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Calculate robot coordinates from measured chessbaord corners ( hand-eye calibration)

Hello guys,

for my project I am trying to calibrate my depth camera with my robot-arm (hand-eye calibration). Therefore, I measured 8 corners of the cheassboard and got 8 pixel vectors and their corresponding robot 3D coordinates (using the gripper to point exactly at the corner). Then, I tried to calculate the transformation matrix. But the result is way off. Where's the mistake? Thank you very much!

camera_intrinsics = sensor.ir_intrinsics

intrinsics = sensor.color_intrinsics
distortion = np.array([0.03056762860315778,

img_pts = np.array(((237., 325.),
              (242., 245.),
              (248., 164.),
              (318., 330.),
              (322., 250.),
              (328., 170.),
              (398., 336.),
              (403., 255.)), dtype=np.float32)

objectPoints = np.array(((-437., -491., -259.),
              (-402., -457., -259.),
              (-360., -421., -259.),
              (-393., -534., -259.),
              (-362., -504., -259.),
              (-332., -476., -259.),
              (-298., -511., -259.),
              (-334., -546., -259.)), dtype=np.float32)

ret, rvec, tvec = cv2.solvePnP(objectPoints, img_pts, intrinsics.K, distortion)
rmtx, _ = cv2.Rodrigues(rvec)
T_gripper_cam = np.array([[rmtx[0][0], rmtx[0][1], rmtx[0][2], tvec[0]],
                         [rmtx[1][0], rmtx[1][1], rmtx[1][2], tvec[1]],
                         [rmtx[2][0], rmtx[2][1], rmtx[2][2], tvec[2]],
                         [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
T_cam_gripper = np.linalg.inv(T_gripper_cam)

p = np.array((237., 325., 0.), dtype=np.float32)

p_new = np.array([p[0], p[1], p[2], 1])

objectPoint =, T_gripper_cam)[:3]

# should be (-437., -491., -259.) 
# --> actual = [  33.00356493 -395.87868316  -63.12553304]

Calculate robot coordinates from measured chessbaord corners ( hand-eye calibration)

Hello guys,

for my project I am trying to calibrate my depth camera with my robot-arm (hand-eye calibration). Therefore, I measured 8 corners of the cheassboard and got 8 pixel vectors and their corresponding robot 3D coordinates (using the gripper to point exactly at the corner). Then, I tried to calculate the transformation matrix. But the result is way off. Where's the mistake? Thank you very much!

camera_intrinsics = sensor.ir_intrinsics

intrinsics = sensor.color_intrinsics
 distortion = np.array([0.03056762860315778,

img_pts = np.array(((237., 325.),
              (242., 245.),
              (248., 164.),
              (318., 330.),
              (322., 250.),
              (328., 170.),
              (398., 336.),
              (403., 255.)), dtype=np.float32)

objectPoints = np.array(((-437., -491., -259.),
              (-402., -457., -259.),
              (-360., -421., -259.),
              (-393., -534., -259.),
              (-362., -504., -259.),
              (-332., -476., -259.),
              (-298., -511., -259.),
              (-334., -546., -259.)), dtype=np.float32)

ret, rvec, tvec = cv2.solvePnP(objectPoints, img_pts, intrinsics.K, distortion)
rmtx, _ = cv2.Rodrigues(rvec)
T_gripper_cam = np.array([[rmtx[0][0], rmtx[0][1], rmtx[0][2], tvec[0]],
                         [rmtx[1][0], rmtx[1][1], rmtx[1][2], tvec[1]],
                         [rmtx[2][0], rmtx[2][1], rmtx[2][2], tvec[2]],
                         [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
T_cam_gripper = np.linalg.inv(T_gripper_cam)

p = np.array((237., 325., 0.), dtype=np.float32)

p_new = np.array([p[0], p[1], p[2], 1])

objectPoint =, T_gripper_cam)[:3]

# should be (-437., -491., -259.) 
# --> actual = [  33.00356493 -395.87868316  -63.12553304]

Calculate robot coordinates from measured chessbaord corners ( hand-eye calibration)

Hello guys,

for my project I am trying to calibrate my depth camera with my robot-arm (hand-eye calibration). Therefore, I measured 8 corners of the cheassboard and got 8 pixel vectors and their corresponding robot 3D coordinates (using the gripper to point exactly at the corner). Then, I tried to calculate the transformation matrix. But the result is way off. Where's the mistake? Thank you very much!

