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consistent usage of the c++ api will solve all yout problems:

 Mat Ca = Mat::zeros(7000, 10000, CV_32FC1);
 Mat Cb = Ca.reshape(1,7000);

that's it already. no manual allocation, no manual release required.

do yourself (and us) a favour, and get rid of the outdated c-api calls there

consistent usage of the c++ api will solve all yout your problems:

 Mat Ca = Mat::zeros(7000, 10000, CV_32FC1);
 Mat Cb = Ca.reshape(1,7000);

that's it already. no manual allocation, no manual release required.

do yourself (and us) a favour, and get rid of the outdated c-api calls there

consistent usage of the c++ api will solve all your problems:

 Mat Ca = Mat::zeros(7000, 10000, CV_32FC1);
 Mat Cb = Ca.reshape(1,7000);

that's it already. no manual allocation, no manual release required.

(also you don't need MatND anymore, its an alias for Mat)

do yourself (and us) a favour, and get rid of the outdated c-api calls there