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Why is stream from usb camera frozen?

I ran my example in Raspberry Pi 3 (Raspbian OS). I got frames from 2-3 cams. When running first, my example was ok. Then, sometimes, one of cams could not get frame. I think stream from usb camera freeze. Because it's ok when pulling out and plugging in

Why is stream from usb camera frozen?

I ran my example in Raspberry Pi 3 (Raspbian OS). I got frames from 2-3 cams. When running first, my example was ok. Then, sometimes, one of cams could not get frame. I think stream from usb camera freeze. Because it's ok when pulling out unplugging and plugging in

Why is stream from usb camera frozen?

I ran my example in Raspberry Pi 3 (Raspbian OS). I got frames from 2-3 cams. When running first, my example was ok. Then, sometimes, one of cams could not get frame. I think stream from usb camera freeze. Because it's ok when unplugging and plugging inin.

My code:

cam = cv2.VideoCapture(index)

// Set fps, width,height for cam

while True:

ret,frame =


rt = cam.grab()

ret, frame = cam.retrieve(rt)


I used multi-thread for getting image from 2-3 cams. Each thread for each cam.