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this is a plain threshold operation.

stop worrying, and throw away your loop in favor of wither:

Mat binary = fgmask > 120;

or :

Mat binary;
threshold(fgmask, binary, 120, 255, 0);

in other words, with opencv, the last thing on earth you should do is, write your own per-pixel loops, and then worry about optimizing that.

this is a plain threshold operation.

stop worrying, and throw away your loop in favor of wither:either:

Mat binary = fgmask > 120;

or :

Mat binary;
threshold(fgmask, binary, 120, 255, 0);

in other words, with opencv, the last thing on earth you should do is, write your own per-pixel loops, and then worry about optimizing that.

this is a plain threshold operation.

stop worrying, and throw away your loop in favor of either:

Mat binary = fgmask > 120;


or :

Mat binary;
threshold(fgmask, binary, 120, 255, 0);

in other words, with opencv, the last thing on earth you should do is, write your own per-pixel loops, and then worry about optimizing that.

this is a plain threshold operation.

stop worrying, and throw away your loop in favor of either:

Mat binary = fgmask > 120;

or :

Mat binary;
threshold(fgmask, binary, 120, 255, 0);

in other words, with opencv, the last thing on earth you should do is, write your own per-pixel loops, and then worry about optimizing that.that. doing so, you actively defeat opencv's built in parallelization.

this is a plain threshold operation.

stop worrying, and throw away your loop in favor of either:

Mat binary = fgmask > 120;

or :

Mat binary;
threshold(fgmask, binary, 120, 255, 0);

in other words, with opencv, the last thing on earth you should do is, write your own per-pixel loops, and then worry about optimizing that. doing so, you your current way actively defeat defeats opencv's built in builtin parallelization.