){
    vector<Mat> tmp;
    for(int i=0; i<Delta[k].size(); i++){
        Mat upDelta = UnPooling(Delta[k][i], PoolingDim, PoolingDim, Pooling_Methed, PoolLoc[k][i]);
        //upDelta = upDelta.mul(dsigmoid(Conv1st[k][i]));
        upDelta = upDelta.mul(dReLU(Conv1st[k][i]));

for(int j=0; j<cvl.kernelAmount; j++){
    Mat tpgradW = Mat::zeros(KernelSize, KernelSize, CV_64FC1);
    double tpgradb = 0.0;
    for(int i=0; i<nsamples; i++){
        Mat temp = rot90(convDelta[i][j], 2);
        tpgradW += conv2(x[i], temp, CONV_VALID);
        tpgradb += sum(convDelta[i][j])[0];
    cvl.layer[j].Wgrad = tpgradW / nsamples + lambda * cvl.layer[j].W;
    cvl.layer[j].bgrad = tpgradb / nsamples;
// deconstruct
for(int i=0; i<Conv1st.size(); i++){
for(int i=0; i<PoolLoc.size(); i++){
    for(int j=0; j<PoolLoc[i].size(); j++){


void gradientChecking(Cvl &cvl, vector<ntw> &hLayers, SMR &smr, vector<mat> &x, Mat &y, double lambda){ //Gradient Checking (remember to disable this part after you're sure the //cost function and dJ function are correct) getNetworkCost(x, y, cvl, hLayers, smr, lambda); Mat grad(cvl.layer[0].Wgrad); cout<<"test network !!!!"<<endl; double="" epsilon="1e-4;" for(int="" i="0;" i<cvl.layer[0].w.rows;="" i++){="" for(int="" j="0;" j<cvl.layer[0].w.cols;="" j++){="" double="" memo="cvl.layer[0].W.ATD(i," j);="" cvl.layer[0].w.atd(i,="" j)="memo" +="" epsilon;="" getnetworkcost(x,="" y,="" cvl,="" hlayers,="" smr,="" lambda);="" double="" value1="smr.cost;" cvl.layer[0].w.atd(i,="" j)="memo" -="" epsilon;="" getnetworkcost(x,="" y,="" cvl,="" hlayers,="" smr,="" lambda);="" double="" value2="smr.cost;" double="" tp="(value1" -="" value2)="" (2="" *="" epsilon);="" cout&lt;<i&lt;&lt;",="" "&lt;<j&lt;&lt;",="" "&lt;<tp&lt;&lt;",="" "&lt;<grad.atd(i,="" j)&lt;&lt;",="" "&lt;<grad.atd(i,="" j)="" tp&lt;<endl;="" cvl.layer[0].w.atd(i,="" j)="memo;" }="" }="" }<="" p="">

void trainNetwork(vector<mat> &x, Mat &y, Cvl &cvl, vector<ntw> &HiddenLayers, SMR &smr, double lambda, int MaxIter, double lrate){

    gradientChecking(cvl, HiddenLayers, smr, x, y, lambda);
    int converge = 0;
    double lastcost = 0.0;
    //double lrate = getLearningRate(x);
    cout<<"Network Learning, trained learning rate: "<<lrate<<endl;
    while(converge < MaxIter){

        int randomNum = ((long)rand() + (long)rand()) % (x.size() - batch);
        vector<Mat> batchX;
        for(int i=0; i<batch; i++){
            batchX.push_back(x[i + randomNum]);
        Rect roi = Rect(randomNum, 0, batch, y.rows);
        Mat batchY = y(roi);

        getNetworkCost(batchX, batchY, cvl, HiddenLayers, smr, lambda);

        cout<<"learning step: "<<converge<<", Cost function value = "<<smr.cost<<", randomNum = "<<randomNum<<endl;
        if(fabs((smr.cost - lastcost) / smr.cost) <= 1e-7 && converge > 0) break;
        if(smr.cost <= 0) break;
        lastcost = smr.cost;
        smr.Weight -= lrate * smr.Wgrad;
        smr.b -= lrate * smr.bgrad;
        for(int i=0; i<HiddenLayers.size(); i++){
            HiddenLayers[i].W -= lrate * HiddenLayers[i].Wgrad;
            HiddenLayers[i].b -= lrate * HiddenLayers[i].bgrad;
        for(int i=0; i<cvl.kernelAmount; i++){
            cvl.layer[i].W -= lrate * cvl.layer[i].Wgrad;
            cvl.layer[i].b -= lrate * cvl.layer[i].bgrad;
        ++ converge;



void readData(vector<mat> &x, Mat &y, string xpath, string ypath, int number_of_images){

//read MNIST iamge into OpenCV Mat vector
read_Mnist(xpath, x);
for(int i=0; i<x.size(); i++){
    x[i].convertTo(x[i],CV_64FC1, 1.0/255, 0);

//cout<<"x" , x;
//read MNIST label into double vector
y = Mat::zeros(1, number_of_images, CV_64FC1);
read_Mnist_Label(ypath, y);


Mat resultProdict(vector<mat> &x, Cvl &cvl, vector<ntw> &hLayers, SMR &smr, double lambda){

int nsamples = x.size();
vector<vector<Mat> > Conv1st;
vector<vector<Mat> > Pool1st;
vector<Point> PLperKernel;
for(int k=0; k<nsamples; k++){
    vector<Mat> tpConv1st;
    vector<Mat> tpPool1st;
    for(int i=0; i<cvl.kernelAmount; i++){
        Mat temp = rot90(cvl.layer[i].W, 2);
        Mat tmpconv = conv2(x[k], temp, CONV_VALID);
        tmpconv += cvl.layer[i].b;
        //tmpconv = sigmoid(tmpconv);
        tmpconv = ReLU(tmpconv);
        tmpconv = Pooling(tmpconv, PoolingDim, PoolingDim, Pooling_Methed, PLperKernel, true);
Mat convolvedX = concatenateMat(Pool1st);

vector<Mat> acti;
for(int i=1; i<=NumHiddenLayers; i++){
    Mat tmpacti = hLayers[i - 1].W * acti[i - 1] + repeat(hLayers[i - 1].b, 1, convolvedX.cols);

Mat M = smr.Weight * acti[acti.size() - 1] + repeat(smr.b, 1, nsamples);
Mat tmp;
reduce(M, tmp, 0, CV_REDUCE_MAX);
M -= repeat(tmp, M.rows, 1);
Mat p;
exp(M, p);
reduce(p, tmp, 0, CV_REDUCE_SUM);
divide(p, repeat(tmp, p.rows, 1), p);
log(p, tmp);

Mat result = Mat::ones(1, tmp.cols, CV_64FC1);
for(int i=0; i<tmp.cols; i++){
    double maxele = tmp.ATD(0, i);
    int which = 0;
    for(int j=1; j<tmp.rows; j++){
        if(tmp.ATD(j, i) > maxele){
            maxele = tmp.ATD(j, i);
            which = j;
    result.ATD(0, i) = which;

// deconstruct
for(int i=0; i<Conv1st.size(); i++){
return result;


void saveWeight(Mat &M, string s){ s += ".txt"; FILE *pOut = fopen(s.c_str(), "w+"); for(int i=0; i<m.rows; i++){="" for(int="" j="0;" j<m.cols;="" j++){="" fprintf(pout,="" "%lf",="" m.atd(i,="" j));="" if(j="=" m.cols="" -="" 1)="" fprintf(pout,="" "\n");="" else="" fprintf(pout,="" "="" ");="" }="" }="" fclose(pout);="" }<="" p="">

int main(int argc, char** argv) {

string baseDir ="D:\\mnist\\";
string imagePath = baseDir+ "train-images-idx3-ubyte";

string lablePath = baseDir + "train-lx1-ubytabels-ide";
//cout<<("imagePath\n", imagePath);
//cout<<("lablePath\n", lablePath);

long start, end;
start = clock();

vector<Mat> trainX;
vector<Mat> testX;
Mat trainY, testY;
printf(" S1 ");

readData(trainX, trainY,imagePath, lablePath, 100);
readData(testX, testY, imagePath, lablePath, 100);
printf(" S2 ");
cout<<"Read trainX successfully, including "<<trainX[0].cols * trainX[0].rows<<" features and "<<trainX.size()<<" samples."<<endl;
cout<<"Read trainY successfully, including "<<trainY.cols<<" samples"<<endl;
cout<<"Read testX successfully, including "<<testX[0].cols * testX[0].rows<<" features and "<<testX.size()<<" samples."<<endl;
cout<<"Read testY successfully, including "<<testY.cols<<" samples"<<endl;
printf(" S3 ");

int nfeatures = trainX[0].rows * trainX[0].cols;
int imgDim = trainX[0].rows;
int nsamples = trainX.size();
Cvl cvl;
printf(" S4 ");
vector<Ntw> HiddenLayers;
SMR smr;
printf(" S5 ");
ConvNetInitPrarms(cvl, HiddenLayers, smr, imgDim, nsamples);
printf(" S6 ");
// Train network using Back Propogation
batch = nsamples / 100;
Mat tpX = concatenateMat(trainX);
double lrate = getLearningRate(tpX);
cout<<"lrate = "<<lrate<<endl;
trainNetwork(trainX, trainY, cvl, HiddenLayers, smr, 3e-3, 200000, lrate);
printf(" S5 ");
    // Save the trained kernels, you can load them into Matlab/GNU Octave to see what are they look like.
    saveWeight(cvl.layer[0].W, "w0");
    saveWeight(cvl.layer[1].W, "w1");
    saveWeight(cvl.layer[2].W, "w2");
    saveWeight(cvl.layer[3].W, "w3");
    saveWeight(cvl.layer[4].W, "w4");
    saveWeight(cvl.layer[5].W, "w5");
    saveWeight(cvl.layer[6].W, "w6");
    saveWeight(cvl.layer[7].W, "w7");

    // Test use test set
    Mat result = resultProdict(testX, cvl, HiddenLayers, smr, 3e-3);
    Mat err(testY);
    err -= result;
    int correct = err.cols;
    for(int i=0; i<err.cols; i++){
        if(err.ATD(0, i) != 0) --correct;
    cout<<"correct: "<<correct<<", total: "<<err.cols<<", accuracy: "<<double(correct) / (double)(err.cols)<<endl;
end = clock();
cout<<"Totally used time: "<<((double)(end - start)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC<<" second"<<endl;

return 0;


OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (0 <= roi.x && 0 <= roi.width && roi.x + roi.width <= m.cols && 0 <= roi.y && 0 <= roi.height && roi.y + roi.height <= m.rows) in cv::Mat::Mat, file ..\..\..\..\opencv\modules\core\src\matrix.cpp, line 323

I have the following error i don't have any idea how to fix it. can you please help me to fix this error? The full code is below.

include "opencv2/core/core.hpp"

include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp"

include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"

include "math.h"

include <fstream>

include <iostream>

include <ctime>

include <vector>

#include "opencv2/core/core.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"
#include "math.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <Vector>

using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
// Gradient Checking

define Checking #define G_CHECKING 0

0 // Conv2 parameter

define parameter #define CONV_FULL 0

define 0 #define CONV_SAME 1

define 1 #define CONV_VALID 2

2 // Pooling methods

define methods #define POOL_MAX 0

define 0 #define POOL_MEAN 1

define 1 #define POOL_MAX 2

define 2 #define POOL_STOCHASTIC 1

define 1 #define ATD at<double>

define at<double> #define elif else if

if int NumHiddenNeurons = 50; //200 int NumHiddenLayers = 2; int nclasses = 4; //10 int KernelSize = 3; //13 int KernelAmount = 8; int PoolingDim = 2; //4 int batch; int Pooling_Methed = POOL_STOCHASTIC;

POOL_STOCHASTIC; typedef struct ConvKernel{ Mat W; double b; Mat Wgrad; double bgrad; }ConvK;

}ConvK; typedef struct ConvLayer{ vector<convk> vector<ConvK> layer; int kernelAmount; }Cvl;

}Cvl; typedef struct Network{ Mat W; Mat b; Mat Wgrad; Mat bgrad; }Ntw;

}Ntw; typedef struct SoftmaxRegession{ Mat Weight; Mat Wgrad; Mat b; Mat bgrad; double cost; }SMR;

Mat concatenateMat(vector<vector<mat> }SMR; Mat concatenateMat(vector<vector<Mat> > &vec){

int subFeatures = vec[0][0].rows * vec[0][0].cols;
 int height = vec[0].size() * subFeatures;
 int width = vec.size();
 Mat res = Mat::zeros(height, width, CV_64FC1);
 for(int i=0; i<vec.size(); i++){
 for(int j=0; j<vec[i].size(); j++){
  Rect roi = Rect(i, j * subFeatures, 1, subFeatures);
 Mat subView = res(roi);
  Mat ptmat = vec[i][j].reshape(0, subFeatures);
return res;


