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Strange assert in surf_gpu.cpp

I get very strange asserts in my code, changing the size of the input image.

        CV_Assert(img_rows - min_size >= 0);
        CV_Assert(img_cols - min_size >= 0);


        CV_Assert(layer_rows - 2 * min_margin > 0);
        CV_Assert(layer_cols - 2 * min_margin > 0);

Line 125 surf_gpu.cpp opencv 2.4.5

I decided to read the code and came across a black magic

Code (line 131):

const int min_margin = ((calcSize((surf_.nOctaves - 1), 2) >> 1) >> (surf_.nOctaves - 1)) + 1;

gives always 11


image description

this is bug or not?