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Alright, so I didn't get direct 10-bit video reading in OpenCV working per se, but I did get a complicated, "hacky" solution that worked well enough to test whether the extra bit depth going from 8-bit video to 10-bit video was helpful.

So here is what I did:

  1. Used FFMPEG to convert the (10-bit) video from a v210-encoded AVI file into a series of (16-bit) PNG image files, one image file for each frame of the video. Obviously, this takes a tremendous amount of hard drive space. The 10-bits in the original seems to have been stretched to the 16-bit (I assume by adding 6 zero bits of padding to the end).
  2. Read the 16-bit PNG files in sequentially and process them as if they were frames in a video. They actually get read in a CV_16UC3 images!

And that's how I did it. This solution is ugly, hacky, and slow, but it worked.