Mat concatenateMat(vector<mat> &vec){

concatenateMat(vector<Mat> &vec){
int height = vec[0].rows;
 int width = vec[0].cols;
 Mat res = Mat::zeros(height * width, vec.size(), CV_64FC1);
 for(int i=0; i<vec.size(); i++){
 Mat img(vec[i]);
  // reshape(int cn, int rows=0),// cn is num of channels.
 Mat ptmat = img.reshape(0, height * width);
 Rect roi = cv::Rect(i, 0, ptmat.cols, ptmat.rows);
 Mat subView = res(roi);
return res;


} void unconcatenateMat(Mat &M, vector<vector<mat> vector<vector<Mat> > &vec, int vsize){

int sqDim = M.rows / vsize;
 int Dim = sqrt ((double) sqDim);
 for(int i=0; i<M.cols; i++){
 vector<Mat> oneColumn;
  for(int j=0; j<vsize; j++){
  Rect roi = Rect(i, j * sqDim, 1, sqDim);
 Mat temp;
  Mat img = temp.reshape(0, Dim);


} } int ReverseInt (int i){ unsigned char ch1, ch2, ch3, ch4; ch1 = i & 255; ch2 = (i >> 8) & 255; ch3 = (i >> 16) & 255; ch4 = (i >> 24) & 255; return((int) ch1 << 24) + ((int)ch2 << 16) + ((int)ch3 << 8) + ch4; }

} void read_Mnist(string filename, vector<mat> vector<Mat> &vec){ ifstream file(filename, ios::binary); if (file.is_open()){ int magic_number = 0; int number_of_images = 0; int n_rows = 0; int n_cols = 0;*) &magic_number, sizeof(magic_number)); magic_number = ReverseInt(magic_number);*) &number_of_images,sizeof(number_of_images)); number_of_images = ReverseInt(number_of_images);*) &n_rows, sizeof(n_rows)); n_rows = ReverseInt(n_rows);*) &n_cols, sizeof(n_cols)); n_cols = ReverseInt(n_cols); for(int i = 0; i < number_of_images; ++i){ Mat tpmat = Mat::zeros(n_rows, n_cols, CV_8UC1); for(int r = 0; r < n_rows; ++r){ for(int c = 0; c < n_cols; ++c){ unsigned char temp = 0;*) &temp, sizeof(temp));<uchar>(r, c) = (int) temp; } } vec.push_back(tpmat); } } }

} void read_Mnist_Label(string filename, Mat &mat) { ifstream file(filename, ios::binary); if (file.is_open()){ int magic_number = 0; int number_of_images = 0; int n_rows = 0; int n_cols = 0;*) &magic_number, sizeof(magic_number)); magic_number = ReverseInt(magic_number);*) &number_of_images,sizeof(number_of_images)); number_of_images = ReverseInt(number_of_images); for(int i = 0; i < number_of_images; ++i){ unsigned char temp = 0;*) &temp, sizeof(temp)); mat.ATD(0, i) = (double)temp; } } }

} Mat sigmoid(Mat &M){ Mat temp; exp(-M, temp); return 1.0 / (temp + 1.0); }

} Mat dsigmoid(Mat &a){ Mat res = 1.0 - a; res = res.mul(a); return res; }

} Mat ReLU(Mat& M){ Mat res(M); for(int i=0; i<m.rows; i++){="" for(int="" j="0;" j<m.cols;="" j++){="" if(m.atd(i,="" j)="" &lt;="" 0.0)="" res.atd(i,="" j)="0.0;" }="" }="" return="" res;="" }<="" p="">

i<M.rows; i++){ for(int j=0; j<M.cols; j++){ if(M.ATD(i, j) < 0.0) res.ATD(i, j) = 0.0; } } return res; } Mat dReLU(Mat& M){ Mat res = Mat::zeros(M.rows, M.cols, CV_64FC1); for(int i=0; i<m.rows; i++){="" for(int="" j="0;" j<m.cols;="" j++){="" if(m.atd(i,="" j)="" &gt;="" 0.0)="" res.atd(i,="" j)="1.0;" }="" }="" return="" res;="" }<="" p="">

i<M.rows; i++){ for(int j=0; j<M.cols; j++){ if(M.ATD(i, j) > 0.0) res.ATD(i, j) = 1.0; } } return res; } // Mimic rot90() in Matlab/GNU Octave. Mat rot90(Mat &M, int k){ Mat res; if(k == 0) return M; elif(k == 1){ flip(M.t(), res, 0); }else{ flip(rot90(M, k - 1).t(), res, 0); } return res; }

} // A Matlab/Octave style 2-d convolution function. // from Mat conv2(Mat &img, Mat &kernel, int convtype) { Mat dest; Mat source = img; if(CONV_FULL == convtype) { source = Mat(); int additionalRows = kernel.rows-1, additionalCols = kernel.cols-1; copyMakeBorder(img, source, (additionalRows+1)/2, additionalRows/2, (additionalCols+1)/2, additionalCols/2, BORDER_CONSTANT, Scalar(0)); } Point anchor(kernel.cols - kernel.cols/2 - 1, kernel.rows - kernel.rows/2 - 1); int borderMode = BORDER_CONSTANT; Mat fkernal; flip(kernel, fkernal, -1); filter2D(source, dest, img.depth(), fkernal, anchor, 0, borderMode);

if(CONV_VALID == convtype) {
 dest = dest.colRange((kernel.cols-1)/2, dest.cols - kernel.cols/2)
 .rowRange((kernel.rows-1)/2, dest.rows - kernel.rows/2);
return dest;


} // get KroneckerProduct // for upsample // see function kron() in Matlab/Octave Mat kron(Mat &a, Mat &b){

Mat res = Mat::zeros(a.rows * b.rows, a.cols * b.cols, CV_64FC1);
 for(int i=0; i<a.rows; i++){
 for(int j=0; j<a.cols; j++){
  Rect roi = Rect(j * b.cols, i * b.rows, b.cols, b.rows);
 Mat temp = res(roi);
  Mat c = b.mul(a.ATD(i, j));
return res;


} Point findLoc(double val, Mat &M){ Point res = Point(0, 0); double minDiff = 1e8; for(int i=0; i<m.rows; i++){="" for(int="" j="0;" j<m.cols;="" j++){="" if(val="" &gt;="M.ATD(i," j)="" &amp;&amp;="" (val="" -="" m.atd(i,="" j)="" &lt;="" mindiff)){="" mindiff="val" -="" m.atd(i,="" j);="" res.x="j;" res.y="i;" }="" }="" }="" return="" res;="" }<="" p="">

i<M.rows; i++){ for(int j=0; j<M.cols; j++){ if(val >= M.ATD(i, j) && (val - M.ATD(i, j) < minDiff)){ minDiff = val - M.ATD(i, j); res.x = j; res.y = i; } } } return res; } Mat Pooling(Mat &M, int pVert, int pHori, int poolingMethod, vector<point> vector<Point> &locat, bool isTest){ int remX = M.cols % pHori; int remY = M.rows % pVert; Mat newM; if(remX == 0 && remY == 0) M.copyTo(newM); else{ Rect roi = Rect(remX, remY, M.cols - remX, M.rows - remY); M(roi).copyTo(newM); } Mat res = Mat::zeros(newM.rows / pVert, newM.cols / pHori, CV_64FC1); for(int i=0; i<res.rows; i++){="" for(int="" j="0;" j<res.cols;="" j++){="" mat="" temp;="" rect="" roi="Rect(j" *="" phori,="" i="" *="" pvert,="" phori,="" pvert);="" newm(roi).copyto(temp);="" double="" val;="" for="" max="" pooling="" if(pool_max="=" poolingmethod){="" double="" minval;="" double="" maxval;="" point="" minloc;="" point="" maxloc;="" minmaxloc(="" temp,="" &amp;minval,="" &amp;maxval,="" &amp;minloc,="" &amp;maxloc="" );="" val="maxVal;" locat.push_back(point(maxloc.x="" +="" j="" *="" phori,="" maxloc.y="" +="" i="" *="" pvert));="" }elif(pool_mean="=" poolingmethod){="" mean="" pooling="" val="sum(temp)[0]" (pvert="" *="" phori);="" }elif(pool_stochastic="=" poolingmethod){="" stochastic="" pooling="" double="" sumval="sum(temp)[0];" mat="" prob="temp" sumval;="" if(istest){="" val="sum(prob.mul(temp))[0];" }else{="" rng="" rng;="" double="" ran="rng.uniform((double)0," (double)1);="" double="" minval;="" double="" maxval;="" point="" minloc;="" point="" maxloc;="" minmaxloc(="" prob,="" &amp;minval,="" &amp;maxval,="" &amp;minloc,="" &amp;maxloc="" );="" ran="" *="maxVal;" point="" loc="findLoc(ran," prob);="" val="temp.ATD(loc.y," loc.x);="" locat.push_back(point(loc.x="" +="" j="" *="" phori,="" loc.y="" +="" i="" *="" pvert));="" }<="" p="">

for(int j=0; j<res.cols; j++){
Mat temp;
Rect roi = Rect(j * pHori, i * pVert, pHori, pVert);
double val;
// for Max Pooling
if(POOL_MAX == poolingMethod){
double minVal;
double maxVal;
Point minLoc;
Point maxLoc;
minMaxLoc( temp, &minVal, &maxVal, &minLoc, &maxLoc );
val = maxVal;
locat.push_back(Point(maxLoc.x + j * pHori, maxLoc.y + i * pVert));
}elif(POOL_MEAN == poolingMethod){
// Mean Pooling
val = sum(temp)[0] / (pVert * pHori);
}elif(POOL_STOCHASTIC == poolingMethod){
// Stochastic Pooling
double sumval = sum(temp)[0];
Mat prob = temp / sumval;
val = sum(prob.mul(temp))[0];
RNG rng;
double ran = rng.uniform((double)0, (double)1);
double minVal;
double maxVal;
Point minLoc;
Point maxLoc;
minMaxLoc( prob, &minVal, &maxVal, &minLoc, &maxLoc );
ran *= maxVal;
Point loc = findLoc(ran, prob);
val = temp.ATD(loc.y, loc.x);
locat.push_back(Point(loc.x + j * pHori, loc.y + i * pVert));
 res.ATD(i, j) = val;
return res;


} Mat UnPooling(Mat &M, int pVert, int pHori, int poolingMethod, vector<point> vector<Point> &locat){ Mat res; if(POOL_MEAN == poolingMethod){ Mat one = Mat::ones(pVert, pHori, CV_64FC1); res = kron(M, one) / (pVert * pHori); }elif(POOL_MAX == poolingMethod || POOL_STOCHASTIC == poolingMethod){ res = Mat::zeros(M.rows * pVert, M.cols * pHori, CV_64FC1); for(int i=0; i<m.rows; i++){="" for(int="" j="0;" j<m.cols;="" j++){="" res.atd(locat[i="" *="" m.cols="" +="" j].y,="" locat[i="" *="" m.cols="" +="" j].x)="M.ATD(i," j);="" }="" }="" }="" return="" res;="" }<="" p="">

i<M.rows; i++){ for(int j=0; j<M.cols; j++){ res.ATD(locat[i * M.cols + j].y, locat[i * M.cols + j].x) = M.ATD(i, j); } } } return res; } double getLearningRate(Mat &data){ // see Yann LeCun's Efficient BackProp, 5.1 A Little Theory int nfeatures = data.rows; int nsamples = data.cols; //covariance matrix = x * x' ./ nfeatures; Mat Sigma = data * data.t() / nsamples; SVD uwvT = SVD(Sigma); return 0.9 / uwvT.w.ATD(0, 0); }

} void weightRandomInit(ConvK &convk, int width){

double epsilon = 0.1;
 convk.W = Mat::ones(width, width, CV_64FC1);
 double *pData;
 for(int i = 0; i<convk.W.rows; i++){
 pData = convk.W.ptr<double>(i);
  for(int j=0; j<convk.W.cols; j++){
 pData[j] = randu<double>();
convk.W = convk.W * (2 * epsilon) - epsilon;
 convk.b = 0;
 convk.Wgrad = Mat::zeros(width, width, CV_64FC1);
 convk.bgrad = 0;


