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OpenCV 3.3 setNumThreads(0) bug

I can produce this, only in OpenCV 3.3, only when using the pthreads parallel framework.

First If I setNumThreads (3) then, I change this value to setNumThreads (0), then I change the value again to setNumThreads (3), then the last action has no effect, and application using one thread. In general, after I set the value of setNumThreads (0), all future changes to setNumThreads() do not give an effet.

test code for produce:

#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;
using namespace std::chrono;

cv::CascadeClassifier* cascadeFrontalFace;
cv::Mat image;

std::vector<cv::Rect> detectFace(){
    std::vector<cv::Rect> dets;
    cascadeFrontalFace->detectMultiScale(image,dets, 1.2, 6,0,cv::Size(20,20));
    return dets;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    std::cout<< cv::getBuildInformation()<<endl;
    image = cv::imread("/home/nick64/testgstreamer/3/video12z8.jpg", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
    cascadeFrontalFace=new cv::CascadeClassifier("/usr/local/share/OpenCV/haarcascades/haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml");
    int tcnt[]={3,0,3};
    for(int i=0; i<3; ++i){        
        milliseconds startTime = duration_cast< milliseconds >(

        for(int n=0; n<10; ++n){
            std::vector<cv::Rect> dets;
            cascadeFrontalFace->detectMultiScale(image,dets, 1.2, 6,0,cv::Size(20,20));
            std::cout << "face detected:" << dets.size()<<endl;

        milliseconds endTime = duration_cast< milliseconds >(
        std::cout<< "between time: " << (endTime-startTime).count() << "num threads: " << cv::getNumThreads() <<endl;
    delete cascadeFrontalFace;

Output for OpenCV 3.3:

General configuration for OpenCV 3.3.0 =====================================
  Version control:               unknown

  Extra modules:
    Location (extra):            /media/nick64/1c6afc58-05d2-4957-802e-352b30bdedf0/dernel_ubuntu1610/OpenCv3.3/332/opencv-3.3.0/contrib/modules
    Version control (extra):     unknown

    Timestamp:                   2017-09-22T11:06:39Z
    Host:                        Linux x86_64
    CMake:                       3.5.2
    CMake generator:             Unix Makefiles
    CMake build tool:            /usr/bin/make
    Configuration:               Release

  CPU/HW features:
    Baseline:                    SSE SSE2 SSE3 SSSE3 SSE4_1 POPCNT SSE4_2 FP16 FMA3 AVX AVX2
      requested:                 AVX2
    Dispatched code generation:
      requested:                 AVX AVX2

