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How to use HSV values for drawing functions in Python?

For example:

cv2.rectangle(img,pt1,pt2, X ,-1)

X = (B,G,R) for red, green, and blue.

I want to draw a square that has a specific (h,s,v) value. Can someone please tell me of a way I can use my (h,s,v) value in a drawing functions such as cv2.rectangle?

How to use HSV values for drawing functions in Python?

For example:

cv2.rectangle(img,pt1,pt2, X ,-1)

X = (B,G,R) for red, green, and blue.

I want to draw a square that has a specific (h,s,v) value. Can someone please tell me of a way I can use my (h,s,v) value in a drawing functions such as cv2.rectangle?

I'd rather not use some kind of online converter or anything outside my code please.