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Detect only important edges using canny edge detector

Hello, I'm using canny edge detector to detect edges of certain objects in real-time but I only want to detect the outline of the object and now the minor details, I tried to eliminate the noise and smooth the image, I tried converting it to grayscale and applying a Gaussianblur to it but it still picks up a lot of minor details. Are there specific filters I should use for this.

I appreciate any suggestions you might offer.

Detect only important edges using canny edge detector

Hello, I'm using canny edge detector to detect edges of certain objects in real-time but I only want to detect the outline of the object and now the minor details, I tried to eliminate the noise and smooth the image, I tried converting it to grayscale and applying a Gaussianblur to it but it still picks up a lot of minor details. Are there specific filters I should use for this.this?

I appreciate any suggestions you might offer.

Detect only important edges using canny edge detector

Hello, I'm using canny edge detector to detect edges of certain objects in real-time but I only want to detect the outline of the object and now the minor details, I tried to eliminate the noise and smooth the image, I tried converting it to grayscale and applying a Gaussianblur to it but it still picks up a lot of minor details. Are there specific filters I should use for this?

I appreciate any suggestions you might offer.

Update I want the lines to be smoother and I don't want to pick up any noise/ I don't want one line to be considered more than one contour, I don't know how to get the smoothest result possible though. image description

Detect only important edges using canny edge detector

Hello, I'm using canny edge detector to detect edges of certain objects in real-time but I only want to detect the outline of the object and now not the minor details, I tried to eliminate the noise and smooth the image, I tried converting it to grayscale and applying a Gaussianblur to it but it still picks up a lot of minor details. Are there specific filters I should use for this?

I appreciate any suggestions you might offer.

Update I want the lines to be smoother and I don't want to pick up any noise/ I don't want one line to be considered more than one contour, I don't know how to get the smoothest result possible though. image description