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haha, funny, working on this problem now :)) Try to use alghortihms for keypoint detection, I desidet to use FAST, because it's realy faster than SURF and SIFT and, with param that I choosed, working better than them. ( I'm using cv::FAST(img, keyPointsFast, 100, true); )

image description

then you can use clasterization, after clasterization you will have 3 type of classes : words and strings , text and ather objects

image description

after that you can use differense in dispersion on X and Y for words, and if you make histograms of numPoints in colom you will see that for texts it have pereodic structure image description

or, if FP not so bad for you, maybe you can try to use sliding window that cheks number of points and if it's greater then threshold than this is the text region :))

haha, funny, working on this problem now :)) Try to use alghortihms for keypoint detection, I desidet to use FAST, because it's realy faster than SURF and SIFT and, with param that I choosed, working better than them. ( I'm using cv::FAST(img, keyPointsFast, 100, true); )

image description

then you can use clasterization, after clasterization you will have 3 type of classes : words and strings , text and ather objects

image description

after that you can use differense in dispersion on X and Y for words, and if you make histograms of numPoints in colom you will see that for texts it have pereodic structure image description

or, if FP not so bad for you, maybe you can try to use sliding window that cheks number of points and if it's greater then threshold than this is the text region :))

hmm, try to do this for your picture, result is not so good :(( maybe, you can try another params image description

haha, funny, working on this problem now :)) Try to use alghortihms for keypoint detection, I desidet to use FAST, because it's realy faster than SURF and SIFT and, with param that I choosed, working better than them. ( I'm using cv::FAST(img, keyPointsFast, 100, true); )

image description

then you can use clasterization, after clasterization you will have 3 type of classes : words and strings , text and ather objects

image description

after that you can use differense in dispersion on X and Y for words, and if you make histograms of numPoints in colom you will see that for texts it have pereodic structure image description

or, if FP not so bad for you, maybe you can try to use sliding window that cheks number of points and if it's greater then threshold than this is the text region :))

hmm, try to do this for your picture, result is not so good :(( maybe, you can try another params image description

EDITED: haha, ups fogot to convert img to grayscale not so good like on my examples, because photo with peoples have a lot of small details

image description

haha, funny, working on this problem now :)) Try to use alghortihms for keypoint detection, I desidet to use FAST, because it's realy faster than SURF and SIFT and, with param that I choosed, working better than them. ( I'm using cv::FAST(img, keyPointsFast, 100, true); )

image description

then you can use clasterization, after clasterization you will have 3 type of classes : words and strings , text and ather objects

image description

after that you can use differense in dispersion on X and Y for words, and if you make histograms of numPoints in colom you will see that for texts it have pereodic structure image description

or, if FP not so bad for you, maybe you can try to use sliding window that cheks number of points and if it's greater then threshold than this is the text region :))

hmm, try to do this for your picture, result is not so good :(( maybe, you can try another params image description

EDITED: haha, ups fogot to convert img to grayscale grayscale :) work not so good like on my examples, because photo with peoples have a lot of small details

image description