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2D Shape Detection

Hi, I am pretty new to the OpenCV world. I have a school assignment which require me to write a C++ code about 2d shape detection using Fourier Descriptors. The objective of this assignment is to detect the digit “6” in the provided image “a2.bmp” using C++ objective of this assignment is to detect the digit “6” in the provided image “a2.bmp” using C++. 1. Crop out the digit “6” from the top left corner of the image “ a2.bmp”, and store it as template. 2. Detect all the digit “6” in the image “ a2.bmp” by using Fourier Descriptors. I understand the concept for Fourier Descriptors in theory and did all tutorial for opencv. But I still have no idea how to write the source code, maybe so guidance or template for me will help me. Thanks.

2D Shape Detection

Hi, I am pretty new to the OpenCV world. I have a school assignment which require me to write a C++ code about 2d shape detection using Fourier Descriptors. The objective of this assignment is to detect the digit “6” in the provided image “a2.bmp” using C++ objective of this assignment is to detect the digit “6” in the provided image “a2.bmp” using C++. 1. Crop out the digit “6” from the top left corner of the image “ a2.bmp”, and store it as template. 2. Detect all the digit “6” in the image “ a2.bmp” by using Fourier Descriptors. I understand the concept for Fourier Descriptors in theory and did all tutorial for opencv. But I still have no idea how to write the source code, maybe so guidance or template for me will help me. Thanks.