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Installation of OpenCV with Libraries from the Source Files

I have already read the tutorial on the opencv webpage and it is just way too old and almost useless.

I want to build OpenCV with QT support using Visual Studio 2017.

(Why VS2017 you might ask, Microsoft is pushing out VS2017 now. The support for 2015 is limited and it does not ship with c++ compilers anymore and it is hard to set it up and working, and almost impossible to have it functional alongside VS2017)

So far I have tried:

  • OpenCV 3.2.0, QT 5.8 and VS 2017. QT5.8 can not be compiled, this is already reported to QT issue tracker
  • OpenCV 3.2.0, QT5.7.1 and VS 2017. QT compiles with some issues, cmake generates but the generated lib still generate errors in VS 2017

Does anyone know a solid combination of this three software that works together, basically VS2017, any version of OpenCV and QT?