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Handling of 3d points for every image's pixel

Hi All,

I'm having a hard time to understand how OpenCV handles matrices of 3d vectors. What I have is a grayscale image and additional 3 floating point images with the same size. The float images represent the x,y,z coordinates of each point in the grayscale image. I want to perform angle calculations on these, e.g. the cosine between each pixel location's vector with the normal (0,0,1).

What I do is to create a std::vector<cv::mat> matrix and convert it to a 3-channel 2D matrix using cv:merge. But how to use functions for angle calulations on these?

Any help is greatly appreciated! Eicoo

Handling of 3d points for every image's pixel

Hi All,

I'm having a hard time to understand how OpenCV handles matrices of 3d vectors. What I have is a grayscale image and additional 3 floating point images with the same size. The float images represent the x,y,z coordinates of each point in the grayscale image. I want to perform angle calculations on these, e.g. the cosine between each pixel location's vector with the normal (0,0,1).

E.g., when filename_0 is contains the x coordinates of the vector for every pixel, filename_1 the y-coordinates, filename_2 the z-coordinates, my code looks like this:

std::vector<cv::Mat> inc;
inc.push_back(imread( argv[1]+string("_0"), CV_32FC1 ));
inc.push_back(imread( argv[1]+string("_1"), CV_32FC1 ));
inc.push_back(imread( argv[1]+string("_2"), CV_32FC1 ));
Mat3f mat_inc;

What I do is to create a std::vector<cv::mat> matrix and convert it to a 3-channel 2D matrix using cv:merge. But how to use functions for angle calulations calculations on these?mat_inc?

Background: the vectors are the Sun direction (incidence angle) for every pixel and I want to calculate the cosine of the incidence angle in the simplest case.

Any help is greatly appreciated! Eicoo

Handling of 3d points for every image's pixel

Hi All,

I'm having a hard time to understand how OpenCV handles matrices of 3d vectors. What I have is a grayscale image and additional 3 floating point images with the same size. The float images represent the x,y,z coordinates of each point in the grayscale image. I want to perform angle calculations on these, e.g. the cosine between each pixel location's vector with the normal (0,0,1).

E.g., when filename_0 is contains the x coordinates of the vector for every pixel, filename_1 the y-coordinates, filename_2 the z-coordinates, my code looks like this:

std::vector<cv::Mat> inc;
inc.push_back(imread( argv[1]+string("_0"), CV_32FC1 ));
inc.push_back(imread( argv[1]+string("_1"), CV_32FC1 ));
inc.push_back(imread( argv[1]+string("_2"), CV_32FC1 ));
Mat3f mat_inc;

What I do is to create a std::vector<cv::mat> matrix and convert it to a 3-channel 2D matrix using cv:merge. But how to use functions for angle calculations on mat_inc?

Background: the vectors are the Sun direction (incidence angle) for every pixel and I want to calculate the cosine of the incidence angle in the simplest case.

Any help is greatly appreciated! Eicoo

Handling of 3d points for every image's pixel

Hi All,

I'm having a hard time to understand how OpenCV handles matrices of 3d vectors. What I have is a grayscale image and additional 3 floating point images with the same size. The float images represent the x,y,z coordinates of each point in the grayscale image. I want to perform angle calculations on these, e.g. the cosine between each pixel location's vector with the normal (0,0,1).

E.g., when filename_0 contains the x coordinates coordinate of the vector for every pixel, filename_1 the y-coordinates, y-coordinate, filename_2 the z-coordinates, z-coordinate, my code looks like this:

std::vector<cv::Mat> inc;
inc.push_back(imread( argv[1]+string("_0"), CV_32FC1 ));
inc.push_back(imread( argv[1]+string("_1"), CV_32FC1 ));
inc.push_back(imread( argv[1]+string("_2"), CV_32FC1 ));
Mat3f mat_inc;

What I do is to create a std::vector<cv::mat> matrix and convert it to a 3-channel 2D matrix using cv:merge. But how to use functions for angle calculations on mat_inc?

Background: the vectors are the Sun direction (incidence angle) for every pixel and I want to calculate the cosine of the incidence angle in the simplest case.

Any help is greatly appreciated! Eicoo

Handling of 3d points for every image's pixel

Hi All,

I'm having a hard time to understand how OpenCV handles matrices of 3d vectors. What I have is a grayscale image and additional 3 floating point images with the same size. The float images represent the x,y,z coordinates of each point in the grayscale image. I want to perform angle calculations on these, e.g. the cosine between each pixel location's vector with the normal (0,0,1).

E.g., when filename_0 contains the x coordinate of the vector for every pixel, filename_1 the y-coordinate, filename_2 the z-coordinate, my code looks like this:

std::vector<cv::Mat> inc;
inc.push_back(imread( inc.push_back(imread_geo( argv[1]+string("_0"), CV_32FC1 ));
inc.push_back(imread( inc.push_back(imread_geo( argv[1]+string("_1"), CV_32FC1 ));
inc.push_back(imread( inc.push_back(imread_geo( argv[1]+string("_2"), CV_32FC1 ));
Mat3f mat_inc;

What I do is to create a std::vector<cv::mat> matrix and convert it to a 3-channel 2D matrix using cv:merge. But how to use functions for angle calculations on mat_inc?

EDIT: The imread_geo function is adapted from this example: Loading the images using cv:imread and cv::IMREAD_LOAD_GDAL did not work with my file types (but should not matter here).

Background: the vectors are the Sun direction (incidence angle) for every pixel and I want to calculate the cosine of the incidence angle in the simplest case.

Any help is greatly appreciated! Eicoo