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How can I position (translate) a viz 3d object on a specific x,y screen coordinates?

The function may look like : but GetTheTransformationVectors = (Input viz 3d object,input x,y, input hight,input width,output tvec,output rvec)

I have tried to use converto3dray,but I could not make it. There is no example about converto3dray on Google, may be I should use OpenGL instead of VIZ ?

Thank you very much.

How can I position (translate) a viz 3d object (wmesh) on a specific x,y screen coordinates?

The function may look like : but GetTheTransformationVectors = (Input viz 3d object,input x,y, input hight,input width,output tvec,output rvec)

I have tried to use converto3dray,but I could not make it. There is no example about converto3dray on Google, may be I should use OpenGL instead of VIZ ?

Thank you very much.