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I guess using opencv Stitcher class will help stitching multiple images:

vector<mat> images; images.push_back(imread("Set1/stretched1.jpg"));//Reading first image images.push_back(imread("Set1/stretched2.jpg"));//Reading second image Mat img;

Stitcher stitcher = Stitcher::createDefault(); Stitcher::Status stitcherStatus = stitcher.stitch(images, img);

imshow("First",img); images.clear(); images.push_back(img); images.push_back(imread("Set1/pic3 - Copy.jpg"));////Reading third image stitcherStatus = stitcher.stitch(images, img); imshow("Second",img)

In this way i tried to stitch 5 images, though it takes a lot of time. Is there any better way to do it for frames captured in video?