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Android : Native OpenCV dsgsgsdgdsg

When we are programing for Android and we want to use Opencv in the native code, the api for calling the Opencv structures and methods isn't the same used by c++ for Opencv for Linux,is it? Because i've been trying to compile a cpp (native) file based on one detect.cpp file which i used back when i was running opencv on ubuntu.

Any insight would be welcome. Thanks!

Android : Native OpenCV dsgsgsdgdsgOpenCV

When we are programing for Android and we want to use Opencv in the native code, the api for calling the Opencv structures and methods isn't the same used by c++ for Opencv for Linux,is it? Because i've been trying to compile a cpp (native) file based on one detect.cpp file which i used back when i was running opencv on ubuntu.

Any insight would be welcome. Thanks!