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Disable multi core in parallel_for_ function

I want to deny OpenCV from run on multicore. I have built a version without (OpenCL,IPP,CUDA). However, any OpenCV function that contains parallel_for_ is working on parallel. How can I stop those function from multi cores and stick to only one core?

Note: I am using OpenCV 3.1 on MS Windows OS and Intel processor.

Disable multi core in parallel_for_ function

I want to deny OpenCV from run on multicore. I have built a version without (OpenCL,IPP,CUDAOpenCL, IPP, CUDA, TBB). However, any OpenCV function that contains parallel_for_ is working on parallel. How can I stop those function from multi cores and stick to only one core?

Note: I am using OpenCV 3.1 on MS Windows OS and Intel processor.