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How to perform changes in both sub-image and original image ?

I have limited a region of interest in a binary image with a rectangle . I have convert this rectangle to a new matrix . now whenever I perform an operation in this matrix there is no change in the original image , but what I want is to have a change in the original image .

     // region of interest 
       Rect roi(maxloc.x,maxloc.y, m2.cols,m2.rows);
    //new matrix  
       Mat image_roi = m1(roi);
    //perform operations 
     imshow("image",m1);//there is no change in m2

How to perform changes in both sub-image and original image ?

I have limited a region of interest in a binary image with a rectangle . I have convert this rectangle to a new matrix . now whenever I perform an operation in this matrix there is no change in the original image , but what I want is to have a change in the original image .

     // region of interest 
       Rect roi(maxloc.x,maxloc.y, m2.cols,m2.rows);
    //new matrix  
       Mat image_roi = m1(roi);
    //perform operations 
     imshow("image",m1);//there is no change in m2

How to perform changes in both sub-image and original image ?

I have limited a region of interest in a binary image with a rectangle . I have convert this rectangle to a new matrix . now whenever I perform an operation in this matrix there is no change in the original image , but what I want is to have a change in the original image .

     // region of interest 
       Rect roi(maxloc.x,maxloc.y, m2.cols,m2.rows);
    //new matrix  
       Mat image_roi = m1(roi);
    //perform operations 
     imshow("image",m1);//there is no change in m1