Edit: Added the camera matrix

intrinsics = sensor.color_intrinsics

distortion = np.array([0.03056762860315778,

img_pts = np.array(((237., 325.),
               (242., 245.),
               (248., 164.),
               (318., 330.),
               (322., 250.),
               (328., 170.),
               (398., 336.),
               (403., 255.)), dtype=np.float32)

objectPoints = np.array(((-437., -491., -259.),
               (-402., -457., -259.),
               (-360., -421., -259.),
               (-393., -534., -259.),
               (-362., -504., -259.),
               (-332., -476., -259.),
               (-298., -511., -259.),
               (-334., -546., -259.)), dtype=np.float32)

camera_matrix = np.array(((542.5860286838929, 0., 310.4749867256299),
                          (0., 544.2396851407029, 246.7577402755397),
                          (0., 0., 1.)), dtype=np.float32)

distortion = np.array([0.03056762860315778,

ret, rvec, tvec = cv2.solvePnP(objectPoints, img_pts, intrinsics.K, camera_matrix, distortion)
rmtx, _ = cv2.Rodrigues(rvec)
T_gripper_cam = np.array([[rmtx[0][0], rmtx[0][1], rmtx[0][2], tvec[0]],
                         [rmtx[1][0], rmtx[1][1], rmtx[1][2], tvec[1]],
                         [rmtx[2][0], rmtx[2][1], rmtx[2][2], tvec[2]],
                         [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
T_cam_gripper = np.linalg.inv(T_gripper_cam)

p = np.array((237., 325., 0.), dtype=np.float32)

p_new = np.array([p[0], p[1], p[2], 1])

objectPoint =, T_gripper_cam)[:3]

# should be (-437., -491., -259.) 
# --> actual = [  33.00356493 -395.87868316  -63.12553304]
33.57 -395.62  -64.46]

Calculate robot coordinates from measured chessbaord corners ( hand-eye calibration)

Hello guys,

for my project I am trying to calibrate my depth camera with my robot-arm (hand-eye calibration). Therefore, I measured 8 corners of the cheassboard and got 8 pixel vectors and their corresponding robot 3D coordinates (using the gripper to point exactly at the corner). Then, I tried to calculate the transformation matrix. But the result is way off. Where's the mistake? Thank you very much!

Edit: Added the camera matrix

img_pts = np.array(((237., 325.),
                    (242., 245.),
                    (248., 164.),
                    (318., 330.),
                    (322., 250.),
                    (328., 170.),
                    (398., 336.),
                    (403., 255.)), dtype=np.float32)

objectPoints = np.array(((-437., -491., -259.),
                         (-402., -457., -259.),
                         (-360., -421., -259.),
                         (-393., -534., -259.),
                         (-362., -504., -259.),
                         (-332., -476., -259.),
                         (-298., -511., -259.),
                         (-334., -546., -259.)), dtype=np.float32)

camera_matrix = np.array(((542.5860286838929, 0., 310.4749867256299),
                          (0., 544.2396851407029, 246.7577402755397),
                          (0., 0., 1.)), dtype=np.float32)

distortion = np.array([0.03056762860315778,

ret, rvec, tvec = cv2.solvePnP(objectPoints, img_pts, camera_matrix, distortion)
rmtx, _ = cv2.Rodrigues(rvec)
T_gripper_cam = np.array([[rmtx[0][0], rmtx[0][1], rmtx[0][2], tvec[0]],
                         [rmtx[1][0], rmtx[1][1], rmtx[1][2], tvec[1]],
                         [rmtx[2][0], rmtx[2][1], rmtx[2][2], tvec[2]],
                         [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
T_cam_gripper = np.linalg.inv(T_gripper_cam)

p = np.array((237., 325., 0.), dtype=np.float32)

p_new = np.array([p[0], p[1], p[2], 1])

objectPoint =, T_gripper_cam)[:3]

