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How to encode a H264 video on Windows?


I am trying to encode a video using X264 encoder, but I keep getting "Could not find encoder for codec id 28: Encoder not found" error. I have tried installing VFW, but it didn't work.

I have tried CV_FOURCC('X', '2', '6', '4'), CV_FOURCC('H', '2', '6', '4') and CV_FOURCC('A', 'V', 'C', '1') all didn't work.

Tried to install VFW, didn't work too. I have "opencv_ffmpeg2413.dll" included in the same directory (Tried removing it after installing VFW.)

I am building using VC12.

How to encode a H264 video on Windows?


I am trying to encode a video using X264 encoder, but I keep getting "Could not find encoder for codec id 28: Encoder not found" error. I have tried installing VFW, but it didn't work.error.

I have tried CV_FOURCC('X', '2', '6', '4'), CV_FOURCC('H', '2', '6', '4') and CV_FOURCC('A', 'V', 'C', '1') all didn't work.

Tried to install VFW, didn't work too. I have "opencv_ffmpeg2413.dll" included in the same directory (Tried removing it after installing VFW.)

I am building using VC12.