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The resulting disparity map has almost no definition

That confused me, too. The disparity map needs to be converted/scaled for 8-bit grayscale before it will have suitable contrast.

The resulting disparity map has almost no definition

That confused me, too. The disparity map needs to be converted/scaled for 8-bit grayscale before it will have suitable contrast.

Separately, a reprojection error of 4.0 is kind-of big. With about 50 input calibration images, I can get two non-synchronized webcams to a re-projection error of 0.7 or better. If using detect-checkerboards, it's important to reject or re-arrange points from images where the order of points is spatially different. Also, the checkerboard detector sometimes gets confused and switches rows on the checkerboard in some images; manual checking of each pair and only using "good" pairs helps.