} void weightRandomInit(Ntw &ntw, int inputsize, int hiddensize, int nsamples){

double epsilon = sqrt((double)6) / sqrt((double)(hiddensize + inputsize + 1));
 double *pData;
 ntw.W = Mat::ones(hiddensize, inputsize, CV_64FC1);
 for(int i=0; i<hiddensize; i++){
 pData = ntw.W.ptr<double>(i);
  for(int j=0; j<inputsize; j++){
 pData[j] = randu<double>();
ntw.W = ntw.W * (2 * epsilon) - epsilon;
 ntw.b = Mat::zeros(hiddensize, 1, CV_64FC1);
 ntw.Wgrad = Mat::zeros(hiddensize, inputsize, CV_64FC1);
 ntw.bgrad = Mat::zeros(hiddensize, 1, CV_64FC1);


} void weightRandomInit(SMR &smr, int nclasses, int nfeatures){ double epsilon = 0.01; smr.Weight = Mat::ones(nclasses, nfeatures, CV_64FC1); double *pData; for(int i = 0; i<smr.weight.rows; i++){="" pdata="smr.Weight.ptr&lt;double">(i); i<smr.Weight.rows; i++){ pData = smr.Weight.ptr<double>(i); for(int j=0; j<smr.weight.cols; j++){="" pdata[j]="randu&lt;double">();
j<smr.Weight.cols; j++){ pData[j] = randu<double>(); } } smr.Weight = smr.Weight * (2 * epsilon) - epsilon; smr.b = Mat::zeros(nclasses, 1, CV_64FC1); smr.cost = 0.0; smr.Wgrad = Mat::zeros(nclasses, nfeatures, CV_64FC1); smr.bgrad = Mat::zeros(nclasses, 1, CV_64FC1); }

} void ConvNetInitPrarms(Cvl &cvl, vector<ntw> vector<Ntw> &HiddenLayers, SMR &smr, int imgDim, int nsamples){

// Init Conv layers
 for(int j=0; j<KernelAmount; j++){
 ConvK tmpConvK;
 weightRandomInit(tmpConvK, KernelSize);
cvl.kernelAmount = KernelAmount;
 // Init Hidden layers
 int outDim = imgDim - KernelSize + 1;
 outDim = outDim / PoolingDim;
 int hiddenfeatures = pow((double) outDim, 2) * KernelAmount;
 Ntw tpntw;
 weightRandomInit(tpntw, hiddenfeatures, NumHiddenNeurons, nsamples);
 for(int i=1; i<NumHiddenLayers; i++){
 Ntw tpntw2;
  weightRandomInit(tpntw2, NumHiddenNeurons, NumHiddenNeurons, nsamples);
// Init Softmax layer
 weightRandomInit(smr, nclasses, NumHiddenNeurons);


} Mat getNetworkActivation(Ntw &ntw, Mat &data){ Mat acti; acti = ntw.W * data + repeat(ntw.b, 1, data.cols); acti = sigmoid(acti); return acti; }

} void getNetworkCost(vector<mat> getNetworkCost(vector<Mat> &x, Mat &y, Cvl &cvl, vector<ntw> vector<Ntw> &hLayers, SMR &smr, double lambda){

int nsamples = x.size();
 // Conv & Pooling
 vector<vector<Mat> > Conv1st;
 vector<vector<Mat> > Pool1st;
 vector<vector<vector<Point> > > PoolLoc;
 for(int k=0; k<nsamples; k++){
 vector<Mat> tpConv1st;
 vector<Mat> tpPool1st;
  vector<vector<Point> > PLperSample;
  for(int i=0; i<cvl.kernelAmount; i++){
 vector<Point> PLperKernel;
 Mat temp = rot90(cvl.layer[i].W, 2);
  Mat tmpconv = conv2(x[k], temp, CONV_VALID);
 tmpconv += cvl.layer[i].b;
 //tmpconv = sigmoid(tmpconv);
 tmpconv = ReLU(tmpconv);
  tmpconv = Pooling(tmpconv, PoolingDim, PoolingDim, Pooling_Methed, PLperKernel, false);
Mat convolvedX = concatenateMat(Pool1st);
 // full connected layers
 vector<Mat> acti;
 for(int i=1; i<=NumHiddenLayers; i++){
  Mat tmpacti = hLayers[i - 1].W * acti[i - 1] + repeat(hLayers[i - 1].b, 1, convolvedX.cols);
Mat M = smr.Weight * acti[acti.size() - 1] + repeat(smr.b, 1, nsamples);
 Mat tmp;
 reduce(M, tmp, 0, CV_REDUCE_MAX);
 M -= repeat(tmp, M.rows, 1);
 Mat p;
 exp(M, p);
 reduce(p, tmp, 0, CV_REDUCE_SUM);
 divide(p, repeat(tmp, p.rows, 1), p);
 // softmax regression
 Mat groundTruth = Mat::zeros(nclasses, nsamples, CV_64FC1);
 for(int i=0; i<nsamples; i++){
 groundTruth.ATD(y.ATD(0, i), i) = 1.0;
Mat logP;
 log(p, logP);
 logP = logP.mul(groundTruth);
 smr.cost = - sum(logP)[0] / nsamples;
 pow(smr.Weight, 2.0, tmp);
 smr.cost += sum(tmp)[0] * lambda / 2;
 for(int i=0; i<cvl.kernelAmount; i++){
 pow(cvl.layer[i].W, 2.0, tmp);
  smr.cost += sum(tmp)[0] * lambda / 2;
// bp - softmax
 tmp = (groundTruth - p) * acti[acti.size() - 1].t();
 tmp /= -nsamples;
 smr.Wgrad = tmp + lambda * smr.Weight;
 reduce((groundTruth - p), tmp, 1, CV_REDUCE_SUM);
 smr.bgrad = tmp / -nsamples;
 // bp - full connected
 vector<Mat> delta(acti.size());
 delta[delta.size() -1] = -smr.Weight.t() * (groundTruth - p);
 delta[delta.size() -1] = delta[delta.size() -1].mul(dsigmoid(acti[acti.size() - 1]));
 for(int i = delta.size() - 2; i >= 0; i--){
 delta[i] = hLayers[i].W.t() * delta[i + 1];
 if(i > 0) delta[i] = delta[i].mul(dsigmoid(acti[i]));
for(int i=NumHiddenLayers - 1; i >=0; i--){
 hLayers[i].Wgrad = delta[i + 1] * acti[i].t();
 hLayers[i].Wgrad /= nsamples;
  reduce(delta[i + 1], tmp, 1, CV_REDUCE_SUM);
 hLayers[i].bgrad = tmp / nsamples;
//bp - Conv layer
 Mat one = Mat::ones(PoolingDim, PoolingDim, CV_64FC1);
 vector<vector<Mat> > Delta;
 vector<vector<Mat> > convDelta;
 unconcatenateMat(delta[0], Delta, cvl.kernelAmount);
 for(int k=0; k<Delta.size(); k++){
 vector<Mat> tmp;
  for(int i=0; i<Delta[k].size(); i++){
  Mat upDelta = UnPooling(Delta[k][i], PoolingDim, PoolingDim, Pooling_Methed, PoolLoc[k][i]);
 //upDelta = upDelta.mul(dsigmoid(Conv1st[k][i]));
 upDelta = upDelta.mul(dReLU(Conv1st[k][i]));
for(int j=0; j<cvl.kernelAmount; j++){
 Mat tpgradW = Mat::zeros(KernelSize, KernelSize, CV_64FC1);
 double tpgradb = 0.0;
  for(int i=0; i<nsamples; i++){
 Mat temp = rot90(convDelta[i][j], 2);
  tpgradW += conv2(x[i], temp, CONV_VALID);
 tpgradb += sum(convDelta[i][j])[0];
 cvl.layer[j].Wgrad = tpgradW / nsamples + lambda * cvl.layer[j].W;
 cvl.layer[j].bgrad = tpgradb / nsamples;
// deconstruct
 for(int i=0; i<Conv1st.size(); i++){
 for(int i=0; i<PoolLoc.size(); i++){
 for(int j=0; j<PoolLoc[i].size(); j++){


} void gradientChecking(Cvl &cvl, vector<ntw> vector<Ntw> &hLayers, SMR &smr, vector<mat> vector<Mat> &x, Mat &y, double lambda){ //Gradient Checking (remember to disable this part after you're sure the //cost function and dJ function are correct) getNetworkCost(x, y, cvl, hLayers, smr, lambda); Mat grad(cvl.layer[0].Wgrad); cout<<"test network !!!!"<<endl; double="" epsilon="1e-4;" for(int="" i="0;" i<cvl.layer[0].w.rows;="" i++){="" for(int="" j="0;" j<cvl.layer[0].w.cols;="" j++){="" double="" memo="cvl.layer[0].W.ATD(i," j);="" cvl.layer[0].w.atd(i,="" j)="memo" +="" epsilon;="" getnetworkcost(x,="" y,="" cvl,="" hlayers,="" smr,="" lambda);="" double="" value1="smr.cost;" cvl.layer[0].w.atd(i,="" j)="memo" -="" epsilon;="" getnetworkcost(x,="" y,="" cvl,="" hlayers,="" smr,="" lambda);="" double="" value2="smr.cost;" double="" tp="(value1" -="" value2)="" (2="" *="" epsilon);="" cout&lt;<i&lt;&lt;",="" "&lt;<j&lt;&lt;",="" "&lt;<tp&lt;&lt;",="" "&lt;<grad.atd(i,="" j)&lt;&lt;",="" "&lt;<grad.atd(i,="" j)="" tp&lt;<endl;="" cvl.layer[0].w.atd(i,="" j)="memo;" }="" }="" }<="" p="">

!!!!"<<endl; double epsilon = 1e-4; for(int i=0; i<cvl.layer[0].W.rows; i++){ for(int j=0; j<cvl.layer[0].W.cols; j++){ double memo = cvl.layer[0].W.ATD(i, j); cvl.layer[0].W.ATD(i, j) = memo + epsilon; getNetworkCost(x, y, cvl, hLayers, smr, lambda); double value1 = smr.cost; cvl.layer[0].W.ATD(i, j) = memo - epsilon; getNetworkCost(x, y, cvl, hLayers, smr, lambda); double value2 = smr.cost; double tp = (value1 - value2) / (2 * epsilon); cout<<i<<", "<<j<<", "<<tp<<", "<<grad.ATD(i, j)<<", "<<grad.ATD(i, j) / tp<<endl; cvl.layer[0].W.ATD(i, j) = memo; } } } void trainNetwork(vector<mat> trainNetwork(vector<Mat> &x, Mat &y, Cvl &cvl, vector<ntw> vector<Ntw> &HiddenLayers, SMR &smr, double lambda, int MaxIter, double lrate){

  gradientChecking(cvl, HiddenLayers, smr, x, y, lambda);
  int converge = 0;
 double lastcost = 0.0;
 //double lrate = getLearningRate(x);
  cout<<"Network Learning, trained learning rate: "<<lrate<<endl;
 while(converge < MaxIter){
  int randomNum = ((long)rand() + (long)rand()) % (x.size() - batch);
 vector<Mat> batchX;
  for(int i=0; i<batch; i++){
 batchX.push_back(x[i + randomNum]);
 Rect roi = Rect(randomNum, 0, batch, y.rows);
 Mat batchY = y(roi);
  getNetworkCost(batchX, batchY, cvl, HiddenLayers, smr, lambda);
 cout<<"learning step: "<<converge<<", Cost function value = "<<smr.cost<<", randomNum = "<<randomNum<<endl;
  if(fabs((smr.cost - lastcost) / smr.cost) <= 1e-7 && converge > 0) break;
 if(smr.cost <= 0) break;
 lastcost = smr.cost;
  smr.Weight -= lrate * smr.Wgrad;
 smr.b -= lrate * smr.bgrad;
 for(int i=0; i<HiddenLayers.size(); i++){
  HiddenLayers[i].W -= lrate * HiddenLayers[i].Wgrad;
 HiddenLayers[i].b -= lrate * HiddenLayers[i].bgrad;
 for(int i=0; i<cvl.kernelAmount; i++){
  cvl.layer[i].W -= lrate * cvl.layer[i].Wgrad;
 cvl.layer[i].b -= lrate * cvl.layer[i].bgrad;
 ++ converge;


} } } void readData(vector<mat> readData(vector<Mat> &x, Mat &y, string xpath, string ypath, int number_of_images){

//read MNIST iamge into OpenCV Mat vector
 read_Mnist(xpath, x);
 for(int i=0; i<x.size(); i++){
 x[i].convertTo(x[i],CV_64FC1, 1.0/255, 0);
//cout<<"x" , x;
 //read MNIST label into double vector
 y = Mat::zeros(1, number_of_images, CV_64FC1);
 read_Mnist_Label(ypath, y);


