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Hi! In 2.4 beta SURF and SIFT were moved to nonfree module, so nonfree.hpp have to be included now. They were also inherited from cv::Algorithm, so cv::initModule_nonfree() have to be called before using them to avoid the problem with SURF, SIFT algorithms registration. See how it's done eg. in descriptor_extractor_matcher.cpp sample.

Hi! In 2.4 beta SURF and SIFT were moved to nonfree module, so module to indicate possible legal issues of using those algorithms in user applications. So nonfree.hpp have has to be included now. They were also inherited from cv::Algorithm, so cv::initModule_nonfree() have has to be called before using them to avoid the problem with SURF, SIFT algorithms registration. See how it's done eg. in descriptor_extractor_matcher.cpp sample.

Hi! In 2.4 beta SURF and SIFT were moved to nonfree module to indicate possible legal issues of using those algorithms in user applications. So nonfree.hpp has to be included now. They were also inherited from cv::Algorithm, so cv::initModule_nonfree() has to be called before using them to avoid the problem with SURF, SIFT algorithms registration. See how it's done eg. in descriptor_extractor_matcher.cpp sample.

Hi! In 2.4 beta SURF and SIFT were moved to nonfree module to indicate possible legal issues of using those algorithms in user applications. So nonfree.hpp has to be included now. They were also inherited from cv::Algorithm, so cv::initModule_nonfree() has to be called before using them to avoid the problem with SURF, SIFT algorithms registration. See how it's done eg. in descriptor_extractor_matcher.cpp sample.

Hi! In 2.4 beta SURF and SIFT were moved to nonfree module to indicate possible legal issues of using those algorithms in user applications. So nonfree.hpp "opencv2/nonfree/nonfree.hpp" has to be included now. They were also inherited from cv::Algorithm, so cv::initModule_nonfree() has to be called before using them to avoid the problem with SURF, SIFT algorithms registration. See how it's done eg. in descriptor_extractor_matcher.cpp sample.