    Built as dynamic libs?:      YES
    C++11:                       YES
    C++ Compiler:                /usr/bin/x86_64-linux-gnu-g++  (ver 6.2.0)
    C++ flags (Release):         -g -O2 -fdebug-prefix-map=/media/nick64/1c6afc58-05d2-4957-802e-352b30bdedf0/dernel_ubuntu1610/OpenCv3.3/332/opencv-3.3.0=. -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wdate-time -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2    -fsigned-char -W -Wall -Werror=return-type -Werror=non-virtual-dtor -Werror=address -Werror=sequence-point -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wmissing-declarations -Wundef -Winit-self -Wpointer-arith -Wshadow -Wsign-promo -Wuninitialized -Winit-self -Wno-narrowing -Wno-delete-non-virtual-dtor -Wno-comment -fdiagnostics-show-option -Wno-long-long -pthread -fomit-frame-pointer -ffunction-sections  -msse -msse2 -msse3 -mssse3 -msse4.1 -mpopcnt -msse4.2 -mf16c -mfma -mavx -mavx2 -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -O3 -DNDEBUG  -DNDEBUG
    C++ flags (Debug):           -g -O2 -fdebug-prefix-map=/media/nick64/1c6afc58-05d2-4957-802e-352b30bdedf0/dernel_ubuntu1610/OpenCv3.3/332/opencv-3.3.0=. -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wdate-time -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2    -fsigned-char -W -Wall -Werror=return-type -Werror=non-virtual-dtor -Werror=address -Werror=sequence-point -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wmissing-declarations -Wundef -Winit-self -Wpointer-arith -Wshadow -Wsign-promo -Wuninitialized -Winit-self -Wno-narrowing -Wno-delete-non-virtual-dtor -Wno-comment -fdiagnostics-show-option -Wno-long-long -pthread -fomit-frame-pointer -ffunction-sections  -msse -msse2 -msse3 -mssse3 -msse4.1 -mpopcnt -msse4.2 -mf16c -mfma -mavx -mavx2 -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -g  -DDEBUG -D_DEBUG
    C Compiler:                  /usr/bin/x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc
    C flags (Release):           -Wdate-time -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2    -fsigned-char -W -Wall -Werror=return-type -Werror=non-virtual-dtor -Werror=address -Werror=sequence-point -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wmissing-declarations -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -Wundef -Winit-self -Wpointer-arith -Wshadow -Wuninitialized -Winit-self -Wno-narrowing -Wno-comment -fdiagnostics-show-option -Wno-long-long -pthread -fomit-frame-pointer -ffunction-sections  -msse -msse2 -msse3 -mssse3 -msse4.1 -mpopcnt -msse4.2 -mf16c -mfma -mavx -mavx2 -fvisibility=hidden -O3 -DNDEBUG  -DNDEBUG
    C flags (Debug):             -Wdate-time -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2    -fsigned-char -W -Wall -Werror=return-type -Werror=non-virtual-dtor -Werror=address -Werror=sequence-point -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wmissing-declarations -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -Wundef -Winit-self -Wpointer-arith -Wshadow -Wuninitialized -Winit-self -Wno-narrowing -Wno-comment -fdiagnostics-show-option -Wno-long-long -pthread -fomit-frame-pointer -ffunction-sections  -msse -msse2 -msse3 -mssse3 -msse4.1 -mpopcnt -msse4.2 -mf16c -mfma -mavx -mavx2 -fvisibility=hidden -g  -DDEBUG -D_DEBUG
    Linker flags (Release):      -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now
    Linker flags (Debug):        -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now
    ccache:                      NO
    Precompiled headers:         NO
    Extra dependencies:          /usr/lib/ gtk-3 gdk-3 pangocairo-1.0 pango-1.0 atk-1.0 cairo-gobject cairo gdk_pixbuf-2.0 gio-2.0 gthread-2.0 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/ gstbase-1.0 gstreamer-1.0 gobject-2.0 glib-2.0 gstvideo-1.0 gstapp-1.0 gstriff-1.0 gstpbutils-1.0 dc1394 avcodec avformat avutil swscale avresample gphoto2 gphoto2_port vtkRenderingOpenGL vtkImagingHybrid vtkIOImage vtkCommonDataModel vtkCommonMath vtkCommonCore vtksys vtkCommonMisc vtkCommonSystem vtkCommonTransforms vtkCommonExecutionModel vtkDICOMParser vtkIOCore vtkmetaio /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ vtkImagingCore vtkRenderingCore vtkCommonColor vtkFiltersExtraction vtkFiltersCore vtkFiltersGeneral vtkCommonComputationalGeometry vtkFiltersStatistics vtkImagingFourier vtkalglib vtkFiltersGeometry vtkFiltersSources vtkInteractionStyle vtkRenderingLOD vtkFiltersModeling vtkIOPLY vtkIOGeometry vtkFiltersTexture vtkRenderingFreeType /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ vtkftgl vtkIOExport vtkRenderingAnnotation vtkImagingColor vtkRenderingContext2D vtkRenderingGL2PS vtkRenderingContextOpenGL /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ vtkRenderingLabel freetype harfbuzz /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/hdf5/serial/lib/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ tesseract lept dl m pthread rt
    3rdparty dependencies:

  OpenCV modules:
    To be built:                 core flann hdf imgproc ml objdetect phase_unwrapping photo plot reg surface_matching video viz xphoto bgsegm dnn face freetype fuzzy img_hash imgcodecs shape videoio xobjdetect highgui superres ts bioinspired dpm features2d line_descriptor saliency text calib3d ccalib datasets rgbd stereo structured_light tracking videostab xfeatures2d ximgproc aruco java optflow stitching python2 python3
    Disabled:                    world contrib_world dnn_modern sfm
    Disabled by dependency:      -
    Unavailable:                 cudaarithm cudabgsegm cudacodec cudafeatures2d cudafilters cudaimgproc cudalegacy cudaobjdetect cudaoptflow cudastereo cudawarping cudev cnn_3dobj cvv matlab

