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Color edges with Canny Algorithm

I'm using the Canny Edge Detector with the code from the example on opencv documentary (

There are edges with white pixel in the result, but also color pixel depending on the original image. Why isn't the result image not only a greyscale image? When are the color edges used and when are only white pixel given back. I understand the approach from the sobel operator and the following act of the canny algorithm. But I can explain why there are color lines in the result image. Could somebody help me out there?

Color edges with Canny Algorithm

I'm using the Canny Edge Detector with the code from the example on opencv documentary (

There are edges with white pixel in the result, but also color pixel depending on the original image. Why isn't the result image not only a greyscale image? When are the color edges used and when are only white pixel given back. I understand the approach from the sobel operator and the following act of the canny algorithm. But I can explain why there are color lines in the result image. Could somebody help me out there?

#include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

using namespace cv;

/// Global variables

Mat src, src_gray;
Mat dst, detected_edges;

int edgeThresh = 1;
int lowThreshold;
int const max_lowThreshold = 100;
int ratio = 3;
int kernel_size = 3;
char* window_name = "Edge Map";

 * @function CannyThreshold
 * @brief Trackbar callback - Canny thresholds input with a ratio 1:3
void CannyThreshold(int, void*)
  /// Reduce noise with a kernel 3x3
  blur( src_gray, detected_edges, Size(3,3) );

  /// Canny detector
  Canny( detected_edges, detected_edges, lowThreshold, lowThreshold*ratio, kernel_size );

  /// Using Canny's output as a mask, we display our result
  dst = Scalar::all(0);

  src.copyTo( dst, detected_edges);
  imshow( window_name, dst );

/** @function main */
int main( int argc, char** argv )
  /// Load an image
  src = imread( argv[1] );

  if( ! )
  { return -1; }

  /// Create a matrix of the same type and size as src (for dst)
  dst.create( src.size(), src.type() );

  /// Convert the image to grayscale
  cvtColor( src, src_gray, CV_BGR2GRAY );

  /// Create a window
  namedWindow( window_name, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );

  /// Create a Trackbar for user to enter threshold
  createTrackbar( "Min Threshold:", window_name, &lowThreshold, max_lowThreshold, CannyThreshold );

  /// Show the image
  CannyThreshold(0, 0);

  /// Wait until user exit program by pressing a key

  return 0;