Mat resultProdict(vector<mat> } Mat resultProdict(vector<Mat> &x, Cvl &cvl, vector<ntw> vector<Ntw> &hLayers, SMR &smr, double lambda){

int nsamples = x.size();
 vector<vector<Mat> > Conv1st;
 vector<vector<Mat> > Pool1st;
 vector<Point> PLperKernel;
 for(int k=0; k<nsamples; k++){
 vector<Mat> tpConv1st;
 vector<Mat> tpPool1st;
  for(int i=0; i<cvl.kernelAmount; i++){
 Mat temp = rot90(cvl.layer[i].W, 2);
  Mat tmpconv = conv2(x[k], temp, CONV_VALID);
 tmpconv += cvl.layer[i].b;
 //tmpconv = sigmoid(tmpconv);
 tmpconv = ReLU(tmpconv);
  tmpconv = Pooling(tmpconv, PoolingDim, PoolingDim, Pooling_Methed, PLperKernel, true);
Mat convolvedX = concatenateMat(Pool1st);
 vector<Mat> acti;
 for(int i=1; i<=NumHiddenLayers; i++){
  Mat tmpacti = hLayers[i - 1].W * acti[i - 1] + repeat(hLayers[i - 1].b, 1, convolvedX.cols);
Mat M = smr.Weight * acti[acti.size() - 1] + repeat(smr.b, 1, nsamples);
 Mat tmp;
 reduce(M, tmp, 0, CV_REDUCE_MAX);
 M -= repeat(tmp, M.rows, 1);
 Mat p;
 exp(M, p);
 reduce(p, tmp, 0, CV_REDUCE_SUM);
 divide(p, repeat(tmp, p.rows, 1), p);
 log(p, tmp);
 Mat result = Mat::ones(1, tmp.cols, CV_64FC1);
 for(int i=0; i<tmp.cols; i++){
 double maxele = tmp.ATD(0, i);
 int which = 0;
  for(int j=1; j<tmp.rows; j++){
 if(tmp.ATD(j, i) > maxele){
 maxele = tmp.ATD(j, i);
 which = j;
 result.ATD(0, i) = which;
// deconstruct
 for(int i=0; i<Conv1st.size(); i++){
 return result;


} void saveWeight(Mat &M, string s){ s += ".txt"; FILE *pOut = fopen(s.c_str(), "w+"); for(int i=0; i<m.rows; i++){="" for(int="" j="0;" j<m.cols;="" j++){="" fprintf(pout,="" "%lf",="" m.atd(i,="" j));="" if(j="=" m.cols="" -="" 1)="" fprintf(pout,="" "\n");="" else="" fprintf(pout,="" "="" ");="" }="" }="" fclose(pout);="" }<="" p="">

i<M.rows; i++){ for(int j=0; j<M.cols; j++){ fprintf(pOut, "%lf", M.ATD(i, j)); if(j == M.cols - 1) fprintf(pOut, "\n"); else fprintf(pOut, " "); } } fclose(pOut); } int main(int argc, char** argv) {

string baseDir ="D:\\mnist\\";
 string imagePath = baseDir+ "train-images-idx3-ubyte";
 string lablePath = baseDir + "train-lx1-ubytabels-ide";
 //cout<<("imagePath\n", imagePath);
 //cout<<("lablePath\n", lablePath);
 long start, end;
 start = clock();
 vector<Mat> trainX;
 vector<Mat> testX;
 Mat trainY, testY;
 printf(" S1 ");
 readData(trainX, trainY,imagePath, lablePath, 100);
 readData(testX, testY, imagePath, lablePath, 100);
 printf(" S2 ");
 cout<<"Read trainX successfully, including "<<trainX[0].cols * trainX[0].rows<<" features and "<<trainX.size()<<" samples."<<endl;
 cout<<"Read trainY successfully, including "<<trainY.cols<<" samples"<<endl;
 cout<<"Read testX successfully, including "<<testX[0].cols * testX[0].rows<<" features and "<<testX.size()<<" samples."<<endl;
 cout<<"Read testY successfully, including "<<testY.cols<<" samples"<<endl;
 printf(" S3 ");
 int nfeatures = trainX[0].rows * trainX[0].cols;
 int imgDim = trainX[0].rows;
 int nsamples = trainX.size();
 Cvl cvl;
 printf(" S4 ");
 vector<Ntw> HiddenLayers;
 SMR smr;
 printf(" S5 ");
 ConvNetInitPrarms(cvl, HiddenLayers, smr, imgDim, nsamples);
 printf(" S6 ");
 // Train network using Back Propogation
 batch = nsamples / 100;
 Mat tpX = concatenateMat(trainX);
 double lrate = getLearningRate(tpX);
 cout<<"lrate = "<<lrate<<endl;
 trainNetwork(trainX, trainY, cvl, HiddenLayers, smr, 3e-3, 200000, lrate);
 printf(" S5 ");
 if(! G_CHECKING){
  // Save the trained kernels, you can load them into Matlab/GNU Octave to see what are they look like.
 saveWeight(cvl.layer[0].W, "w0");
 saveWeight(cvl.layer[1].W, "w1");
 saveWeight(cvl.layer[2].W, "w2");
 saveWeight(cvl.layer[3].W, "w3");
 saveWeight(cvl.layer[4].W, "w4");
 saveWeight(cvl.layer[5].W, "w5");
 saveWeight(cvl.layer[6].W, "w6");
 saveWeight(cvl.layer[7].W, "w7");
  // Test use test set
 Mat result = resultProdict(testX, cvl, HiddenLayers, smr, 3e-3);
 Mat err(testY);
  err -= result;
 int correct = err.cols;
  for(int i=0; i<err.cols; i++){
  if(err.ATD(0, i) != 0) --correct;
 cout<<"correct: "<<correct<<", total: "<<err.cols<<", accuracy: "<<double(correct) / (double)(err.cols)<<endl;
 end = clock();
 cout<<"Totally used time: "<<((double)(end - start)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC<<" second"<<endl;
 return 0;


click to hide/show revision 3

updated 2019-01-10 11:19:31 -0600

berak gravatar image

OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (0 <= roi.x && 0 <= roi.width && roi.x + roi.width <= m.cols && 0 <= roi.y && 0 <= roi.height && roi.y + roi.height <= m.rows) in cv::Mat::Mat, file ..\..\..\..\opencv\modules\core\src\matrix.cpp, line 323

I have the following error i don't have any idea how to fix it. can you please help me to fix this error? The full code is below.

#include "opencv2/core/core.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"
#include "math.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <Vector>

using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
// Gradient Checking
#define G_CHECKING 0
// Conv2 parameter
#define CONV_FULL 0
#define CONV_SAME 1
#define CONV_VALID 2
// Pooling methods
#define POOL_MAX 0
#define POOL_MEAN 1
#define POOL_MAX 2

#define ATD at<double>
#define elif else if
int NumHiddenNeurons = 50; //200
int NumHiddenLayers = 2;
int nclasses = 4; //10
int KernelSize = 3; //13
int KernelAmount = 8;
int PoolingDim = 2; //4
int batch;
int Pooling_Methed = POOL_STOCHASTIC;

typedef struct ConvKernel{
    Mat W;
    double b;
    Mat Wgrad;
    double bgrad;

typedef struct ConvLayer{
    vector<ConvK> layer;
    int kernelAmount;

typedef struct Network{
    Mat W;
    Mat b;
    Mat Wgrad;
    Mat bgrad;

typedef struct SoftmaxRegession{
    Mat Weight;
    Mat Wgrad;
    Mat b;
    Mat bgrad;
    double cost;

concatenateMat(vector<vector<Mat> > &vec){

    int subFeatures = vec[0][0].rows * vec[0][0].cols;
    int height = vec[0].size() * subFeatures;
    int width = vec.size();
    Mat res = Mat::zeros(height, width, CV_64FC1);

    for(int i=0; i<vec.size(); i++){
        for(int j=0; j<vec[i].size(); j++){
            Rect roi = Rect(i, j * subFeatures, 1, subFeatures);
            Mat subView = res(roi);
            Mat ptmat = vec[i][j].reshape(0, subFeatures);
    return res;

concatenateMat(vector<Mat> &vec){

    int height = vec[0].rows;
    int width = vec[0].cols;
    Mat res = Mat::zeros(height * width, vec.size(), CV_64FC1);
    for(int i=0; i<vec.size(); i++){
        Mat img(vec[i]);
       //  reshape(int cn, int rows=0),// cn is num of channels.
        Mat ptmat = img.reshape(0, height * width);
        Rect roi = cv::Rect(i, 0, ptmat.cols, ptmat.rows);
        Mat subView = res(roi);
    return res;

unconcatenateMat(Mat &M, vector<vector<Mat> > &vec, int vsize){

    int sqDim = M.rows / vsize;
    int Dim =  sqrt ((double) sqDim);
    for(int i=0; i<M.cols; i++){
        vector<Mat> oneColumn;
        for(int j=0; j<vsize; j++){
            Rect roi = Rect(i, j * sqDim, 1, sqDim);
            Mat temp;
            Mat img = temp.reshape(0, Dim);

ReverseInt (int i){
    unsigned char ch1, ch2, ch3, ch4;
    ch1 = i & 255;
    ch2 = (i >> 8) & 255;
    ch3 = (i >> 16) & 255;
    ch4 = (i >> 24) & 255;
    return((int) ch1 << 24) + ((int)ch2 << 16) + ((int)ch3 << 8) + ch4;

read_Mnist(string filename, vector<Mat> &vec){
    ifstream file(filename, ios::binary);
    if (file.is_open()){
        int magic_number = 0;
        int number_of_images = 0;
        int n_rows = 0;
        int n_cols = 0;*) &magic_number, sizeof(magic_number));
        magic_number = ReverseInt(magic_number);*) &number_of_images,sizeof(number_of_images));
        number_of_images = ReverseInt(number_of_images);*) &n_rows, sizeof(n_rows));
        n_rows = ReverseInt(n_rows);*) &n_cols, sizeof(n_cols));
        n_cols = ReverseInt(n_cols);
        for(int i = 0; i < number_of_images; ++i){
            Mat tpmat = Mat::zeros(n_rows, n_cols, CV_8UC1);
            for(int r = 0; r < n_rows; ++r){
                for(int c = 0; c < n_cols; ++c){
                    unsigned char temp = 0;
          *) &temp, sizeof(temp));
          <uchar>(r, c) = (int) temp;

read_Mnist_Label(string filename, Mat &mat)
    ifstream file(filename, ios::binary);
    if (file.is_open()){
        int magic_number = 0;
        int number_of_images = 0;
        int n_rows = 0;
        int n_cols = 0;*) &magic_number, sizeof(magic_number));
        magic_number = ReverseInt(magic_number);*) &number_of_images,sizeof(number_of_images));
        number_of_images = ReverseInt(number_of_images);
        for(int i = 0; i < number_of_images; ++i){
            unsigned char temp = 0;
  *) &temp, sizeof(temp));
            mat.ATD(0, i) = (double)temp;

sigmoid(Mat &M){
    Mat temp;
    exp(-M, temp);
    return 1.0 / (temp + 1.0);

dsigmoid(Mat &a){
    Mat res = 1.0 - a;
    res = res.mul(a);
    return res;

ReLU(Mat& M){
    Mat res(M);
    for(int i=0; i<M.rows; i++){
        for(int j=0; j<M.cols; j++){
            if(M.ATD(i, j) < 0.0) res.ATD(i, j) = 0.0;
    return res;

dReLU(Mat& M){
    Mat res = Mat::zeros(M.rows, M.cols, CV_64FC1);
    for(int i=0; i<M.rows; i++){
        for(int j=0; j<M.cols; j++){
            if(M.ATD(i, j) > 0.0) res.ATD(i, j) = 1.0;
    return res;

// Mimic rot90() in Matlab/GNU Octave.
rot90(Mat &M, int k){
    Mat res;
    if(k == 0) return M;
    elif(k == 1){
        flip(M.t(), res, 0);
        flip(rot90(M, k - 1).t(), res, 0);
    return res;

// A Matlab/Octave style 2-d convolution function.
// from
conv2(Mat &img, Mat &kernel, int convtype) {
    Mat dest;
    Mat source = img;
    if(CONV_FULL == convtype) {
        source = Mat();
        int additionalRows = kernel.rows-1, additionalCols = kernel.cols-1;
        copyMakeBorder(img, source, (additionalRows+1)/2, additionalRows/2, (additionalCols+1)/2, additionalCols/2, BORDER_CONSTANT, Scalar(0));
    Point anchor(kernel.cols - kernel.cols/2 - 1, kernel.rows - kernel.rows/2 - 1);
    int borderMode = BORDER_CONSTANT;
    Mat fkernal;
    flip(kernel, fkernal, -1);
    filter2D(source, dest, img.depth(), fkernal, anchor, 0, borderMode);

    if(CONV_VALID == convtype) {
        dest = dest.colRange((kernel.cols-1)/2, dest.cols - kernel.cols/2)
                   .rowRange((kernel.rows-1)/2, dest.rows - kernel.rows/2);
    return dest;

