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There is a few delay to capture frames from IP camera

asked 2018-11-06 04:11:31 -0600

Sobhan gravatar image

I've a Dahua IP camera. I want to read frames from it. The connection string is: rtsp://user:pass@ip:554/live. I've found that rtsp use network caching. In VLC, there isn't any delay when I use ':rtsp-caching=1' or ':network-caching=1' but some frames are lost. Also, in web browsers, there isn't any delay. As I found, there are two solution to solve my problem: 1- using http protocol: but I can't find the http connection string!! 2- using rtsp with less caching size of protocol: but i can't find this parameters in OpenCV, OpenCVsharp or Emgu!!

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answered 2018-11-06 04:34:37 -0600

berak gravatar image

opencv's VideoCapture class does not provide this functionality.

if you need it, you'll have to interface ffmgeg/gstreamer directly.

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Dear berak, tank you for quick response. How can I do this?

Sobhan gravatar imageSobhan ( 2018-11-09 23:36:24 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2018-11-06 04:11:31 -0600

Seen: 528 times

Last updated: Nov 06 '18