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FileStorage: can write but can't read Size, Rect, etc.

I am writing Size to a yaml file using FileStorage:

FileStorage fs("info.yml", FileStorage::WRITE);
fs << "gridSize" << Size(31,31);

The file content is after writing:

gridSize: [ 31, 31 ]

I cannot read the Size object again by doing:

Size gridSize;
FileStorage fs("info.yml", FileStorage::READ);
fs["gridSize"] >> gridSize;

Is this a bug? Lack of feature? Or is this completely planned behavior? What is the best way to read OpenCV data structures?

FileStorage: can write but can't read Size, Rect, etc.

I am writing Size to a yaml file using FileStorage:

FileStorage fs("info.yml", FileStorage::WRITE);
fs << "gridSize" << Size(31,31);

The file content is after writing:

gridSize: [ 31, 31 ]

I cannot read the Size object again by doing:

Size gridSize;
FileStorage fs("info.yml", FileStorage::READ);
fs["gridSize"] >> gridSize;

Is this a bug? Lack of feature? Or is this completely planned behavior? What is the best way to read OpenCV data structures?