// get KroneckerProduct 
// for upsample
// see function kron() in Matlab/Octave
kron(Mat &a, Mat &b){

    Mat res = Mat::zeros(a.rows * b.rows, a.cols * b.cols, CV_64FC1);
    for(int i=0; i<a.rows; i++){
        for(int j=0; j<a.cols; j++){
            Rect roi = Rect(j * b.cols, i * b.rows, b.cols, b.rows);
            Mat temp = res(roi);
            Mat c = b.mul(a.ATD(i, j));
    return res;

findLoc(double val, Mat &M){
    Point res = Point(0, 0);
    double minDiff = 1e8;
    for(int i=0; i<M.rows; i++){
        for(int j=0; j<M.cols; j++){
            if(val >= M.ATD(i, j) && (val - M.ATD(i, j) < minDiff)){
                minDiff = val - M.ATD(i, j);
                res.x = j;
                res.y = i;
    return res;

Pooling(Mat &M, int pVert, int pHori, int poolingMethod, vector<Point> &locat, bool isTest){
    int remX = M.cols % pHori;
    int remY = M.rows % pVert;
    Mat newM;
    if(remX == 0 && remY == 0) M.copyTo(newM);
        Rect roi = Rect(remX, remY, M.cols - remX, M.rows - remY);
    Mat res = Mat::zeros(newM.rows / pVert, newM.cols / pHori, CV_64FC1);
    for(int i=0; i<res.rows; i++){
        for(int j=0; j<res.cols; j++){
            Mat temp;
            Rect roi = Rect(j * pHori, i * pVert, pHori, pVert);
            double val;
            // for Max Pooling
            if(POOL_MAX == poolingMethod){ 
                double minVal; 
                double maxVal; 
                Point minLoc; 
                Point maxLoc;
                minMaxLoc( temp, &minVal, &maxVal, &minLoc, &maxLoc );
                val = maxVal;
                locat.push_back(Point(maxLoc.x + j * pHori, maxLoc.y + i * pVert));
            }elif(POOL_MEAN == poolingMethod){
                // Mean Pooling
                val = sum(temp)[0] / (pVert * pHori);
            }elif(POOL_STOCHASTIC == poolingMethod){
                // Stochastic Pooling
                double sumval = sum(temp)[0];
                Mat prob = temp / sumval;
                    val = sum(prob.mul(temp))[0];
                    RNG rng;
                    double ran = rng.uniform((double)0, (double)1);
                    double minVal; 
                    double maxVal; 
                    Point minLoc; 
                    Point maxLoc;
                    minMaxLoc( prob, &minVal, &maxVal, &minLoc, &maxLoc );
                    ran *= maxVal;
                    Point loc = findLoc(ran, prob);
                    val = temp.ATD(loc.y, loc.x);
                    locat.push_back(Point(loc.x + j * pHori, loc.y + i * pVert));

            res.ATD(i, j) = val;
    return res;

UnPooling(Mat &M, int pVert, int pHori, int poolingMethod, vector<Point> &locat){
    Mat res;
    if(POOL_MEAN == poolingMethod){
        Mat one = Mat::ones(pVert, pHori, CV_64FC1);
        res = kron(M, one) / (pVert * pHori);
    }elif(POOL_MAX == poolingMethod || POOL_STOCHASTIC == poolingMethod){
        res = Mat::zeros(M.rows * pVert, M.cols * pHori, CV_64FC1);
        for(int i=0; i<M.rows; i++){
            for(int j=0; j<M.cols; j++){
                res.ATD(locat[i * M.cols + j].y, locat[i * M.cols + j].x) = M.ATD(i, j);
    return res;

getLearningRate(Mat &data){
    // see Yann LeCun's Efficient BackProp, 5.1 A Little Theory
    int nfeatures = data.rows;
    int nsamples = data.cols;
    //covariance matrix = x * x' ./ nfeatures;
    Mat Sigma = data * data.t() / nsamples;
    SVD uwvT = SVD(Sigma);
    return 0.9 / uwvT.w.ATD(0, 0);

weightRandomInit(ConvK &convk, int width){

    double epsilon = 0.1;
    convk.W = Mat::ones(width, width, CV_64FC1);
    double *pData; 
    for(int i = 0; i<convk.W.rows; i++){
        pData = convk.W.ptr<double>(i);
        for(int j=0; j<convk.W.cols; j++){
            pData[j] = randu<double>();        
    convk.W = convk.W * (2 * epsilon) - epsilon;
    convk.b = 0;
    convk.Wgrad = Mat::zeros(width, width, CV_64FC1);
    convk.bgrad = 0;

weightRandomInit(Ntw &ntw, int inputsize, int hiddensize, int nsamples){

    double epsilon = sqrt((double)6) / sqrt((double)(hiddensize + inputsize + 1));
    double *pData;
    ntw.W = Mat::ones(hiddensize, inputsize, CV_64FC1);
    for(int i=0; i<hiddensize; i++){
        pData = ntw.W.ptr<double>(i);
        for(int j=0; j<inputsize; j++){
            pData[j] = randu<double>();
    ntw.W = ntw.W * (2 * epsilon) - epsilon;
    ntw.b = Mat::zeros(hiddensize, 1, CV_64FC1);
    ntw.Wgrad = Mat::zeros(hiddensize, inputsize, CV_64FC1);
    ntw.bgrad = Mat::zeros(hiddensize, 1, CV_64FC1);

weightRandomInit(SMR &smr, int nclasses, int nfeatures){
    double epsilon = 0.01;
    smr.Weight = Mat::ones(nclasses, nfeatures, CV_64FC1);
    double *pData; 
    for(int i = 0; i<smr.Weight.rows; i++){
        pData = smr.Weight.ptr<double>(i);
        for(int j=0; j<smr.Weight.cols; j++){
            pData[j] = randu<double>();        
    smr.Weight = smr.Weight * (2 * epsilon) - epsilon;
    smr.b = Mat::zeros(nclasses, 1, CV_64FC1);
    smr.cost = 0.0;
    smr.Wgrad = Mat::zeros(nclasses, nfeatures, CV_64FC1);
    smr.bgrad = Mat::zeros(nclasses, 1, CV_64FC1);

ConvNetInitPrarms(Cvl &cvl, vector<Ntw> &HiddenLayers, SMR &smr, int imgDim, int nsamples){

    // Init Conv layers
    for(int j=0; j<KernelAmount; j++){
        ConvK tmpConvK;
        weightRandomInit(tmpConvK, KernelSize);
    cvl.kernelAmount = KernelAmount;
    // Init Hidden layers
    int outDim = imgDim - KernelSize + 1; 
    outDim = outDim / PoolingDim;

    int hiddenfeatures = pow((double) outDim, 2) * KernelAmount;
    Ntw tpntw;
    weightRandomInit(tpntw, hiddenfeatures, NumHiddenNeurons, nsamples);
    for(int i=1; i<NumHiddenLayers; i++){
        Ntw tpntw2;
        weightRandomInit(tpntw2, NumHiddenNeurons, NumHiddenNeurons, nsamples);
    // Init Softmax layer
    weightRandomInit(smr, nclasses, NumHiddenNeurons);

getNetworkActivation(Ntw &ntw, Mat &data){
    Mat acti;
    acti = ntw.W * data + repeat(ntw.b, 1, data.cols);
    acti = sigmoid(acti);
    return acti;

getNetworkCost(vector<Mat> &x, Mat &y, Cvl &cvl, vector<Ntw> &hLayers, SMR &smr, double lambda){

    int nsamples = x.size();
    // Conv & Pooling
    vector<vector<Mat> > Conv1st;
    vector<vector<Mat> > Pool1st;
    vector<vector<vector<Point> > > PoolLoc;
    for(int k=0; k<nsamples; k++){
        vector<Mat> tpConv1st;
        vector<Mat> tpPool1st;
        vector<vector<Point> > PLperSample;
        for(int i=0; i<cvl.kernelAmount; i++){
            vector<Point> PLperKernel;
            Mat temp = rot90(cvl.layer[i].W, 2);
            Mat tmpconv = conv2(x[k], temp, CONV_VALID);
            tmpconv += cvl.layer[i].b;
            //tmpconv = sigmoid(tmpconv);
            tmpconv = ReLU(tmpconv);
            tmpconv = Pooling(tmpconv, PoolingDim, PoolingDim, Pooling_Methed, PLperKernel, false);
    Mat convolvedX = concatenateMat(Pool1st);

    // full connected layers
    vector<Mat> acti;
    for(int i=1; i<=NumHiddenLayers; i++){
        Mat tmpacti = hLayers[i - 1].W * acti[i - 1] + repeat(hLayers[i - 1].b, 1, convolvedX.cols);

    Mat M = smr.Weight * acti[acti.size() - 1] + repeat(smr.b, 1, nsamples);
    Mat tmp;
    reduce(M, tmp, 0, CV_REDUCE_MAX);
    M -= repeat(tmp, M.rows, 1);
    Mat p;
    exp(M, p);
    reduce(p, tmp, 0, CV_REDUCE_SUM);
    divide(p, repeat(tmp, p.rows, 1), p);

    // softmax regression
    Mat groundTruth = Mat::zeros(nclasses, nsamples, CV_64FC1);
    for(int i=0; i<nsamples; i++){
        groundTruth.ATD(y.ATD(0, i), i) = 1.0;
    Mat logP;
    log(p, logP);
    logP = logP.mul(groundTruth);
    smr.cost = - sum(logP)[0] / nsamples;
    pow(smr.Weight, 2.0, tmp);
    smr.cost += sum(tmp)[0] * lambda / 2;
    for(int i=0; i<cvl.kernelAmount; i++){
        pow(cvl.layer[i].W, 2.0, tmp);
        smr.cost += sum(tmp)[0] * lambda / 2;

    // bp - softmax
    tmp = (groundTruth - p) * acti[acti.size() - 1].t();
    tmp /= -nsamples;
    smr.Wgrad = tmp + lambda * smr.Weight;
    reduce((groundTruth - p), tmp, 1, CV_REDUCE_SUM);
    smr.bgrad = tmp / -nsamples;

    // bp - full connected
    vector<Mat> delta(acti.size());
    delta[delta.size() -1] = -smr.Weight.t() * (groundTruth - p);
    delta[delta.size() -1] = delta[delta.size() -1].mul(dsigmoid(acti[acti.size() - 1]));
    for(int i = delta.size() - 2; i >= 0; i--){
        delta[i] = hLayers[i].W.t() * delta[i + 1];
        if(i > 0) delta[i] = delta[i].mul(dsigmoid(acti[i]));
    for(int i=NumHiddenLayers - 1; i >=0; i--){
        hLayers[i].Wgrad = delta[i + 1] * acti[i].t();
        hLayers[i].Wgrad /= nsamples;
        reduce(delta[i + 1], tmp, 1, CV_REDUCE_SUM);
        hLayers[i].bgrad = tmp / nsamples;
    //bp - Conv layer
    Mat one = Mat::ones(PoolingDim, PoolingDim, CV_64FC1);
    vector<vector<Mat> > Delta;
    vector<vector<Mat> > convDelta;
    unconcatenateMat(delta[0], Delta, cvl.kernelAmount);
    for(int k=0; k<Delta.size(); k++){
        vector<Mat> tmp;
        for(int i=0; i<Delta[k].size(); i++){
            Mat upDelta = UnPooling(Delta[k][i], PoolingDim, PoolingDim, Pooling_Methed, PoolLoc[k][i]);
            //upDelta = upDelta.mul(dsigmoid(Conv1st[k][i]));
            upDelta = upDelta.mul(dReLU(Conv1st[k][i]));

    for(int j=0; j<cvl.kernelAmount; j++){
        Mat tpgradW = Mat::zeros(KernelSize, KernelSize, CV_64FC1);
        double tpgradb = 0.0;
        for(int i=0; i<nsamples; i++){
            Mat temp = rot90(convDelta[i][j], 2);
            tpgradW += conv2(x[i], temp, CONV_VALID);
            tpgradb += sum(convDelta[i][j])[0];
        cvl.layer[j].Wgrad = tpgradW / nsamples + lambda * cvl.layer[j].W;
        cvl.layer[j].bgrad = tpgradb / nsamples;
    // deconstruct
    for(int i=0; i<Conv1st.size(); i++){
    for(int i=0; i<PoolLoc.size(); i++){
        for(int j=0; j<PoolLoc[i].size(); j++){

