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videoCapture with opencv3.1.0

I have anaconda 3.5 with opencv3.1.0 and python 3.5.4 which I installed using: conda install --channel opencv3 The anaconda3.5/env.../Library/bin has opencv_ffmpeg310_64.dll But when I try to do:


even though ret returns true I don't seem to get the image. I get an error when I try to print the frame.shape. I have been looking on th einternet but there so many different configurations and answers its' very confusing. Can you please let me know which versions of anaconda, python, spyder opencv ffmpeg on windows 10 should I be using and/or how can I fix this problem. (btw, I am using spyder 3.2.7)

Many thans for your early reply, kinda stuck on a project.

click to hide/show revision 2

updated 2018-03-09 08:46:32 -0600

berak gravatar image

videoCapture with opencv3.1.0

I have anaconda 3.5 with opencv3.1.0 and python 3.5.4 which I installed using: conda install --channel opencv3 The anaconda3.5/env.../Library/bin has opencv_ffmpeg310_64.dll But when I try to do:


even though ret returns true I don't seem to get the image. I get an error when I try to print the frame.shape. I have been looking on th einternet but there so many different configurations and answers its' very confusing. Can you please let me know which versions of anaconda, python, spyder opencv ffmpeg on windows 10 should I be using and/or how can I fix this problem. (btw, I am using spyder 3.2.7)

Many thans for your early reply, kinda stuck on a project.