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Increasing performance of vision algorithm

I have a code which has to analyse around (64048020001000200) variables(image data,colour and depth) from an image, cas of which performance is lacking,since i'm new in multithreading(slipping during class period), by using multithreading can i increase the performance to such level where it will run smoothly?

Increasing performance of vision algorithm

I have a code which has to analyse around (64048020001000(640 * 480 * 2000 * 1000 * 200) variables(image data,colour and depth) from an image, cas of which performance is lacking,since i'm new in multithreading(slipping during class period), by using multithreading can i increase the performance to such level where it will run smoothly?

Increasing performance of vision algorithm

I have a code which has to analyse around (640 * 480 * 2000 * 1000 * 200) variables(image data,colour and depth) from an image, image in one process, cas of which performance is lacking,since i'm new in multithreading(slipping during class period), by using multithreading can i increase the performance to such level where it will run smoothly?