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Use cv::DescriptorMatcher to match my own feature descriptors

Can I use cv::DescriptorMatcher to find matches for my custom keypoint descriptors? As a learning exercise I have created my own simple keypoint descriptor. I now need to determine, given 2 lists of descriptors, which match. I came across OpenCV's cv::DescriptorMatcher, can I simply use this for my own custom keypoint descriptors?

Heres my simple keypoint descriptor:

struct MyDescriptor {
    double meanIntensity;
    double stdDevIntensity;
    double meanMag;
    double stdDevMag;
    double meanDir;
    double stdDevDir;

Will this work? I imagine I need to convert each of my descriptors from a struct to a vector of length 6 then I just feed it into the cv::DescriptorMatcher? Do I also need to implement a comparison function that measures the 'closeness'/similarity between 2 descriptors or will the class do this for me?