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that is opencv3, correct ?

that is opencv3, correct ?

if so, - easy answer - getCovs() does not have a CV_WRAP tagm, while predict2 has 2 of them... now, guess, what happenned ;)

that is opencv3, correct ?

if so, - easy answer - getCovs() does not have a CV_WRAP tagm, tag, while predict2predict2() has 2 of them... now, guess, what happenned happened ;)

that is opencv3, correct ?

if so, - easy answer - getCovs() does not have a CV_WRAP tag, while predict2() has 2 of them... now, guess, what happened ;)

ofc, the honour to fix it is yours, ytm. just tell me, if you don't feel like doing so, in that case i'll fo and make pr.

that is opencv3, correct ?

if so, - easy answer - getCovs() does not have a CV_WRAP tag, while predict2() has 2 of them... now, guess, what happened ;)

ofc, the honour to fix it is yours, ytm. now. just tell me, if you don't feel like doing so, in that case i'll fo go and make pr.