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Writing a video from image sequence

I would like to know about how I can record a video taking an input frame by frame. I know that I can use the functionality offered by VideoWriter class, but I am constrained from using that class because of some unavoided reasons.

Thanks in advance.

Writing a video from image sequence

I would like to know about how I can record a video taking an input frame by frame. I know that I can use the functionality offered by VideoWriter class, but I am constrained from using that class because of some unavoided unavoidable reasons.

Thanks in advance.

Writing a video from image sequence

I would like to know about how I can record record(logic behind writing a video file) a video taking an input frame by frame. I know that I can use the functionality offered by VideoWriter class, but I am constrained from using that class because of some unavoidable reasons.

Thanks in advance.