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Just a quick try.. RESULT

When in a frame the circle cannot be detected then the eye is blinking

Just a quick try.. RESULT

When in a frame the circle cannot be detected then the eye is blinking blinking.

What I've done in this test:

  1. Use GaussianBlur to smooth the image
  2. Threshold the image to keep only the darkest part, with THRESH_BINARY you can define a range of grey value to use as filter level
  3. Use HoughCircles to fit circle in the image. Since the pupil is the only circle-like part in your image you can define a min/max radius calue and get a unique circle
  4. Draw the result

Just a quick try.. RESULT

When in a frame the circle cannot be detected then the eye is blinking.

What I've done in this test:

  1. Use GaussianBlur to smooth the image
  2. Threshold the image to keep only the darkest part, with THRESH_BINARY you can define a range of grey value to use as filter level
  3. Use HoughCircles to fit circle in the image. Since the pupil is the only circle-like part in your image you can define a min/max radius calue value and get a unique circle
  4. Draw the result

Just a quick try.. RESULT

When in a frame the circle cannot be detected then the eye is blinking.

What I've done in this test:

  1. Use GaussianBlur to smooth the image
  2. Threshold the image to keep only the darkest part, with THRESH_BINARY you can define a range of grey value to use as filter level
  3. Use HoughCircles HoughCircles to fit circle in the image. Since the pupil is the only circle-like part in your image you can define a min/max radius value and get a unique circle
  4. Draw the result

Just a quick try.. RESULT

When in a frame the circle cannot be detected then the eye is blinking.

What I've done in this test:

  1. Use GaussianBlur to smooth the image
  2. Threshold Threshold the image to keep only the darkest part, with THRESH_BINARY you can define a range of grey value to use as filter level
  3. Use HoughCircles to fit circle in the image. Since the pupil is the only circle-like part in your image you can define a min/max radius value and get a unique circle
  4. Draw the result