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Issue setting up mapping3D modules from opencv_contrib and testing it with sample code.

I came across the mapping3D module in the opencv_contrib and am very interested in testing its functionality. I am having issues setting it up. I have stated below the steps I used. I hope someone can resolve my issue.

I setup OpenCV version 2.4.13 from sourceforge and followed the steps mentioned in the links: 1. 2.

The two points mentioned above works and I tested it with the source code given in the Test it! section of link 1.

For the part a of the project, I am trying to capture an image of a face or of a a land and convert it into a searchable landscape. This searchable landscape would be a 3D search space consisting of the coordinates (x, y, z). To accomplish this part, I am using OpenCV's module mapping3D which can be found on this link: 1.

To setup this module, I followed the steps mentioned in the link: 1.

I used the steps below the If you prefer using the gui version of cmake (cmake-gui), then, you can add opencv_contrib modules within opencv core by doing the following: ....

It generates an OpenCV sln file and that VS2012 solution contains all of the modules present in the opencv_contrib. When you execute step number 5. complete this OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH by the proper pathname to the <opencv_contrib>/modules....., you might want to let OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH have the value (path_to_your_OpenCVcontrib)/opencv_contrib/modules/mapping3d. Then I opened the OpenCV solution and build the mapping3D module and it worked.

Then I wanted to test with the sample code given by the developer of this module and have an issue with it. Sample Code Link:

I created a new VS2012 project and gave it the proper include directories and the linked it with the proper .lib files. But I have a error with the following line: Ptr<orb> pORB = ORB::create( 10000, 1.2, 1 );

I am not sure where the error is but I am totally confused now. Did I miss something in the setup steps?