# should be (-437., -491., -259.)
# --> actual = [  33.57 -395.62  -64.46]

------------------------------------- Edit ---------------------------------------------------------- I think I might be on to something. According to this: Stackoverflow

I have to calculate the scaling factor. So i tried to do this in python:

uv = np.array(([237.], [325.], [1.]), dtype=np.float32)
rotInv = np.linalg.inv(rmtx)
camMatInv = np.linalg.inv(camera_matrix)
leftSideMat =,, uv))
leftSideMat =, tvec)

s = (295 + leftSideMat[2:] / leftSideMat[2:])
temp = (s *, uv))
tempSub = np.array(temp - tvec)

print(, tempSub))
# should be (-437., -491., -259.)
# --> actual = [  437.2 -501.3  -266.2]

Looks like I am pretty close. But its still way off in the Y direction. Is this the correct approach? Thank you!

Calculate robot coordinates from measured chessbaord corners ( hand-eye calibration)

Hello guys,

for my project I am trying to calibrate my depth camera with my robot-arm (hand-eye calibration). Therefore, I measured 8 corners of the cheassboard and got 8 pixel vectors and their corresponding robot 3D coordinates (using the gripper to point exactly at the corner). Then, I tried to calculate the transformation matrix. But the result is way off. Where's the mistake? Thank you very much!

Edit: Added the camera matrix

img_pts = np.array(((237., 325.),
                    (242., 245.),
                    (248., 164.),
                    (318., 330.),
                    (322., 250.),
                    (328., 170.),
                    (398., 336.),
                    (403., 255.)), dtype=np.float32)

objectPoints = np.array(((-437., -491., -259.),
                         (-402., -457., -259.),
                         (-360., -421., -259.),
                         (-393., -534., -259.),
                         (-362., -504., -259.),
                         (-332., -476., -259.),
                         (-298., -511., -259.),
                         (-334., -546., -259.)), dtype=np.float32)

camera_matrix = np.array(((542.5860286838929, 0., 310.4749867256299),
                          (0., 544.2396851407029, 246.7577402755397),
                          (0., 0., 1.)), dtype=np.float32)

distortion = np.array([0.03056762860315778,

ret, rvec, tvec = cv2.solvePnP(objectPoints, img_pts, camera_matrix, distortion)
rmtx, _ = cv2.Rodrigues(rvec)
T_gripper_cam = np.array([[rmtx[0][0], rmtx[0][1], rmtx[0][2], tvec[0]],
                         [rmtx[1][0], rmtx[1][1], rmtx[1][2], tvec[1]],
                         [rmtx[2][0], rmtx[2][1], rmtx[2][2], tvec[2]],
                         [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
T_cam_gripper = np.linalg.inv(T_gripper_cam)

p = np.array((237., 325., 0.), dtype=np.float32)

p_new = np.array([p[0], p[1], p[2], 1])

objectPoint =, T_gripper_cam)[:3]

# should be (-437., -491., -259.)
# --> actual = [  33.57 -395.62  -64.46]

------------------------------------- Edit ---------------------------------------------------------- I think I might be on to something. According to this: Stackoverflow

I have to calculate the scaling factor. So i tried to do this in python:

uv = np.array(([237.], [325.], [1.]), dtype=np.float32)
rotInv = np.linalg.inv(rmtx)
camMatInv = np.linalg.inv(camera_matrix)
leftSideMat =,, uv))
leftSideMat rightSideMat =, tvec)

s = (295 + leftSideMat[2:] / leftSideMat[2:])
temp = (s *, uv))
tempSub = np.array(temp - tvec)

print(, tempSub))
# should be (-437., -491., -259.)
# --> actual = [  437.2 -501.3  -266.2]

Looks like I am pretty close. But its still way off in the Y direction. Is this the correct approach? Thank you!