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how to use VideoCapture::open to load a HEVC bitstream in memory

i have a HEVC bitstream in the memory, and i want to load all of frames inside the bitstream to a std::vector<cv::mat>.So i use VideoCapture to do that.

The problem is, VideoCapture::open (or constructor) only support get bitstream from a camera or file. So i have to save the bitstream to a temp file first, and then use VideoCapture::open(filename) to load it.

It works well, but i want to do it better. i want to load that bitstream from memory direct, i hate write temp file...

So... how to do that? (use VideoCapture to load a video from memory)

or if you have some other method to load all of the frames inside bitstream to a std::vector<cv::mat>, you can tell me too.

I'm appreciated.