    QT:                          NO
    GTK+ 3.x:                    YES (ver 3.20.9)
    GThread :                    YES (ver 2.50.2)
    GtkGlExt:                    NO
    OpenGL support:              NO
    VTK support:                 YES (ver 6.3.0)

  Media I/O: 
    ZLib:                        /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (ver 1.2.8)
    JPEG:                        /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (ver )
    WEBP:                        /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (ver encoder: 0x0209)
    PNG:                         /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (ver 1.6.25)
    TIFF:                        /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (ver 42 - 4.0.6)
    JPEG 2000:                   /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (ver 1.900.1)
    OpenEXR:                     /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (ver 2.2.0)
    GDAL:                        /usr/lib/
    GDCM:                        NO

  Video I/O:
    DC1394 1.x:                  NO
    DC1394 2.x:                  YES (ver 2.2.4)
    FFMPEG:                      YES
      avcodec:                   YES (ver 57.24.102)
      avformat:                  YES (ver 57.25.100)
      avutil:                    YES (ver 55.17.103)
      swscale:                   YES (ver 4.0.100)
      avresample:                YES (ver 3.0.0)
      base:                      YES (ver 1.8.3)
      video:                     YES (ver 1.8.3)
      app:                       YES (ver 1.8.3)
      riff:                      YES (ver 1.8.3)
      pbutils:                   YES (ver 1.8.3)
    OpenNI:                      NO
    OpenNI PrimeSensor Modules:  NO
    OpenNI2:                     NO
    PvAPI:                       NO
    GigEVisionSDK:               NO
    Aravis SDK:                  NO
    UniCap:                      NO
    UniCap ucil:                 NO
    V4L/V4L2:                    NO/YES
    XIMEA:                       NO
    Xine:                        NO
    Intel Media SDK:             NO
    gPhoto2:                     YES

  Parallel framework:            pthreads

  Trace:                         YES (with Intel ITT)

  Other third-party libraries:
    Use Intel IPP:               2017.0.2 [2017.0.2]
               at:               /media/nick64/1c6afc58-05d2-4957-802e-352b30bdedf0/dernel_ubuntu1610/OpenCv3.3/332/opencv-3.3.0/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/3rdparty/ippicv/ippicv_lnx
    Use Intel IPP IW:            prebuilt binaries (2017.0.2)
    Use Intel IPP Async:         NO
    Use VA:                      NO
    Use Intel VA-API/OpenCL:     NO
    Use Lapack:                  YES (/usr/lib/
    Use Eigen:                   YES (ver 3.2.93)
    Use Cuda:                    NO
    Use OpenCL:                  YES
    Use OpenVX:                  NO
    Use custom HAL:              NO

  OpenCL:                        <Dynamic loading of OpenCL library>
    Include path:                /opt/intel/opencl/include/CL
    Use AMDFFT:                  NO
    Use AMDBLAS:                 NO

  Python 2:
    Interpreter:                 /usr/bin/python2.7 (ver 2.7.12)
    Libraries:                   /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (ver 2.7.12+)
    numpy:                       /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/numpy/core/include (ver 1.11.1rc1)
    packages path:               lib/python2.7/dist-packages

  Python 3:
    Interpreter:                 /usr/bin/python3 (ver 3.5.2)
    Libraries:                   /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (ver 3.5.2+)
    numpy:                       /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include (ver 1.11.1rc1)
    packages path:               lib/python3.5/dist-packages

  Python (for build):            /usr/bin/python2.7

    ant:                         /usr/bin/ant (ver 1.9.7)
    JNI:                         /usr/lib/jvm/default-java/include /usr/lib/jvm/default-java/include/linux /usr/lib/jvm/default-java/include
    Java wrappers:               YES
    Java tests:                  NO

  Matlab:                        Matlab not found or implicitly disabled

    Doxygen:                     /usr/bin/doxygen (ver 1.8.11)

  Tests and samples:
    Tests:                       NO
    Performance tests:           YES
    C/C++ Examples:              YES