gradientChecking(Cvl &cvl, vector<Ntw> &hLayers, SMR &smr, vector<Mat> &x, Mat &y, double lambda){
    //Gradient Checking (remember to disable this part after you're sure the 
    //cost function and dJ function are correct)
    getNetworkCost(x, y, cvl, hLayers, smr, lambda);
    Mat grad(cvl.layer[0].Wgrad);
    cout<<"test network !!!!"<<endl;
    double epsilon = 1e-4;
    for(int i=0; i<cvl.layer[0].W.rows; i++){
        for(int j=0; j<cvl.layer[0].W.cols; j++){
            double memo = cvl.layer[0].W.ATD(i, j);
            cvl.layer[0].W.ATD(i, j) = memo + epsilon;
            getNetworkCost(x, y, cvl, hLayers, smr, lambda);
            double value1 = smr.cost;
            cvl.layer[0].W.ATD(i, j) = memo - epsilon;
            getNetworkCost(x, y, cvl, hLayers, smr, lambda);
            double value2 = smr.cost;
            double tp = (value1 - value2) / (2 * epsilon);
            cout<<i<<", "<<j<<", "<<tp<<", "<<grad.ATD(i, j)<<", "<<grad.ATD(i, j) / tp<<endl;
            cvl.layer[0].W.ATD(i, j) = memo;

trainNetwork(vector<Mat> &x, Mat &y, Cvl &cvl, vector<Ntw> &HiddenLayers, SMR &smr, double lambda, int MaxIter, double lrate){

    if (G_CHECKING){
        gradientChecking(cvl, HiddenLayers, smr, x, y, lambda);
        int converge = 0;
        double lastcost = 0.0;
        //double lrate = getLearningRate(x);
        cout<<"Network Learning, trained learning rate: "<<lrate<<endl;
        while(converge < MaxIter){

            int randomNum = ((long)rand() + (long)rand()) % (x.size() - batch);
            vector<Mat> batchX;
            for(int i=0; i<batch; i++){
                batchX.push_back(x[i + randomNum]);
            Rect roi = Rect(randomNum, 0, batch, y.rows);
            Mat batchY = y(roi);

            getNetworkCost(batchX, batchY, cvl, HiddenLayers, smr, lambda);

            cout<<"learning step: "<<converge<<", Cost function value = "<<smr.cost<<", randomNum = "<<randomNum<<endl;
            if(fabs((smr.cost - lastcost) / smr.cost) <= 1e-7 && converge > 0) break;
            if(smr.cost <= 0) break;
            lastcost = smr.cost;
            smr.Weight -= lrate * smr.Wgrad;
            smr.b -= lrate * smr.bgrad;
            for(int i=0; i<HiddenLayers.size(); i++){
                HiddenLayers[i].W -= lrate * HiddenLayers[i].Wgrad;
                HiddenLayers[i].b -= lrate * HiddenLayers[i].bgrad;
            for(int i=0; i<cvl.kernelAmount; i++){
                cvl.layer[i].W -= lrate * cvl.layer[i].Wgrad;
                cvl.layer[i].b -= lrate * cvl.layer[i].bgrad;
            ++ converge;


readData(vector<Mat> &x, Mat &y, string xpath, string ypath, int number_of_images){

    //read MNIST iamge into OpenCV Mat vector
    read_Mnist(xpath, x);
    for(int i=0; i<x.size(); i++){
        x[i].convertTo(x[i],CV_64FC1, 1.0/255, 0);

    //cout<<"x" , x;
    //read MNIST label into double vector
    y = Mat::zeros(1, number_of_images, CV_64FC1);
    read_Mnist_Label(ypath, y);

resultProdict(vector<Mat> &x, Cvl &cvl, vector<Ntw> &hLayers, SMR &smr, double lambda){

    int nsamples = x.size();
    vector<vector<Mat> > Conv1st;
    vector<vector<Mat> > Pool1st;
    vector<Point> PLperKernel;
    for(int k=0; k<nsamples; k++){
        vector<Mat> tpConv1st;
        vector<Mat> tpPool1st;
        for(int i=0; i<cvl.kernelAmount; i++){
            Mat temp = rot90(cvl.layer[i].W, 2);
            Mat tmpconv = conv2(x[k], temp, CONV_VALID);
            tmpconv += cvl.layer[i].b;
            //tmpconv = sigmoid(tmpconv);
            tmpconv = ReLU(tmpconv);
            tmpconv = Pooling(tmpconv, PoolingDim, PoolingDim, Pooling_Methed, PLperKernel, true);
    Mat convolvedX = concatenateMat(Pool1st);

    vector<Mat> acti;
    for(int i=1; i<=NumHiddenLayers; i++){
        Mat tmpacti = hLayers[i - 1].W * acti[i - 1] + repeat(hLayers[i - 1].b, 1, convolvedX.cols);

    Mat M = smr.Weight * acti[acti.size() - 1] + repeat(smr.b, 1, nsamples);
    Mat tmp;
    reduce(M, tmp, 0, CV_REDUCE_MAX);
    M -= repeat(tmp, M.rows, 1);
    Mat p;
    exp(M, p);
    reduce(p, tmp, 0, CV_REDUCE_SUM);
    divide(p, repeat(tmp, p.rows, 1), p);
    log(p, tmp);

    Mat result = Mat::ones(1, tmp.cols, CV_64FC1);
    for(int i=0; i<tmp.cols; i++){
        double maxele = tmp.ATD(0, i);
        int which = 0;
        for(int j=1; j<tmp.rows; j++){
            if(tmp.ATD(j, i) > maxele){
                maxele = tmp.ATD(j, i);
                which = j;
        result.ATD(0, i) = which;

    // deconstruct
    for(int i=0; i<Conv1st.size(); i++){
    return result;

saveWeight(Mat &M, string s){
    s += ".txt";
    FILE *pOut = fopen(s.c_str(), "w+");
    for(int i=0; i<M.rows; i++){
        for(int j=0; j<M.cols; j++){
            fprintf(pOut, "%lf", M.ATD(i, j));
            if(j == M.cols - 1) fprintf(pOut, "\n");
            else fprintf(pOut, " ");

int main(int argc, char** argv)

    string baseDir ="D:\\mnist\\";
    string imagePath = baseDir+ "train-images-idx3-ubyte";

    string lablePath = baseDir + "train-lx1-ubytabels-ide";
    //cout<<("imagePath\n", imagePath);
    //cout<<("lablePath\n", lablePath);

    long start, end;
    start = clock();

    vector<Mat> trainX;
    vector<Mat> testX;
    Mat trainY, testY;
    printf(" S1 ");

    readData(trainX, trainY,imagePath, lablePath, 100);
    readData(testX, testY, imagePath, lablePath, 100);
    printf(" S2 ");
    cout<<"Read trainX successfully, including "<<trainX[0].cols * trainX[0].rows<<" features and "<<trainX.size()<<" samples."<<endl;
    cout<<"Read trainY successfully, including "<<trainY.cols<<" samples"<<endl;
    cout<<"Read testX successfully, including "<<testX[0].cols * testX[0].rows<<" features and "<<testX.size()<<" samples."<<endl;
    cout<<"Read testY successfully, including "<<testY.cols<<" samples"<<endl;
    printf(" S3 ");

    int nfeatures = trainX[0].rows * trainX[0].cols;
    int imgDim = trainX[0].rows;
    int nsamples = trainX.size();
    Cvl cvl;
    printf(" S4 ");
    vector<Ntw> HiddenLayers;
    SMR smr;
    printf(" S5 ");
    ConvNetInitPrarms(cvl, HiddenLayers, smr, imgDim, nsamples);
    printf(" S6 ");
    // Train network using Back Propogation
    batch = nsamples / 100;
    Mat tpX = concatenateMat(trainX);
    double lrate = getLearningRate(tpX);
    cout<<"lrate = "<<lrate<<endl;
    trainNetwork(trainX, trainY, cvl, HiddenLayers, smr, 3e-3, 200000, lrate);
    printf(" S5 ");
    if(! G_CHECKING){
        // Save the trained kernels, you can load them into Matlab/GNU Octave to see what are they look like.
        saveWeight(cvl.layer[0].W, "w0");
        saveWeight(cvl.layer[1].W, "w1");
        saveWeight(cvl.layer[2].W, "w2");
        saveWeight(cvl.layer[3].W, "w3");
        saveWeight(cvl.layer[4].W, "w4");
        saveWeight(cvl.layer[5].W, "w5");
        saveWeight(cvl.layer[6].W, "w6");
        saveWeight(cvl.layer[7].W, "w7");

        // Test use test set
        Mat result = resultProdict(testX, cvl, HiddenLayers, smr, 3e-3);
        Mat err(testY);
        err -= result;
        int correct = err.cols;
        for(int i=0; i<err.cols; i++){
            if(err.ATD(0, i) != 0) --correct;
        cout<<"correct: "<<correct<<", total: "<<err.cols<<", accuracy: "<<double(correct) / (double)(err.cols)<<endl;
    end = clock();
    cout<<"Totally used time: "<<((double)(end - start)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC<<" second"<<endl;

    return 0;
click to hide/show revision 4

updated 2019-01-10 11:20:22 -0600

berak gravatar image

roi out of bounds

I have the following error i don't have any idea how to fix it. can you please help me to fix this error? The full code is below.

OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (0 <= roi.x && 0 <= roi.width && roi.x + roi.width <= m.cols && 0 <= roi.y && 0 <= roi.height && roi.y + roi.height <= m.rows) in cv::Mat::Mat, file ..\..\..\..\opencv\modules\core\src\matrix.cpp, ........\opencv\modules\core\src\matrix.cpp, line 323

I have the following error i don't have any idea how to fix it. can you please help me to fix this error? The full code is below. 323 #include "opencv2/core/core.hpp" #include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp" #include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp" #include "math.h" #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <ctime> #include <vector>

#include "opencv2/core/core.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"
#include "math.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <Vector>

using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
// Gradient Checking
#define G_CHECKING 0
// Conv2 parameter
#define CONV_FULL 0
#define CONV_SAME 1
#define CONV_VALID 2
// Pooling methods
#define POOL_MAX 0
#define POOL_MEAN 1
#define POOL_MAX 2

#define ATD at<double>
#define elif else if
int NumHiddenNeurons = 50; //200
int NumHiddenLayers = 2;
int nclasses = 4; //10
int KernelSize = 3; //13
int KernelAmount = 8;
int PoolingDim = 2; //4
int batch;
int Pooling_Methed = POOL_STOCHASTIC;

typedef struct ConvKernel{
    Mat W;
    double b;
    Mat Wgrad;
    double bgrad;

typedef struct ConvLayer{
    vector<ConvK> layer;
    int kernelAmount;

typedef struct Network{
    Mat W;
    Mat b;
    Mat Wgrad;
    Mat bgrad;

typedef struct SoftmaxRegession{
    Mat Weight;
    Mat Wgrad;
    Mat b;
    Mat bgrad;
    double cost;

concatenateMat(vector<vector<Mat> > &vec){

    int subFeatures = vec[0][0].rows * vec[0][0].cols;
    int height = vec[0].size() * subFeatures;
    int width = vec.size();
    Mat res = Mat::zeros(height, width, CV_64FC1);

    for(int i=0; i<vec.size(); i++){
        for(int j=0; j<vec[i].size(); j++){
            Rect roi = Rect(i, j * subFeatures, 1, subFeatures);
            Mat subView = res(roi);
            Mat ptmat = vec[i][j].reshape(0, subFeatures);
    return res;

concatenateMat(vector<Mat> &vec){

    int height = vec[0].rows;
    int width = vec[0].cols;
    Mat res = Mat::zeros(height * width, vec.size(), CV_64FC1);
    for(int i=0; i<vec.size(); i++){
        Mat img(vec[i]);
       //  reshape(int cn, int rows=0),// cn is num of channels.
        Mat ptmat = img.reshape(0, height * width);
        Rect roi = cv::Rect(i, 0, ptmat.cols, ptmat.rows);
        Mat subView = res(roi);
    return res;

unconcatenateMat(Mat &M, vector<vector<Mat> > &vec, int vsize){

    int sqDim = M.rows / vsize;
    int Dim =  sqrt ((double) sqDim);
    for(int i=0; i<M.cols; i++){
        vector<Mat> oneColumn;
        for(int j=0; j<vsize; j++){
            Rect roi = Rect(i, j * sqDim, 1, sqDim);
            Mat temp;
            Mat img = temp.reshape(0, Dim);

