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Convert old haarcascade file to new cascade calssifier format

I'd like to convert the sample haar cascade files that come with OpenCV into the new file format. (Note: I do not want to convert them into LBP cascades, just the new format.) The reason I want to do this is so I can pass them into the CascadeClassifier as strings in memory instead of having CascadeClassifier load them from disk. (The platform I'm working on does not give me access to the hard drive.) This is only supported with files in the new format. Any idea how I can do that? I thought about loading the old files into the classifier, then writing them out again but this appears to write them out in the old format again.

Convert old haarcascade file to new cascade calssifier classifier format

I'd like to convert the sample haar cascade files that come with OpenCV into the new file format. (Note: I do not want to convert them into LBP cascades, just the new format.) The reason I want to do this is so I can pass them into the CascadeClassifier as strings in memory instead of having CascadeClassifier load them from disk. (The platform I'm working on does not give me access to the hard drive.) This is only supported with files in the new format. Any idea how I can do that? I thought about loading the old files into the classifier, then writing them out again but this appears to write them out in the old format again.