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OpenCV Python face detection fails on image with high levels of background light

I am running a typical face detection using OpenCV's (python3) haarCascades, and it does not seem to recognize my input image, presumably because of high levels of background light. Is there any way to get around this, or any special pre-processing I can do? I have tried clahe, but that does not seem to work, and I also tried equalizeHistogram, which also did not work. What other methods can I use to process the image so that face detection will work as intended? This is the image I would like to detect

OpenCV Python face detection fails on image with high levels of background light

I am running a typical face detection using OpenCV's (python3) haarCascades, and it does not seem to recognize my input image, presumably because of high levels of background light. Is there any way to get around this, or any special pre-processing I can do? I have tried clahe, but that does not seem to work, and I also tried equalizeHistogram, which also did not work. What other methods can I use to process the image so that face detection will work as intended? This is the image I would like to detect

EDIT: it could also be a viable possibility that the glasses have something to do with it, as the top part of the glasses frames seems to obstruct the eyes of the subject... Could this also play a part in the failure of the face detection?