ReverseInt (int i){
    unsigned char ch1, ch2, ch3, ch4;
    ch1 = i & 255;
    ch2 = (i >> 8) & 255;
    ch3 = (i >> 16) & 255;
    ch4 = (i >> 24) & 255;
    return((int) ch1 << 24) + ((int)ch2 << 16) + ((int)ch3 << 8) + ch4;

read_Mnist(string filename, vector<Mat> &vec){
    ifstream file(filename, ios::binary);
    if (file.is_open()){
        int magic_number = 0;
        int number_of_images = 0;
        int n_rows = 0;
        int n_cols = 0;*) &magic_number, sizeof(magic_number));
        magic_number = ReverseInt(magic_number);*) &number_of_images,sizeof(number_of_images));
        number_of_images = ReverseInt(number_of_images);*) &n_rows, sizeof(n_rows));
        n_rows = ReverseInt(n_rows);*) &n_cols, sizeof(n_cols));
        n_cols = ReverseInt(n_cols);
        for(int i = 0; i < number_of_images; ++i){
            Mat tpmat = Mat::zeros(n_rows, n_cols, CV_8UC1);
            for(int r = 0; r < n_rows; ++r){
                for(int c = 0; c < n_cols; ++c){
                    unsigned char temp = 0;
          *) &temp, sizeof(temp));
          <uchar>(r, c) = (int) temp;

read_Mnist_Label(string filename, Mat &mat)
    ifstream file(filename, ios::binary);
    if (file.is_open()){
        int magic_number = 0;
        int number_of_images = 0;
        int n_rows = 0;
        int n_cols = 0;*) &magic_number, sizeof(magic_number));
        magic_number = ReverseInt(magic_number);*) &number_of_images,sizeof(number_of_images));
        number_of_images = ReverseInt(number_of_images);
        for(int i = 0; i < number_of_images; ++i){
            unsigned char temp = 0;
  *) &temp, sizeof(temp));
            mat.ATD(0, i) = (double)temp;

sigmoid(Mat &M){
    Mat temp;
    exp(-M, temp);
    return 1.0 / (temp + 1.0);

dsigmoid(Mat &a){
    Mat res = 1.0 - a;
    res = res.mul(a);
    return res;

ReLU(Mat& M){
    Mat res(M);
    for(int i=0; i<M.rows; i++){
        for(int j=0; j<M.cols; j++){
            if(M.ATD(i, j) < 0.0) res.ATD(i, j) = 0.0;
    return res;

dReLU(Mat& M){
    Mat res = Mat::zeros(M.rows, M.cols, CV_64FC1);
    for(int i=0; i<M.rows; i++){
        for(int j=0; j<M.cols; j++){
            if(M.ATD(i, j) > 0.0) res.ATD(i, j) = 1.0;
    return res;

// Mimic rot90() in Matlab/GNU Octave.
rot90(Mat &M, int k){
    Mat res;
    if(k == 0) return M;
    elif(k == 1){
        flip(M.t(), res, 0);
        flip(rot90(M, k - 1).t(), res, 0);
    return res;

// A Matlab/Octave style 2-d convolution function.
// from
conv2(Mat &img, Mat &kernel, int convtype) {
    Mat dest;
    Mat source = img;
    if(CONV_FULL == convtype) {
        source = Mat();
        int additionalRows = kernel.rows-1, additionalCols = kernel.cols-1;
        copyMakeBorder(img, source, (additionalRows+1)/2, additionalRows/2, (additionalCols+1)/2, additionalCols/2, BORDER_CONSTANT, Scalar(0));
    Point anchor(kernel.cols - kernel.cols/2 - 1, kernel.rows - kernel.rows/2 - 1);
    int borderMode = BORDER_CONSTANT;
    Mat fkernal;
    flip(kernel, fkernal, -1);
    filter2D(source, dest, img.depth(), fkernal, anchor, 0, borderMode);

    if(CONV_VALID == convtype) {
        dest = dest.colRange((kernel.cols-1)/2, dest.cols - kernel.cols/2)
                   .rowRange((kernel.rows-1)/2, dest.rows - kernel.rows/2);
    return dest;

// get KroneckerProduct 
// for upsample
// see function kron() in Matlab/Octave
kron(Mat &a, Mat &b){

    Mat res = Mat::zeros(a.rows * b.rows, a.cols * b.cols, CV_64FC1);
    for(int i=0; i<a.rows; i++){
        for(int j=0; j<a.cols; j++){
            Rect roi = Rect(j * b.cols, i * b.rows, b.cols, b.rows);
            Mat temp = res(roi);
            Mat c = b.mul(a.ATD(i, j));
    return res;

findLoc(double val, Mat &M){
    Point res = Point(0, 0);
    double minDiff = 1e8;
    for(int i=0; i<M.rows; i++){
        for(int j=0; j<M.cols; j++){
            if(val >= M.ATD(i, j) && (val - M.ATD(i, j) < minDiff)){
                minDiff = val - M.ATD(i, j);
                res.x = j;
                res.y = i;
    return res;

Pooling(Mat &M, int pVert, int pHori, int poolingMethod, vector<Point> &locat, bool isTest){
    int remX = M.cols % pHori;
    int remY = M.rows % pVert;
    Mat newM;
    if(remX == 0 && remY == 0) M.copyTo(newM);
        Rect roi = Rect(remX, remY, M.cols - remX, M.rows - remY);
    Mat res = Mat::zeros(newM.rows / pVert, newM.cols / pHori, CV_64FC1);
    for(int i=0; i<res.rows; i++){
        for(int j=0; j<res.cols; j++){
            Mat temp;
            Rect roi = Rect(j * pHori, i * pVert, pHori, pVert);
            double val;
            // for Max Pooling
            if(POOL_MAX == poolingMethod){ 
                double minVal; 
                double maxVal; 
                Point minLoc; 
                Point maxLoc;
                minMaxLoc( temp, &minVal, &maxVal, &minLoc, &maxLoc );
                val = maxVal;
                locat.push_back(Point(maxLoc.x + j * pHori, maxLoc.y + i * pVert));
            }elif(POOL_MEAN == poolingMethod){
                // Mean Pooling
                val = sum(temp)[0] / (pVert * pHori);
            }elif(POOL_STOCHASTIC == poolingMethod){
                // Stochastic Pooling
                double sumval = sum(temp)[0];
                Mat prob = temp / sumval;
                    val = sum(prob.mul(temp))[0];
                    RNG rng;
                    double ran = rng.uniform((double)0, (double)1);
                    double minVal; 
                    double maxVal; 
                    Point minLoc; 
                    Point maxLoc;
                    minMaxLoc( prob, &minVal, &maxVal, &minLoc, &maxLoc );
                    ran *= maxVal;
                    Point loc = findLoc(ran, prob);
                    val = temp.ATD(loc.y, loc.x);
                    locat.push_back(Point(loc.x + j * pHori, loc.y + i * pVert));

            res.ATD(i, j) = val;
    return res;

UnPooling(Mat &M, int pVert, int pHori, int poolingMethod, vector<Point> &locat){
    Mat res;
    if(POOL_MEAN == poolingMethod){
        Mat one = Mat::ones(pVert, pHori, CV_64FC1);
        res = kron(M, one) / (pVert * pHori);
    }elif(POOL_MAX == poolingMethod || POOL_STOCHASTIC == poolingMethod){
        res = Mat::zeros(M.rows * pVert, M.cols * pHori, CV_64FC1);
        for(int i=0; i<M.rows; i++){
            for(int j=0; j<M.cols; j++){
                res.ATD(locat[i * M.cols + j].y, locat[i * M.cols + j].x) = M.ATD(i, j);
    return res;

getLearningRate(Mat &data){
    // see Yann LeCun's Efficient BackProp, 5.1 A Little Theory
    int nfeatures = data.rows;
    int nsamples = data.cols;
    //covariance matrix = x * x' ./ nfeatures;
    Mat Sigma = data * data.t() / nsamples;
    SVD uwvT = SVD(Sigma);
    return 0.9 / uwvT.w.ATD(0, 0);

weightRandomInit(ConvK &convk, int width){

    double epsilon = 0.1;
    convk.W = Mat::ones(width, width, CV_64FC1);
    double *pData; 
    for(int i = 0; i<convk.W.rows; i++){
        pData = convk.W.ptr<double>(i);
        for(int j=0; j<convk.W.cols; j++){
            pData[j] = randu<double>();        
    convk.W = convk.W * (2 * epsilon) - epsilon;
    convk.b = 0;
    convk.Wgrad = Mat::zeros(width, width, CV_64FC1);
    convk.bgrad = 0;

weightRandomInit(Ntw &ntw, int inputsize, int hiddensize, int nsamples){

    double epsilon = sqrt((double)6) / sqrt((double)(hiddensize + inputsize + 1));
    double *pData;
    ntw.W = Mat::ones(hiddensize, inputsize, CV_64FC1);
    for(int i=0; i<hiddensize; i++){
        pData = ntw.W.ptr<double>(i);
        for(int j=0; j<inputsize; j++){
            pData[j] = randu<double>();
    ntw.W = ntw.W * (2 * epsilon) - epsilon;
    ntw.b = Mat::zeros(hiddensize, 1, CV_64FC1);
    ntw.Wgrad = Mat::zeros(hiddensize, inputsize, CV_64FC1);
    ntw.bgrad = Mat::zeros(hiddensize, 1, CV_64FC1);

weightRandomInit(SMR &smr, int nclasses, int nfeatures){
    double epsilon = 0.01;
    smr.Weight = Mat::ones(nclasses, nfeatures, CV_64FC1);
    double *pData; 
    for(int i = 0; i<smr.Weight.rows; i++){
        pData = smr.Weight.ptr<double>(i);
        for(int j=0; j<smr.Weight.cols; j++){
            pData[j] = randu<double>();        
    smr.Weight = smr.Weight * (2 * epsilon) - epsilon;
    smr.b = Mat::zeros(nclasses, 1, CV_64FC1);
    smr.cost = 0.0;
    smr.Wgrad = Mat::zeros(nclasses, nfeatures, CV_64FC1);
    smr.bgrad = Mat::zeros(nclasses, 1, CV_64FC1);

ConvNetInitPrarms(Cvl &cvl, vector<Ntw> &HiddenLayers, SMR &smr, int imgDim, int nsamples){

    // Init Conv layers
    for(int j=0; j<KernelAmount; j++){
        ConvK tmpConvK;
        weightRandomInit(tmpConvK, KernelSize);
    cvl.kernelAmount = KernelAmount;
    // Init Hidden layers
    int outDim = imgDim - KernelSize + 1; 
    outDim = outDim / PoolingDim;

    int hiddenfeatures = pow((double) outDim, 2) * KernelAmount;
    Ntw tpntw;
    weightRandomInit(tpntw, hiddenfeatures, NumHiddenNeurons, nsamples);
    for(int i=1; i<NumHiddenLayers; i++){
        Ntw tpntw2;
        weightRandomInit(tpntw2, NumHiddenNeurons, NumHiddenNeurons, nsamples);
    // Init Softmax layer
    weightRandomInit(smr, nclasses, NumHiddenNeurons);

getNetworkActivation(Ntw &ntw, Mat &data){
    Mat acti;
    acti = ntw.W * data + repeat(ntw.b, 1, data.cols);
    acti = sigmoid(acti);
    return acti;

getNetworkCost(vector<Mat> &x, Mat &y, Cvl &cvl, vector<Ntw> &hLayers, SMR &smr, double lambda){

    int nsamples = x.size();
    // Conv & Pooling
    vector<vector<Mat> > Conv1st;
    vector<vector<Mat> > Pool1st;
    vector<vector<vector<Point> > > PoolLoc;
    for(int k=0; k<nsamples; k++){
        vector<Mat> tpConv1st;
        vector<Mat> tpPool1st;
        vector<vector<Point> > PLperSample;
        for(int i=0; i<cvl.kernelAmount; i++){
            vector<Point> PLperKernel;
            Mat temp = rot90(cvl.layer[i].W, 2);
            Mat tmpconv = conv2(x[k], temp, CONV_VALID);
            tmpconv += cvl.layer[i].b;
            //tmpconv = sigmoid(tmpconv);
            tmpconv = ReLU(tmpconv);
            tmpconv = Pooling(tmpconv, PoolingDim, PoolingDim, Pooling_Methed, PLperKernel, false);
    Mat convolvedX = concatenateMat(Pool1st);

    // full connected layers
    vector<Mat> acti;
    for(int i=1; i<=NumHiddenLayers; i++){
        Mat tmpacti = hLayers[i - 1].W * acti[i - 1] + repeat(hLayers[i - 1].b, 1, convolvedX.cols);

