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Is this matlab and opencv code the same for computing PCA?

I need to rewrite this matlab code using OpenCV. It's a simple PCA, but it's very useful because it implements the case where the number of data points is less than the number of dimensions (using the decomposition of the Gram matrix). This is the case if we want to implement dimensionality reduction for image representations in thousands of dimensions (e.g. VLAD codes), which is not present in cv::PCA (please if you know any alternative library where this is possible please let me know) .

The function arguments are:

  • x: the input data matrix
  • nPCs: the number of principal components that we want to keep
  • subtractMean: whether we want to compute the mean vector or not
  • U: the resulting rotation matrix
  • lams: the list of eigen values
  • mu: the mean vector
  • Utmu: simply U^T*mu

The most difficult part is that (as written in the code below) x is column-wise, while in OpenCV data are row-wise. I've rewritten the code in OpenCV considering x row-wise.

The original code:

%  [U, lams, mu, Utmu]= relja_PCA(x, nPCs, subtractMean)
%  Author: Relja Arandjelovic ([email protected])

function [U, lams, mu, Utmu]= relja_PCA(x, nPCs, subtractMean)
    % assumes x= ndims x nvectors
    % automatically decides if primal or dual should be used

    if nargin<3, subtractMean= true; end

    nPoints= size(x,2);
    nDims= size(x,1);
    if nargin<2, nPCs= nDims; end

    if subtractMean
        mu= mean(x,2);
        x= x - repmat(mu,1,size(x,2));
        mu= zeros([size(x,1),1], class(x));

    if nDims<=nPoints
        doDual= false;
        X2= double(x*x')/(nPoints-1);
        doDual= true;
        X2= double(x'*x)/(nPoints-1);

    if nPCs < size(X2,1)
        [U, L]= eigs(X2, nPCs);
        [U, L]= eig(X2);
    lams= diag(L);

    % make sure in decreasing size
    [lams, sortInd]= sort(lams,'descend');
    U= U(:,sortInd);

    if doDual
        U= x * ( U * diag(1./sqrt(max(lams,1e-9))) / sqrt(nPoints-1) );

    Utmu= U'*mu;


This is my code:

template <typename T>
void cc::relja_PCA(T &U, T &lams, T &mu, T &Utmu, T &x, size_t nPCs, bool substractMean){
    int nPoints = x.rows;
    int nDims = x.cols;

    if(nPCs <= 0)
        nPCs = x.rows;
        mu = cv::Mat(1, x.cols, x.type());
        for(int i=0; i<x.rows; i++)
            mu += x.row(i);
        mu /= x.rows;
        mu = cv::Mat::zeros(1, x.cols, x.type());

    bool doDual;
    T X2;
        doDual = false;
        cv::mulTransposed(x,X2, true); // x' * x , because row-major data
        doDual = true;
        cv::mulTransposed(x, X2, false);
    X2 /= nPoints-1;

    cv::eigen(X2, U, lams);
    //save only the first nPCs elements of L, which is already a vector
    if(nPCs>0 && nPCs<X2.cols)
        lams(cv::Range(0, nPCs), cv::Range(0, lams.cols)).copyTo(lams);
    //should check if eigenvalues/vector are already sorted in decreasing size

    if (doDual){
        double min;
        double max;
        cv::minMaxLoc(lams, &min, &max);
        max = max > 1e-9 ? max : 1e-9;
        U = x * (U * 1.0f/std::sqrt(max) / std::sqrt(nPoints-1) );

    Utmu = U.t() * mu;
