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parallel processing in Windows

I developed an application with OpenCV on Linux, using TBB there to exploit the parallel capabilities of opencv (mostly: knnsearch in FLANN and SURF detection).

I then ported this application to Windows, but it's only using 25% of my quad-core there. I'm using the prebuilt openCV binaries. I read that since 2.4.3, these are compiled using the Concurrency Framework. Aren't SURF and FLANN "concurrency framework aware"?

I don't have a problem compiling from source using TBB if needed, but i'd like to know if this functionality should work outside the box.

parallel processing in Windows

I developed an application with OpenCV on Linux, using TBB there to exploit the parallel capabilities of opencv (mostly: knnsearch in FLANN and SURF detection). It uses 100% of my cpu when needed, as expected.

I then ported this application to Windows, but it's only using 25% of my quad-core there. I'm using the prebuilt openCV binaries. I read that since 2.4.3, these are compiled using the Concurrency Framework. Aren't SURF and FLANN "concurrency framework aware"?

I don't have a problem compiling from source using TBB if needed, but i'd like to know if this functionality should work outside the box.