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Overlay multiple detections/effects in a single window/image

I'm starting out with OpenCV, and I'm writing a program to do a bunch of detection and recognition on real time (although only about 1fps) camera feeds and images (face detection & recognition, human detection, keypoint detection, keypoint matching, object detection & matching, etc.). At the moment, I've got each new "detection" popping up in it's own window, so face detection has it's own window, keypoint detection has it's own window, etc. I'd like to merge a few of these into a single window, if possible, using either highgui or Qt.

Overlay multiple detections/effects in a single window/image

I'm starting out with OpenCV, and I'm writing a program to do a bunch of detection and recognition on real time (although only about 1fps) camera feeds and images (face detection & recognition, human detection, keypoint detection, keypoint matching, object detection & matching, etc.). At the moment, I've got each new "detection" popping up in it's own window, so face detection has it's own window, keypoint detection has it's own window, etc. I'd like to merge a few of these into a single window, if possible, using either highgui or Qt.