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Some things which come to my mind:

  • The easiest way is just to sample as you like, e.g. sample only every 10th point.

  • As you correctly pointed out, the response won't get associated and you can't get the mass (= the response) back from the descriptor since it is typically already l2-normalized. Thus, doing this implies that you modify the code such that it doesn't get normalized then you can compute the 'strength' of a descriptor by computing its l1-norm (= mass = response).

  • If you don't want to modify the code you could compute the 'strength' of a keypoint afterwards, e.g. by computing the entropy of the surrounding patch.

  • When you want to use the dense-descriptors for classification, you can make use of local pooling, e.g. for bag-of-words you can make use of max-pooling.