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OpenCv Shared Files (.so) for arm64-v8a

Hello world,

I'm having an issue with my android app. I have an error asking for file “”. so I wanted to add it in the folder JNILibs/arm64-v8a after downloading version 3.1.0 here.

But the problem is that in the jar I have downloaded, there are only static files .a and not .so ... So it's not working when I add them to the folder :/

Could you please help me on that ?

click to hide/show revision 2

updated 2017-05-17 03:06:23 -0600

berak gravatar image

OpenCv Shared Files (.so) for arm64-v8a

Hello world,

I'm having an issue with my android app. I have an error asking for file “”. so I wanted to add it in the folder JNILibs/arm64-v8a after downloading version 3.1.0 here.

But the problem is that in the jar I have downloaded, there are only static files .a and not .so ... So it's not working when I add them to the folder :/

Could you please help me on that ?

OpenCv Shared Files (.so) for arm64-v8a

Hello world,

I'm having an issue with my android app. I have an error asking for file “”. so I wanted to add it in the folder JNILibs/arm64-v8a after downloading version 3.1.0 here.

But the problem is that in the jar I have downloaded, there are only static files .a and not .so ... So it's not working when I add them to the folder :/

Could you please help me on that ?

SOLUTION : I have only the 32 bit version of library files ".so". So what I did is to place this files in the subfolders "armeabi", "armeabi-v7a", "mips" and "x86" of the folder "JNILibs". Then I forced the usage of the 32 bit files by adding the ndk specification in the "build.graddle" app file as below.

    android {
       compileSdkVersion 24
       buildToolsVersion '25.0.2'

   defaultConfig {
      applicationId "com.sogeti.innovation.obcapture"
      minSdkVersion 19
      targetSdkVersion 22
      versionCode 1
      versionName "1.0"
      multiDexEnabled true
      jackOptions {
         enabled false
         additionalParameters("jack.incremental" : "true")

     ndk {
        abiFilters "armeabi", "armeabi-v7a", "x86", "mips"

Hope it can helps someone :)