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Dynamic gesture recognition

Hi there !

As my Master thesis project I have to design a dynamic recognition system using OpenCV. Could you please give me some piece of advice how to realise such a system in a quite robust way. 1. So first of all I want to detect the hand using haar caascades. 2. Hand tracking region using Kalman Filter. 3. Hand Segmentation. 4. Hand gesture recognition. Could I ask you to tell me how to realise this part. I've hard about HMM and neural networks. Are you able to give me some tutorials about this topic, maybe some pieces of code ?

Generally plase give me some suggestions what is you impression about such a system. Thanks in advance.

Dynamic gesture recognition

Hi there !

As my Master thesis project I have to design a dynamic recognition system using OpenCV. Could you please give me some piece of advice how to realise such a system in a quite robust way. 1. way.

  • ----This is done-----
    • So first of all I want to detect the hand using haar caascades. 2. caascades.
    • Hand tracking region using Kalman Filter. 3. Filter.
    • Hand Segmentation. 4. Segmentation.
  • ----This is done-----

    • (Dynamic) Hand gesture recognition. recognition - this is my problem. How to do it ?

    Could I ask you to tell me how to realise this part. I've hard about HMM and neural networks. Are you able to give me some tutorials about this topic, maybe some pieces of code ?

Generally plase give me some suggestions what is you impression about such a system. Thanks in advance.