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No 'vcXX' folder found in 'OpenCV/build/x64' after compiling in Visual Studio 2017

Version information:

system - Windows 7 compiler - Visual Studio 2017 library - opencv-master(4.0.0-pre version)

Detailed description:

I down load the source code of opencv-master, generate the project into 'OpenCV/build' with cmake-gui and compile it with VS 2017 x64 compiler in both debug and release version. Up to then everything is OK. However after that I found the 'vc15' which should be located in 'OpenCV/build/x64' and added to system path does not exist. Furthermore, 'opencv' and 'opencv2' do not appear in 'OpenCV/build/include'. Do I miss any steps after compiling? Or does the opencv-master have difference from other versions in configuration process?