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Is there a way to use openCV contrib modules with Android (native)

Is there a way to use openCV contrib modules with Android (native)

Recently I tried the Aruco TAG detection on my PC and I wanted to do the same on my android phone.

The aruco module is part of contrib and needs to be built explicitly with openCV. I am able to use the OpenCV-Android-Sdk in android studio. Now I wish to use the aruco module with android native (ndk) but I do not know how to proceed.

My questions, rephrased: 1) Is it possible to use the contrib module with Android 2) What are the general directions for building such module for use in android

All the help is appreciated. Thanks.

Is there a way to use openCV contrib modules with Android (native)

Is there a way to use openCV contrib modules with Android (native)

Recently I tried the Aruco TAG detection on my PC and I wanted to do the same on my android phone.

The aruco module is part of contrib and needs to be built explicitly with openCV. I am able to use the OpenCV-Android-Sdk in android studio. Now I wish to use the aruco module with android native (ndk) but I do not know how to proceed.

My questions, rephrased: rephrased:
1) Is it possible to use the contrib module with Android Android?
2) What are the general directions for building such module for use in androidandroid?

All the help is appreciated. Thanks.