    Mat M = smr.Weight * acti[acti.size() - 1] + repeat(smr.b, 1, nsamples);
    Mat tmp;
    reduce(M, tmp, 0, CV_REDUCE_MAX);
    M -= repeat(tmp, M.rows, 1);
    Mat p;
    exp(M, p);
    reduce(p, tmp, 0, CV_REDUCE_SUM);
    divide(p, repeat(tmp, p.rows, 1), p);

    // softmax regression
    Mat groundTruth = Mat::zeros(nclasses, nsamples, CV_64FC1);
    for(int i=0; i<nsamples; i++){
        groundTruth.ATD(y.ATD(0, i), i) = 1.0;
    Mat logP;
    log(p, logP);
    logP = logP.mul(groundTruth);
    smr.cost = - sum(logP)[0] / nsamples;
    pow(smr.Weight, 2.0, tmp);
    smr.cost += sum(tmp)[0] * lambda / 2;
    for(int i=0; i<cvl.kernelAmount; i++){
        pow(cvl.layer[i].W, 2.0, tmp);
        smr.cost += sum(tmp)[0] * lambda / 2;

    // bp - softmax
    tmp = (groundTruth - p) * acti[acti.size() - 1].t();
    tmp /= -nsamples;
    smr.Wgrad = tmp + lambda * smr.Weight;
    reduce((groundTruth - p), tmp, 1, CV_REDUCE_SUM);
    smr.bgrad = tmp / -nsamples;

    // bp - full connected
    vector<Mat> delta(acti.size());
    delta[delta.size() -1] = -smr.Weight.t() * (groundTruth - p);
    delta[delta.size() -1] = delta[delta.size() -1].mul(dsigmoid(acti[acti.size() - 1]));
    for(int i = delta.size() - 2; i >= 0; i--){
        delta[i] = hLayers[i].W.t() * delta[i + 1];
        if(i > 0) delta[i] = delta[i].mul(dsigmoid(acti[i]));
    for(int i=NumHiddenLayers - 1; i >=0; i--){
        hLayers[i].Wgrad = delta[i + 1] * acti[i].t();
        hLayers[i].Wgrad /= nsamples;
        reduce(delta[i + 1], tmp, 1, CV_REDUCE_SUM);
        hLayers[i].bgrad = tmp / nsamples;
    //bp - Conv layer
    Mat one = Mat::ones(PoolingDim, PoolingDim, CV_64FC1);
    vector<vector<Mat> > Delta;
    vector<vector<Mat> > convDelta;
    unconcatenateMat(delta[0], Delta, cvl.kernelAmount);
    for(int k=0; k<Delta.size(); k++){
        vector<Mat> tmp;
        for(int i=0; i<Delta[k].size(); i++){
            Mat upDelta = UnPooling(Delta[k][i], PoolingDim, PoolingDim, Pooling_Methed, PoolLoc[k][i]);
            //upDelta = upDelta.mul(dsigmoid(Conv1st[k][i]));
            upDelta = upDelta.mul(dReLU(Conv1st[k][i]));

    for(int j=0; j<cvl.kernelAmount; j++){
        Mat tpgradW = Mat::zeros(KernelSize, KernelSize, CV_64FC1);
        double tpgradb = 0.0;
        for(int i=0; i<nsamples; i++){
            Mat temp = rot90(convDelta[i][j], 2);
            tpgradW += conv2(x[i], temp, CONV_VALID);
            tpgradb += sum(convDelta[i][j])[0];
        cvl.layer[j].Wgrad = tpgradW / nsamples + lambda * cvl.layer[j].W;
        cvl.layer[j].bgrad = tpgradb / nsamples;
    // deconstruct
    for(int i=0; i<Conv1st.size(); i++){
    for(int i=0; i<PoolLoc.size(); i++){
        for(int j=0; j<PoolLoc[i].size(); j++){

gradientChecking(Cvl &cvl, vector<Ntw> &hLayers, SMR &smr, vector<Mat> &x, Mat &y, double lambda){
    //Gradient Checking (remember to disable this part after you're sure the 
    //cost function and dJ function are correct)
    getNetworkCost(x, y, cvl, hLayers, smr, lambda);
    Mat grad(cvl.layer[0].Wgrad);
    cout<<"test network !!!!"<<endl;
    double epsilon = 1e-4;
    for(int i=0; i<cvl.layer[0].W.rows; i++){
        for(int j=0; j<cvl.layer[0].W.cols; j++){
            double memo = cvl.layer[0].W.ATD(i, j);
            cvl.layer[0].W.ATD(i, j) = memo + epsilon;
            getNetworkCost(x, y, cvl, hLayers, smr, lambda);
            double value1 = smr.cost;
            cvl.layer[0].W.ATD(i, j) = memo - epsilon;
            getNetworkCost(x, y, cvl, hLayers, smr, lambda);
            double value2 = smr.cost;
            double tp = (value1 - value2) / (2 * epsilon);
            cout<<i<<", "<<j<<", "<<tp<<", "<<grad.ATD(i, j)<<", "<<grad.ATD(i, j) / tp<<endl;
            cvl.layer[0].W.ATD(i, j) = memo;

trainNetwork(vector<Mat> &x, Mat &y, Cvl &cvl, vector<Ntw> &HiddenLayers, SMR &smr, double lambda, int MaxIter, double lrate){

    if (G_CHECKING){
        gradientChecking(cvl, HiddenLayers, smr, x, y, lambda);
        int converge = 0;
        double lastcost = 0.0;
        //double lrate = getLearningRate(x);
        cout<<"Network Learning, trained learning rate: "<<lrate<<endl;
        while(converge < MaxIter){

            int randomNum = ((long)rand() + (long)rand()) % (x.size() - batch);
            vector<Mat> batchX;
            for(int i=0; i<batch; i++){
                batchX.push_back(x[i + randomNum]);
            Rect roi = Rect(randomNum, 0, batch, y.rows);
            Mat batchY = y(roi);

            getNetworkCost(batchX, batchY, cvl, HiddenLayers, smr, lambda);

            cout<<"learning step: "<<converge<<", Cost function value = "<<smr.cost<<", randomNum = "<<randomNum<<endl;
            if(fabs((smr.cost - lastcost) / smr.cost) <= 1e-7 && converge > 0) break;
            if(smr.cost <= 0) break;
            lastcost = smr.cost;
            smr.Weight -= lrate * smr.Wgrad;
            smr.b -= lrate * smr.bgrad;
            for(int i=0; i<HiddenLayers.size(); i++){
                HiddenLayers[i].W -= lrate * HiddenLayers[i].Wgrad;
                HiddenLayers[i].b -= lrate * HiddenLayers[i].bgrad;
            for(int i=0; i<cvl.kernelAmount; i++){
                cvl.layer[i].W -= lrate * cvl.layer[i].Wgrad;
                cvl.layer[i].b -= lrate * cvl.layer[i].bgrad;
            ++ converge;


readData(vector<Mat> &x, Mat &y, string xpath, string ypath, int number_of_images){

    //read MNIST iamge into OpenCV Mat vector
    read_Mnist(xpath, x);
    for(int i=0; i<x.size(); i++){
        x[i].convertTo(x[i],CV_64FC1, 1.0/255, 0);

    //cout<<"x" , x;
    //read MNIST label into double vector
    y = Mat::zeros(1, number_of_images, CV_64FC1);
    read_Mnist_Label(ypath, y);

resultProdict(vector<Mat> &x, Cvl &cvl, vector<Ntw> &hLayers, SMR &smr, double lambda){

    int nsamples = x.size();
    vector<vector<Mat> > Conv1st;
    vector<vector<Mat> > Pool1st;
    vector<Point> PLperKernel;
    for(int k=0; k<nsamples; k++){
        vector<Mat> tpConv1st;
        vector<Mat> tpPool1st;
        for(int i=0; i<cvl.kernelAmount; i++){
            Mat temp = rot90(cvl.layer[i].W, 2);
            Mat tmpconv = conv2(x[k], temp, CONV_VALID);
            tmpconv += cvl.layer[i].b;
            //tmpconv = sigmoid(tmpconv);
            tmpconv = ReLU(tmpconv);
            tmpconv = Pooling(tmpconv, PoolingDim, PoolingDim, Pooling_Methed, PLperKernel, true);
    Mat convolvedX = concatenateMat(Pool1st);

    vector<Mat> acti;
    for(int i=1; i<=NumHiddenLayers; i++){
        Mat tmpacti = hLayers[i - 1].W * acti[i - 1] + repeat(hLayers[i - 1].b, 1, convolvedX.cols);

    Mat M = smr.Weight * acti[acti.size() - 1] + repeat(smr.b, 1, nsamples);
    Mat tmp;
    reduce(M, tmp, 0, CV_REDUCE_MAX);
    M -= repeat(tmp, M.rows, 1);
    Mat p;
    exp(M, p);
    reduce(p, tmp, 0, CV_REDUCE_SUM);
    divide(p, repeat(tmp, p.rows, 1), p);
    log(p, tmp);

    Mat result = Mat::ones(1, tmp.cols, CV_64FC1);
    for(int i=0; i<tmp.cols; i++){
        double maxele = tmp.ATD(0, i);
        int which = 0;
        for(int j=1; j<tmp.rows; j++){
            if(tmp.ATD(j, i) > maxele){
                maxele = tmp.ATD(j, i);
                which = j;
        result.ATD(0, i) = which;

    // deconstruct
    for(int i=0; i<Conv1st.size(); i++){
    return result;

saveWeight(Mat &M, string s){
    s += ".txt";
    FILE *pOut = fopen(s.c_str(), "w+");
    for(int i=0; i<M.rows; i++){
        for(int j=0; j<M.cols; j++){
            fprintf(pOut, "%lf", M.ATD(i, j));
            if(j == M.cols - 1) fprintf(pOut, "\n");
            else fprintf(pOut, " ");

int main(int argc, char** argv)

    string baseDir ="D:\\mnist\\";
    string imagePath = baseDir+ "train-images-idx3-ubyte";

    string lablePath = baseDir + "train-lx1-ubytabels-ide";
    //cout<<("imagePath\n", imagePath);
    //cout<<("lablePath\n", lablePath);

    long start, end;
    start = clock();

    vector<Mat> trainX;
    vector<Mat> testX;
    Mat trainY, testY;
    printf(" S1 ");

    readData(trainX, trainY,imagePath, lablePath, 100);
    readData(testX, testY, imagePath, lablePath, 100);
    printf(" S2 ");
    cout<<"Read trainX successfully, including "<<trainX[0].cols * trainX[0].rows<<" features and "<<trainX.size()<<" samples."<<endl;
    cout<<"Read trainY successfully, including "<<trainY.cols<<" samples"<<endl;
    cout<<"Read testX successfully, including "<<testX[0].cols * testX[0].rows<<" features and "<<testX.size()<<" samples."<<endl;
    cout<<"Read testY successfully, including "<<testY.cols<<" samples"<<endl;
    printf(" S3 ");

    int nfeatures = trainX[0].rows * trainX[0].cols;
    int imgDim = trainX[0].rows;
    int nsamples = trainX.size();
    Cvl cvl;
    printf(" S4 ");
    vector<Ntw> HiddenLayers;
    SMR smr;
    printf(" S5 ");
    ConvNetInitPrarms(cvl, HiddenLayers, smr, imgDim, nsamples);
    printf(" S6 ");
    // Train network using Back Propogation
    batch = nsamples / 100;
    Mat tpX = concatenateMat(trainX);
    double lrate = getLearningRate(tpX);
    cout<<"lrate = "<<lrate<<endl;
    trainNetwork(trainX, trainY, cvl, HiddenLayers, smr, 3e-3, 200000, lrate);
    printf(" S5 ");
    if(! G_CHECKING){
        // Save the trained kernels, you can load them into Matlab/GNU Octave to see what are they look like.
        saveWeight(cvl.layer[0].W, "w0");
        saveWeight(cvl.layer[1].W, "w1");
        saveWeight(cvl.layer[2].W, "w2");
        saveWeight(cvl.layer[3].W, "w3");
        saveWeight(cvl.layer[4].W, "w4");
        saveWeight(cvl.layer[5].W, "w5");
        saveWeight(cvl.layer[6].W, "w6");
        saveWeight(cvl.layer[7].W, "w7");

        // Test use test set
        Mat result = resultProdict(testX, cvl, HiddenLayers, smr, 3e-3);
        Mat err(testY);
        err -= result;
        int correct = err.cols;
        for(int i=0; i<err.cols; i++){
            if(err.ATD(0, i) != 0) --correct;
        cout<<"correct: "<<correct<<", total: "<<err.cols<<", accuracy: "<<double(correct) / (double)(err.cols)<<endl;
    end = clock();
    cout<<"Totally used time: "<<((double)(end - start)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC<<" second"<<endl;

    return 0;