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I was having the same problem. My mistake:

Making OpenGL calls, for example like the one you posted: cv::ogl::Texture2D texture(img);

without first having an OpenGL context current on the calling thread. Because a texture2D needs to be created within a certain encapsulated context.

The OpenGL context can constructed either through the OpenCV provided HighGUI module, using namedWindow(<window_name>, WINDOW_OPENGL), which creates a new window and corresponding OpenGL context, and sets the context of that window active (look at setOpenGLContext(..) for switches between contexts of multiple namedWindows ) .

The context can also be created through 3rd party windowing / multimedia libraries (GLUT, OpenTK, SDL, GLFW, etc.) or full blown UI toolkits (Qt, wxWidgets) (see Whichever library you use to create the context, ensure that the context is made active (the library should provide a method for this) and all subsequent calls from the ogl:: namespace should work.