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Looking for videoCapture functions code

Hello, I'm very new to OpenCV and I'm trying to find how some of these functions were actually implemented.
Take the videoCapture class for example. I can find all of the videoCapture functions easily here:

But I'm trying to find the actual code for these functions to see how they were implemented. Can anyone point me in the write direction?

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No.2 Revision

updated 2016-10-09 10:23:17 -0600

berak gravatar image

Looking for videoCapture functions code

Hello, I'm very new to OpenCV and I'm trying to find how some of these functions were actually implemented.
Take the videoCapture class for example. I can find all of the videoCapture functions easily here:

But I'm trying to find the actual code for these functions to see how they were implemented. Can anyone point me in the write right direction?

Looking for videoCapture functions code

Hello, I'm very new to OpenCV and I'm trying to find how some of these functions were actually implemented.
Take the videoCapture class for example. I can find all of the videoCapture functions easily here:

But I'm trying to find the actual code for these functions to see how they were implemented. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Edit: OS is Ubuntu