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OpenCV - Python Instalation

Hey there boys and girls!

I'm kind of new to programming business. I am trying to instal OpenCV-Python from source (via tutorial). At the moment i am stucked at point after 7d.(after i click finish). The error looks like this:image description(/upfiles/14767981729825897.png) . I'm trying to get this installed on a windows10. I've done every step from the tutorial.

Do you have any idea what would be wrong?

Thanks, Minu

click to hide/show revision 2

OpenCV - Python Instalation

Hey there boys and girls!

I'm kind of new to programming business. I am trying to instal OpenCV-Python from source (via tutorial). At the moment i am stucked at point after 7d.(after i click finish). The error looks like this:image description(/upfiles/14767981729825897.png) . I'm trying to get this installed on a windows10. I've done every step from the tutorial.

Do you have any idea what would be wrong?

Thanks, Minu