  Install path:                  /usr

  cvconfig.h is in:              /media/nick64/1c6afc58-05d2-4957-802e-352b30bdedf0/dernel_ubuntu1610/OpenCv3.3/332/opencv-3.3.0/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu

face detected:2
face detected:2
face detected:2
face detected:2
face detected:2
face detected:2
face detected:2
face detected:2
face detected:2
face detected:2
between time: 7587num threads: 3
face detected:2
face detected:2
face detected:2
face detected:2
face detected:2
face detected:2
face detected:2
face detected:2
face detected:2
face detected:2
between time: 15809num threads: 1
face detected:2
face detected:2
face detected:2
face detected:2
face detected:2
face detected:2
face detected:2
face detected:2
face detected:2
face detected:2
between time: 15803num threads: 3

Output for OpenCV 3.2 text:

General configuration for OpenCV 3.2.0 =====================================
  Version control:               unknown

    Timestamp:                   2017-06-20T16:46:00Z
    Host:                        Linux 4.8.0-56-generic x86_64
    CMake:                       3.5.2
    CMake generator:             Unix Makefiles
    CMake build tool:            /usr/bin/make
    Configuration:               Release

    Built as dynamic libs?:      YES
    C++ Compiler:                /usr/bin/c++  (ver 6.2.0)
    C++ flags (Release):         -fsigned-char -W -Wall -Werror=return-type -Werror=non-virtual-dtor -Werror=address -Werror=sequence-point -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wmissing-declarations -Wundef -Winit-self -Wpointer-arith -Wshadow -Wsign-promo -Wno-narrowing -Wno-delete-non-virtual-dtor -Wno-comment -fdiagnostics-show-option -Wno-long-long -pthread -fomit-frame-pointer -msse -msse2 -mavx -ffunction-sections -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -mf16c -O3 -DNDEBUG  -DNDEBUG
    C++ flags (Debug):           -fsigned-char -W -Wall -Werror=return-type -Werror=non-virtual-dtor -Werror=address -Werror=sequence-point -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wmissing-declarations -Wundef -Winit-self -Wpointer-arith -Wshadow -Wsign-promo -Wno-narrowing -Wno-delete-non-virtual-dtor -Wno-comment -fdiagnostics-show-option -Wno-long-long -pthread -fomit-frame-pointer -msse -msse2 -mavx -ffunction-sections -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -mf16c -g  -O0 -DDEBUG -D_DEBUG
    C Compiler:                  /usr/bin/cc
    C flags (Release):           -fsigned-char -W -Wall -Werror=return-type -Werror=non-virtual-dtor -Werror=address -Werror=sequence-point -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wmissing-declarations -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -Wundef -Winit-self -Wpointer-arith -Wshadow -Wno-narrowing -Wno-comment -fdiagnostics-show-option -Wno-long-long -pthread -fomit-frame-pointer -msse -msse2 -mavx -ffunction-sections -fvisibility=hidden -mf16c -O3 -DNDEBUG  -DNDEBUG
    C flags (Debug):             -fsigned-char -W -Wall -Werror=return-type -Werror=non-virtual-dtor -Werror=address -Werror=sequence-point -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wmissing-declarations -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -Wundef -Winit-self -Wpointer-arith -Wshadow -Wno-narrowing -Wno-comment -fdiagnostics-show-option -Wno-long-long -pthread -fomit-frame-pointer -msse -msse2 -mavx -ffunction-sections -fvisibility=hidden -mf16c -g  -O0 -DDEBUG -D_DEBUG
    Linker flags (Release):
    Linker flags (Debug):
    ccache:                      NO
    Precompiled headers:         YES
    Extra dependencies:          /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ gtk-x11-2.0 gdk-x11-2.0 pangocairo-1.0 atk-1.0 cairo gdk_pixbuf-2.0 gio-2.0 pangoft2-1.0 pango-1.0 gobject-2.0 glib-2.0 fontconfig freetype gthread-2.0 gstbase-1.0 gstreamer-1.0 gstvideo-1.0 gstapp-1.0 gstriff-1.0 gstpbutils-1.0 dc1394 avcodec avformat avutil swscale dl m pthread rt /usr/lib/
    3rdparty dependencies:       libwebp

  OpenCV modules:
    To be built:                 core flann imgproc ml photo video imgcodecs shape videoio highgui objdetect superres ts features2d calib3d stitching videostab python2
    Disabled:                    world
    Disabled by dependency:      -
    Unavailable:                 cudaarithm cudabgsegm cudacodec cudafeatures2d cudafilters cudaimgproc cudalegacy cudaobjdetect cudaoptflow cudastereo cudawarping cudev java python3 viz

