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There are no more SVM::Params params in OpenCV 3.0.0. The structure of the ml module is now different (look here). You will need to use the new setters and getters to configure your parameters

There are no more SVM::Params params in OpenCV 3.0.0. The structure of the ml module is now different (look here). You will need to use the new setters and getters to configure your parametersparameters.

For example:

//In OpenCV 2.4.x
SVM::Params params;
params.C = 0.01;

//In OpenCV 3.0.0
SVM my_svm = SVM::create();

There are no more SVM::Params in OpenCV 3.0.0. The structure of the ml module is now different (look here). You will need to use the new setters and getters to configure your parameters.

For example:

//In OpenCV 2.4.x
SVM::Params params;
params.C = 0.01;

//In OpenCV 3.0.0
SVM Ptr<SVM> my_svm = SVM::create();