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Train own HOG


how to train a HOG in openCV? As I understood it correctly, it's just, besides Haar and LBP, another algorithm that can be used for face detection (and recognitiion). I want to achieve the first, so only face detection. I got around 5000 positive samples and 3000 negative samples.

As I can't find any explanation of how to train a hog, how to generate a SVM and such, I thought I could ask some professionals in here, as the openCV docs is the worst documentation I ever met (I can't win any useable information from there doc, especially when it's about implementation docs like for Java).

So, the concrete questions are:

  1. What to do first after collecting positive and negative pictures?

  2. How to train the HOG? (What is required for training it, how to DO the training and how to save the results [for further training?!])

  3. How to use the HOG in Java?

I'd appreciate some answers :)

Last but not least: I know it's a pretty awkward place to ask, but: isn't there another, better (documented, more efficient, more explained, more intuitive) library for detecing and tracking faces (in Java or Python)?