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Strange error in HOGDescriptor::compute()


I'm trying to use HOGDescriptor, but in some of my projects compute() method always throws exception -215. Here is my code:

cv::Mat loaded = cv::imread("D:/raw/filtered/knot_neg/33.jpg", cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
cv::HOGDescriptor hog;
std::vector<cv::Point> location;
std::vector<float> descriptors;
hog.compute(loaded, descriptors, cv::Size(8, 8), cv::Size(0, 0), location);

When i try to debug, i found strange corruption of HOGDescriptor parameters in cv code.

HOGDescriptor data in my code: image description

I read many articles about -215 exception in the compute() method which says to "set HOGDescriptor parameters properly". But it doesn't help because the parameters i set changes like this in compute() method: image description

What could lead to such behavior? How could I fix it? OpenCV 3.3.0/3.3.1 x86 build from source.

Strange error in HOGDescriptor::compute()


I'm trying to use HOGDescriptor, but in some of my projects compute() method always throws exception -215. Here is my code:

cv::Mat loaded = cv::imread("D:/raw/filtered/knot_neg/33.jpg", cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
cv::HOGDescriptor hog;
std::vector<cv::Point> location;
std::vector<float> descriptors;
hog.compute(loaded, descriptors, cv::Size(8, 8), cv::Size(0, 0), location);

When i try to debug, i found strange corruption of HOGDescriptor parameters in cv code.

HOGDescriptor data in my code: image description

I read many articles about -215 exception in the compute() method which says to "set HOGDescriptor parameters properly". But it doesn't help because the parameters i set changes like this in compute() method: image description

What could lead to such behavior? How could I fix it? OpenCV 3.3.0/3.3.1 x86 build from source.

UPD. This bug came from "nodave.h" header of LIBNODAVE library. When i include this header before opencv headers i get this bug.