    QT:                          NO
    GTK+ 2.x:                    YES (ver 2.24.30)
    GThread :                    YES (ver 2.50.2)
    GtkGlExt:                    NO
    OpenGL support:              NO
    VTK support:                 NO

  Media I/O: 
    ZLib:                        /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (ver 1.2.8)
    JPEG:                        /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (ver )
    WEBP:                        build (ver 0.3.1)
    PNG:                         /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (ver 1.6.25)
    TIFF:                        /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (ver 42 - 4.0.6)
    JPEG 2000:                   /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (ver 1.900.1)
    OpenEXR:                     /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (ver 2.2.0)
    GDAL:                        NO
    GDCM:                        NO

  Video I/O:
    DC1394 1.x:                  NO
    DC1394 2.x:                  YES (ver 2.2.4)
    FFMPEG:                      YES
      avcodec:                   YES (ver 57.24.102)
      avformat:                  YES (ver 57.25.100)
      avutil:                    YES (ver 55.17.103)
      swscale:                   YES (ver 4.0.100)
      avresample:                NO
      base:                      YES (ver 1.8.3)
      video:                     YES (ver 1.8.3)
      app:                       YES (ver 1.8.3)
      riff:                      YES (ver 1.8.3)
      pbutils:                   YES (ver 1.8.3)
    OpenNI:                      NO
    OpenNI PrimeSensor Modules:  NO
    OpenNI2:                     NO
    PvAPI:                       NO
    GigEVisionSDK:               NO
    Aravis SDK:                  NO
    UniCap:                      NO
    UniCap ucil:                 NO
    V4L/V4L2:                    NO/YES
    XIMEA:                       NO
    Xine:                        NO
    gPhoto2:                     NO

  Parallel framework:            pthreads

  Other third-party libraries:
    Use IPP:                     9.0.1 [9.0.1]
         at:                     /home/nick64/Downloads/OpenCC32/opencv-3.2.0/build/3rdparty/ippicv/ippicv_lnx
    Use IPP Async:               NO
    Use VA:                      NO
    Use Intel VA-API/OpenCL:     NO
    Use Lapack:                  YES (/usr/lib/
    Use Eigen:                   NO
    Use Cuda:                    NO
    Use OpenCL:                  YES
    Use OpenVX:                  NO
    Use custom HAL:              NO

  OpenCL:                        <Dynamic loading of OpenCL library>
    Include path:                /home/nick64/Downloads/OpenCC32/opencv-3.2.0/3rdparty/include/opencl/1.2
    Use AMDFFT:                  NO
    Use AMDBLAS:                 NO

  Python 2:
    Interpreter:                 /usr/bin/python2.7 (ver 2.7.12)
    Libraries:                   /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (ver 2.7.12+)
    numpy:                       /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/numpy/core/include (ver 1.11.1rc1)
    packages path:               lib/python2.7/dist-packages

  Python 3:
    Interpreter:                 /usr/bin/python3 (ver 3.5.2)

  Python (for build):            /usr/bin/python2.7

    ant:                         NO
    JNI:                         NO
    Java wrappers:               NO
    Java tests:                  NO

  Matlab:                        Matlab not found or implicitly disabled

    Doxygen:                     NO

  Tests and samples:
    Tests:                       YES
    Performance tests:           YES
    C/C++ Examples:              NO

  Install path:                  /usr/local

  cvconfig.h is in:              /home/nick64/Downloads/OpenCC32/opencv-3.2.0/build

face detected:2
face detected:2
face detected:2
face detected:2
face detected:2
face detected:2
face detected:2
face detected:2
face detected:2
face detected:2
between time: 7685num threads: 3
face detected:2
face detected:2
face detected:2
face detected:2
face detected:2
face detected:2
face detected:2
face detected:2
face detected:2
face detected:2
between time: 16246num threads: 1
face detected:2
face detected:2
face detected:2
face detected:2
face detected:2
face detected:2
face detected:2
face detected:2
face detected:2
face detected:2
between time: 7324num threads: 3

Here first i use 3 thread, and it working in 7 second, next i set 0 thread, it use 1 thread for detection, next i again set 3 - but application work 15 second lik, if i use one thread, but getNumThread return value 3! All future sets this value is not take effect. If i set value 3,1,3 then it work fine, only setNumThread(0) produce it, and only in OpenCV 3.3 version.